It’s unlikely Obamacare will be de-funded. This reality is born of voter apathy and ignorance as well as an utterly confusing counter message from Republicans. “A house divided” comes to mind when I listen to recent statements coming from the “Grand Old Party”. Unfortunately it doesn’t change the fact the President’s defining achievement is doomed to fail.
You must understand this means nothing to Liberal Progressives as the blame will always lie elsewhere, and the cause of this nations posterity has never been and never will be an issue for them. But for those of us struggling to snatch American Exceptionalism from the jaws of 44’s ideological experiment, the cost is much higher. You see we hear a lot of talk about the top and bottom brackets these days, but not much about the middle. No, not the whiny “Obamafied and failing middle class”, but those of us who embrace the freedom to excel and improve absent the walls of quasi Socialism, or at least the opportunity to tee it up for our children.
In the end, Obamacare “the cause” overshadowed Obamacare “the debate”. Emotion and misinformation trumped truth and reason, and the payment plan will be heavy with a diminished level of care to be sure. Moreover, the irresponsible politics of division which framed (The “Affordable” Care Act) discussion, have doomed the law to the annals of crippling entitlements and all but condemned our children to a nation less than what was passed to us…