I suppose one could ask the question this election cycle: “Are we better off now than we were eight years ago”? These days, the answer you’d receive would likely depend the respondent’s ideological leanings.
Nevertheless, I would rephrase the question to include: And what kind of nation should we pass to our children, one in which the founding principles of life, liberty and the “pursuit” of happiness are non-negotiable, and where agreed upon maxims and laws providing that ALL lives matter (even those in the womb), >>>>>> or rather a Utopian dream world, where happiness is somehow provided for by an all-encompassing federal entity, emboldened and guided by a silent but very vocal and manipulative minority, seeking validation of a many times debunked and failed ideology?
You see my fellow Americans, that’s inevitably what this election comes down to. President Barack Obama has seen to that. We’ve finally come to that crossroad where we must make a choice, one which will surely affect generations to come. We must decide whether we want a nation founded in and strengthened by the courage of patriots and heroes, or one crippled by the entitlements and false promises of power-hungry elitists and demagogues.
Consequently, and in consideration of all that’s at stake, I submit the fundamental tenet, that when a person whose entire life has been lived outside the spirit of the American Dream, as well as unapologetically separate and apart from the same laws to which you and I are indeed bound under this republic, than at the very least, we should not consider that person to represent our children’s best interests during this “moment of reckoning”. Let’s start with that in November, shall we?