The much bigger picture…


images6E4N8HN4In the broader sense, world history draws a detailed and obvious map should we of the 21st century choose to follow it. Much of the problem however comes when that history is shelved, revised, or otherwise ignored. In the more specific sense, we clearly see the birth of a new age of evil, one at least equal to and likely worse than anything human kind has witnessed. This does not and should not diminish any other abominable acts committed by humans against other humans throughout the ages, and often by the design of a misguided and murderous ideology. However the very evolution of the civilized world, as we know it to be influenced by those pesky “Commandments” brought down from Mt. Sinai, makes the slaughter of a bound and kneeling prisoner by a boy no more than 10 or 12 that much more grotesque and unconscionable.

Admittedly, I am a Christian who believes that no plans of mine shall alter those of God. With that said and in my humble opinion, there can be no greater “crime against humanity” than to stand by and allow pure evil to rob us of our most valuable possession, our children…

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