Kangaroo Court…


I know I’ve been writing a lot about this so-called trial in Manhattan these days, but I can’t stress enough, the gravity and consequences associated with Alvin Bragg’s political campaign against the 45th President of the United States. The jury deciding the case are charged with a responsibility I believe they cannot fully understand. Hanging in the balance is the future integrity of an entire branch of government. For if the powers that be can weaponize the judicial system, lay waste to our Constitution and equal justice under law, and persecute a very wealthy businessman like Donald Trump, what do you believe they might do to the likes of you and I? Be very careful how you answer that question. Do not ignore the facts in this case and what led to it. And do not allow your better judgement to be compromised by a media driven, inexplicable but nevertheless deep seated hatred for a man you don’t even really know.

Fact: When the Founders went behind closed doors to write one of the most consequential documents in all human time, their intention was not to restrain “We the People”, but rather the new government they were forming. These men had just led a rag tag band of patriots through a bloody struggle against tyranny, and knew full well the cost of complacency and appeasement when it comes to liberty and freedom. So as we see the judge in this case, Juan Merchan, make a mockery of our legal system in front of the entire world, I am truly fearful of the end result.

Make no mistake my fellow Americans, this is no ordinary abuse of power, if there is such a thing. This is an abuse of our entire system of checks and balances in this country. Merchan has not only tipped the scales of justice against a free citizen of these United States, he has literally compromised and made much more difficult any possible resurrection of the presumption of innocence within the American legal system. You see, these types of assaults on our liberties have a way of spreading. And history tells us, that like any serious disease left untreated, they can be fatal.

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