Indeed the number of executive orders issued by President Obama is less than those of the previous two presidents. However the number is not the issue, but rather it’s the ever broadening scope of the president’s executive actions which is troubling. You see he’s using his “pen and phone” to re-wright the very laws he’s sworn to faithfully execute.
In context, and when we look back at the origins of the executive order, we see the intent had no real constitutional foundation, but rather drew its authority from Article II and its description of the president’s “executive power”. The early 1900’s saw little mention of executive orders and it wasn’t until 1952 when President Truman’s attempt to place all steel mills in the U.S. under federal control was shot down by the SCOTUS that the process began to come under greater scrutiny.
The reality here is obvious though, for anyone of an objective mind. #44 has little if any respect for the document which thankfully sets this nation apart from the rest of the world, and his ilk will defend his trampling it to the bitter end. Nevertheless, interpretation can be a tricky word. This is why the United States Constitution is powerful by simplistic but implicit design, written in such a way so as to discourage ideological freedom haters from manipulating it for the sole purpose of changing or abolishing it. To be clear, the President of the United States has abandoned his oath of office, and many, (including me), have concluded he’s also broken the law. It’s hard to know however, if enough of “We the People” yet understand how damaging events such as these are to our beloved Republic, and if the prescribed remedies would make a difference.