Monthly Archives: June 2024

No standing eight count needed…

I’m just not sure how anyone could have watched last night’s debate and come away with the decision to vote for Joe Biden. Clearly, that vote would be an anti-Trump vote and nothing more. And it would also support my … Continue reading

Posted in "Patriot64", Abortion, America, Constitutionality, Crime, Economy, Election 2024, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Israel, Media, Middle East, President Donald J. Trump, Right vs. Left, SCOTUS, Terrorism, The Border, The United States, Womens Issues | Leave a comment

“Inclusion” and the modern HOA…

The whole DEI woke culture model has crept into just about every aspect of our lives these days, sometimes with less than desirable consequences, and home owners associations, “HOA”, are not exempt. So today I’m going to write about the … Continue reading

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Civil Rights, Constitutionality, Election 2024, Fred Comella, History, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, TDS!, The Press, The United States, WOKE | Leave a comment

Can we keep it???

With less than 150 days until the 2024 Elections, It’s hard for me to articulate how important this cycle actually is. I suppose I could start with the electorate as a whole. You see, I’ve been around a bit and … Continue reading

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Education, Election 2024, Fred Comella, History, Media, Right vs. Left | Leave a comment


I read an article this morning in “The Times of Israel” (TOI) which spoke of a potential new international classification for the victims of the October 7th massacre, and it made me think… So in spite of the deafening cries … Continue reading

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Election 2024, Faith, Foreign Policy, God and Country, Islamo-Fascist, Israel, Middle East, Military, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The United States, WOKE | Leave a comment