Politics trumps “We the People” once again, as we navigate the remainder of the Obama era – “error”. It seems now just in time for the next election(s), corporations and businesses will be allowed yet another reprieve, while individuals continue to be herded into the American healthcare systems eventual demise.
Why is it do you think, the President doesn’t even want to be around when the final curtain opens on his signature law? No, I mean really. Politics aside, think for yourself for a minute and use common sense.
Simply put, Mr. Obama understands completely what full implementation of Obamacare means, and he is more than comfortable with the ideological legacy which will surely be affixed to his name for the history books. He will in fact have fundamentally changed this nation as he intended. The question remains, what if anything may we do to clean up the generational mess this wholly unqualified academic leaves behind in 2016.