“Rush” Bashing…


“Rush” bashing…

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh has certainly parlayed his Conservative viewpoint into a successful broadcasting career. One could measure that success by how Liberal’s foam at the mouth at the mere mention of his name. Personally, I’ve always framed the popular pundit in the context of his ratings, and any “talent on loan from God”. Many on the Left are so consumed by their disdain for Limbaugh the man, they totally miss the direct connection between their hatred of him and the unparalleled success of his famed EIB Network.

Ironically, some of those same folks invoke Rush’s name when criticizing me and expressing how pleased they would be at our collective demise. To that I would only say, Limbaugh has around 4 million listeners in any 15 minute rating slot, and an estimated core listenership of between 20 and 30 million, so he must be saying something “We the People” want to hear. Moreover there is clearly an entertainment value to his program lost on those whose motives are exclusively to quell any/all opinion but their own.

So, to the “haters” of the First Amendment who continually lump me in with Rush, I guess I’m fine with that…

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