The Fight Ahead… (From 2016)


This is an interesting draft I came across while doing some site maintenance and prep work for the planned additions and expansions of my site. (Yes folks, the time has finally come). But as I read my own words from back in 2016, I couldn’t help but think about how important that election was, but also about how it was actually only the precursor for what will be, the “most pivotal” election, not in the “last 100 years”, but in the history of this great republic. So read on and tell me what you think of my foresight.



My apologies to my faithful band of Patriots, however I’m still in the throes of re-locating and the task has been daunting. Nevertheless, I’ve been watching and listening to the back and forth on the right over establishment vs. outsider. And what is abundantly clear, to me anyway, are the numbers. Folks are coming out in unprecedented waves from both parties to vote for Donald Trump in a way that we’ve simply never seen before. Despite blistering attacks from every direction, and a Republican primary campaign more bloody than the last Rambo movie, the billionaire investor/real-estate tycoon appears to have been cast in the role of “presumptive nominee” out of 17 originally auditioning.

On the Democrat side, there is a very obvious disdain for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the train load of political baggage she brings to the station. Add that to her less than amiable personality and the Obama disenfranchised, bring in a Socialist old coot with a sack full of empty and unrealistic promises for the entitled and don’t know any better millennials, and it appears the Dem’s have their own set of (2016 Presidential Election) issues.

Now I’m more of a big picture guy, so here’s my take going forward to the general. The silent majority have had it with political “correctness”, and the psychobabble being shoved down their throats on a daily basis by the left wing press. They are seeing the light and fearing for the children’s future, and it’s about damn time! Sadly for Clinton, this group includes many so-called independents who crossed over at the coffee house for the “mixed race” candidate because they thought they’d be viewed as somehow more tolerant as well as the aforementioned “politically correct”, and who are now sorely regretting that action. On the other hand, Mr. Trump should know, that while he has been playing to the “primary crowd” of late, general elections are much more problematic in terms of verbal and personal assaults, two tactics that tend to work much better for the Libs.

Anyway, and in the most simplistic of terms, this election will likely be the most pivotal in the last 100 years. It will also be a complete and total reflection of the will and mindset of the American people in 2016. Therefore, my prediction is bracketed on either side by both my faith in the Founders efforts, and my lack of it in the free people of my country in the 21st Century. Ultimately, our children’s future hangs in the balance.

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One Response to The Fight Ahead… (From 2016)

Remember, "truth and reason" first...