Damn the Constitution, full speed ahead…


So it turns out the real threat to democracy is democrats. Who knew? Well, actually every clear thinking person…

Now while the old man with cognitive issues is out, there are still lots of questions. Why did so many folks behind the curtain lie about what great shape Biden was in? Why did the mainstream press go along for the ride? Why did the president’s doctors lie to the American people about his health? And how in the world does Barack Obama and the leftist party elite get to subvert the will of millions of democrat voters who selected Joe Biden as their candidate for president in 2024? Seems as though there are a whole bunch of Constitutional issues here. This entire nightmare begs the question, why is it the democrat party can basically break every rule in the book and spit on our Constitution, all while using the talking head propaganda press to frame Donald Trump for it?

I’m no Biden fan. However, what happened here is as crooked as his crackhead kid. For all intents and purposes, Big Bad Barack Obama, Fancy Nancy Pelosi and Chuckles Schumer looked at their internal polling and discovered Biden was gonna get clobbered in November, and decided they needed to step in and nullify the entire primary process, as well as disenfranchise all fourteen million democrat voters who participated. Now that’s some serious deep state power if you ask me, and it must recognized for what it is, a clear and present danger to democracy and this representative republic under law.

We are in uncharted waters my friends. I knew this year would be impactful, but I truly wasn’t expecting such chaos. This wanton disregard for the country’s most basic but critically important Constitutional tenets will sink America into the depths of political and ideological hell, wounding us on the international stage, and destroying any notion that the United States continues to be a beacon of liberty and freedom to the rest of the world.

In the end, if “We the People” cannot participate in a free and fair election process, all else is for not. At the very least, If any dirtbag from another country who snuck across our borders can show up at a polling station with zero identification and cast a ballot in a national election, and at the very worst, if a sinister deep state political hack, along with his complicit fan club can pull the plug on a presidential candidate because he’s polling poorly, well then, it’s over. The Founders understood this. They understood the power of elections in a representative state where people could choose their nation’s destiny, and/or change/correct it every two/four years. It’s a safeguard against the very tyranny the democrats claim to fear but actually more closely resemble.

The road ahead will be bumpy to be sure. No matter who wins in November our republic will know unrest the likes of which we haven’t seen since the 1960’s and worse. I’ll leave you today with some words from Samuel Adams, fitting of the times, and for you to ponder.

 “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks”.

“We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood”.

This entry was posted in "Patriot64", Election 2024, President Donald J. Trump, President Joe Biden, President Obama. Bookmark the permalink.

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