The Devaluation of Humanity…


I stood clear of the abortion debate when I was younger, as folks very close to me identified with the “choice” side of the argument and I elected not to engage them. I should’ve been more vocal about the truth. Nevertheless, I believe much of what is troubling our great nation has its roots in the perpetual devaluation of human life. When you couple modern media (and the press) with the factual aspects of what abortion actually is, it’s much easier to understand our current posture.

Now I agree there is an unfortunate political debate to be had regarding Roe V. Wade. That aside, the matter of “abortion up until birth” is really quite simple. No reasonable person can validate or otherwise legitimize the killing of a human baby, whether by way of surgical instrument or simple medical neglect. I’m sorry, but we will not relieve you of your God-given conscience by way of legislation or news media smoke and mirrors. Infanticide is self-explanatory and is a crime against humanity, period end. Moreover, when a political party or entity endorses or ignores the truth of such a horrific crime, they are complicit in the ruination of everything and anything good we have ever stood for in this country.


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