Shades of Biden… (Harris might be an even bigger liar than 46).


One would have to work real hard to find a bigger Harris fan than Oprah Winfrey! Nevertheless, the former queen of daytime TV served up one of the most disgusting, political-sycophant style town halls the other night, with her “Unite for America Rally”. It was absolutely nauseating. Complete with its cast of Hollywood elitist guests, like Chris Rock and Meryl Streep, (who incidentally only reminded common sense viewers how much they struggle to stay ahead every month), the puff interview was an embarrassment, and only reinforced the media’s reputation as the propaganda arm of the DNC.

With that said, there was one moment that will certainly get some airplay leading up to 11/5. When a question about gun control came up, the VP went way off script and blurted out, “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” to which Oprah quickly and nervously replied, “Yes, yes, I hear that, I hear that”. Harris must have realized she’d just gone completely Joe Biden and added, “Probably should not have said that”,” as everyone laughed. “But my staff will deal with it later.” WOW! Could it be she’s as dumb as he is? Newsflash! She’s dumb as a rock… LOL!

The moral of the story folks, is that these people mean to rule you. But those same rules will never apply to them. And in this case, I’ll end with a little tidbit from the Harris files…

We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs,Kamala Harris, CA District Attorney, 2007.

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