Band of Brothers…


The story of Easy Company is just one of many that reminds us of the great cost associated with the freedom we enjoy today. And I would add, that with the passing of the “Greatest Generation”, the actual experiences and voices from the battlefield which tell the real story have gone silent. Regrettably, that void if you will, is now being filled with the voices of hate, discontent and revisionism, which are slowly but surely eating away at the very tenets of our free republic. If left unchecked, this cancer will destroy what so many fought and died for on fields of honor all across this globe. From the sands of the Middle East, to the beaches of Normandy and Iwojima, to Korea and Vietnam, and all the way back to a battered band of patriots who surprised 1500 Hessian mercenaries in Trenton, New Jersey on Christmas in 1776, and even when brother stood against brother at Gettysburg for human freedom, men and woman of the United States Military have made the ultimate sacrifice.

You see, Memorial Day weekend is not just a time for getting together with friends and family over burgers and beer, but rather remembering our compatriots who suited up, went in our stead, and returned under our nation’s flag. These men and women literally gave all of their tomorrows for our today, and we mustn’t ever forget that. For when we do, and when we are complacent in our duty to fill in for those no longer here, and tell our posterity of their sacrifices and the reasons behind them, we become party to the indoctrination and ignorance we’re now seeing at our so-called “institutions of higher learning”. But that’s a debate for another time.

But for this weekend, take a quiet moment with folks around you and remember those who answered the call and gave their last full measure. Remember their families and consider the loss they must feel as well. If you are in a position to, reach out to them. Invite them to the cookout. Or simply ring them up and let them know they are in your thought and prayers. Also remember those currently serving. For theirs is a reality most of us will never truly understand.

Be well and safe my friends, and God Bless the United States Military and their families on this Memorial Day 2024…

John 15:13 – Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 

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Remember, "truth and reason" first...