The clock is ticking for America…


So as a rule, vice presidential debates don’t usually move the needle much, and I’d say last night falls in that category. This has always been a bit of a problem for me, as one of those two guys on that stage will literally be a heartbeat away from the presidency for the next four years. I just think folks ought to pay a little closer attention to the VP candidates. With that said, I do have a couple of observations about the debate.

Tim Walz is clearly a nervous guy, who while he seemed to have a grasp on the issues, (albeit his and Kamala’s take on those issues), his delivery reflected someone unsure of himself or his presentation. We see this in folks who are selling something they know is less than what is needed. In terms of the actual issues like abortion and the illegal immigration, he spewed the usual leftist lines which basically amount to murdering the unborn and wide open borders. I truly didn’t expect anything new, anyway.

JD Vance on the other hand projected a pillar of strength and stability while spelling out the different approaches of Trump and Harris. At one point he even “fact checked” the propaganda moderators, O’Donnell and Brennan on Haitian immigrants in Ohio, only to have the two so-called “journalists” cut his mic in the face of some basic truth and facts. I mean, the condescension from the CBS crew was palpable, even through the flat screen. You might have thought they’d learned a thing or two from the presidential debates. The reality however, is there is no more filter. The “legacy media’s” cover is blown and they don’t even care any longer.

So while this debate is unlikely to change any minds with a month left until Election Day, it’s worth noting that the contrast of visions for the country is glaring. One is decidedly pro-America and focuses on America first and then the world, the other is as decidedly “new world order” and the U.S. as a republic in name only. One believes that respect for human life at conception is the foundation for all other consideration(s), and that absent this most basic “human right”, all else is for not. The other believes murdering the unborn absolves mothers and fathers of their solemn responsibility to the first of those “unalienable rights”. One believes that a nation without borders is no nation at all. The other believes diluting and manipulating the population with endless entitlements will tip the scales of power in their favor forever. One believes you know better how to spend and invest your money for the future of your family than the government does. The other believes a group of unelected bureaucrats positioned within an overreaching federal entity must exist in order to save you from yourself.

And finally, one believes the Founders were brilliant and tested men with extraordinary hindsight/foresight, who understood their struggles with great clarity, and could see the very conundrums we face today as lethal to the liberty and freedom which defines “We the People” and this republic. The other have adopted the antithesis of those very tenets this nation was founded on, and have chosen instead to cancel American exceptionalism and re-write the entire playbook to suit their twisted and frightening notion of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

So I guess what I’m saying, is the choice could not be more clear. Put on your big boy/big girl undies and vote to save this republic, thus saving your children’s future. Or, sign on to the destruction your children’s future currently underway right before your very eyes.

Choose wisely…

This entry was posted in "Patriot64", Abortion, America, Fred Comella, God and Country, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Joe Biden, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, Vice President Kamala Harris, WOKE. Bookmark the permalink.

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