Not Presidential Material…


In April of 2004, gang member David Hill shot SFPD Officer Isaac Espinoza and his partner with an AK-47 as they tried to apprehend him. While his partner suffered an injury to his foot, Officer Espinoza, a husband and father, died of his injuries less than an hour later. The shooting stunned the community, and folks from all walks demanded justice for the officer’s family. What they received instead was a political slap in the face from San Francisco’s newly elected District Attorney Kamala Harris, who not three days after Espinoza’s murder, spoke at a news conference announcing David Hill’s capture. However, that wouldn’t be all she had to say as a grieving family and police department listened in. Harris seized the opportunity to remind her supporters, (and a reeling community), that she would honor her campaign commitment not to seek the death penalty against murderers like Hill, or any qualifying case she brought before the court.

Rage came instantly and from all directions, with even Democrats like then Mayor Gavin Newsom, and United States Senator Diane Feinstein, condemning her decision and her timing. Feinstein even received a standing ovation from police officers at Espinoza’s massive memorial service when she lamented the decision not seek the death penalty in so grievous a case, saying “This is not only the definition of tragedy, it’s the special circumstance called for by the death penalty law,”. Adding insult to injury, Harris didn’t even have the sensibilities or compassion to reach out to Espinoza’s high school sweetheart and now widow, Renata, with condolences or offers of support for her wounded family.

I write today in order to help you make an informed decision in November’s presidential contest. You see, the propaganda “news” media will do their level best to paint a picture of a caring, qualified, and unifying figure in the person of Kamala Harris, when nothing could be further from the truth. She is a skilled political opportunist with limited experience and purely self-serving intent. This will be brought to light over the next 90 days to be sure. And believe me, I will do my part to help.

God please continue to bless and look after Detective Espinoza’s family and colleagues, as well as all LEO’s across this nation.

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One Response to Not Presidential Material…

Remember, "truth and reason" first...