Independence Day 2014…


Independence-DayOn this Independence Day 2014, I’m a bit reflective and wondering how those folks I watched take the citizenship oath on TV yesterday, feel about those other folks invading this country without opposition down on the Southern border. Politics aside, the simple truth of the matter is that the generational need to assimilate to the American culture is dying with the “greatest generation”. It has been replaced by a twisted and alternate-America if you will, created and nurtured by the revisionists who’ve been hiding in plain sight right here in our own American universities since the 60’s.

What can never be denied however, is that back in the late 18th century, a bloody war for American independence was fought with a simple maxim at its center, that being the idea that should the English colonists actually succeed in their efforts to shed the yoke of Georges tyranny, the resulting nation would have to be exclusive to anything else ever attempted in human history, a government of, by and for the people, period. The road has not been without the bumps one should expect on such a consequential journey, but the results are undeniably the greatest arrangement for mankind under God! An arrangement that once shined as a beacon of hope to those who would cross oceans to bask in its wealth of freedom and opportunity.

So as we take stock of a clearly wounded and flailing republic this 4th, let us as a people and culture, not ignore the simple cause of our trials. Make no mistake my fellow Americans, ignorance of true history will bring about consequences of a greater magnitude than anything we’ve seen. Moreover, depriving our children of a lesson in the exceptionalism of this country, and instead feeding them only a steady stream of ideological BS in order to indoctrinate instead of educate, is tantamount to robbing them of their greatest potential in this greatest of places.

Think about that…

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