With only seventeen percent of government actually shut down, it’s hard to find the calamity Harry Reid and the Libs are speaking of. This is not to diminish the trials of those needing appropriate satisfaction, in terms of legitimate government services, who cannot get them. The problem I see is many folks in some of these polls just don’t understand what’s in play. Well, let’s take a look.
Federal government spending is up 25% in five years. As of September 2013, the national debt placed an approximately $139,000.00 share of that debt on every American family, which equates to about $53,000.00 for every living person in this country, 100% of GDP, and 526% of annual revenues. I would remind everyone this is on top of the slowest economic recovery in U.S. history, with well under 3% growth and the smallest labor participation rate in 40 years. To this obvious and dangerous financial instability, the President and Democrats in Congress have now added four + trillion dollars over the next twenty years with “Obamacare”.
In the end, much of the current situation is politically driven to be sure. The numbers however, cannot and must not be denied. This “shutdown” may be the perfect opportunity for our nation to step back and think about where we’re going. When “Mr.” Obama was campaigning for his current job, he spoke of how “irresponsible and un-patriotic” it was to continually raise the country’s debt limit. Our national debt was about nine trillion dollars at that time, (just five years ago)… I give you Barack Obama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydZTHPkOnvE