“Under God”…


bible-over-flag-blog-pictureThe fight over “God in the pledge” in the Bay State isn’t surprising. Massachusetts has long been a bastion of Progressive thought. But it reminded me of the bigger fight over freedom of religion in this country. You see, the so-called “separation” of church and state has been “misrepresented” over time. Most folks haven’t even read the amendment or its supporting documentation, and therefore don’t understand the intent was actually to keep “state out of religion”, and not the other way around. Nevertheless, the “Lame Stream Media” has been highly effective in painting religion, more specifically Christianity, as the root of all evil. Our children are being indoctrinated and used as pawns in this political chess match, with many Washington politicians playing along. The cause of destroying our factual founding and creed is now job number one for the “Statists”. For it is only by way of re-writing that history that they will realize their dream of a truly accountability free zone.

As I indicated, it’s only fitting we engage the revisionists in Massachusetts. In fact, this particular battle may finally bring about a factual debate over this nations origins dating back 400 + years, as well as the real how and why “under God” came to be in the Pledge. But remember, Left Wing Ideologues will stop at nothing to keep that debate from happening. You see, the less “We the People” know, the better…

Live and let live is a worthy code, but it does not negate truth and reason… “Patriot64”

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Remember, "truth and reason" first...