She’s an absolute train wreck…


You’ve probably noticed I haven’t been posting much of late. Truth be told, my email inbox has been overflowing with the pontifications and vitriolic ramblings of hundreds of leftist nut jobs, (my fan club, as I like to call them), professing their never ending hate for DJT, (and me, LOL), as well as all things “MAGA”. Consequently, I’ve been busy giving them migraines and making them soil themselves by bringing the undeniable truths of the Biden/Harris Administration to their inboxes, augmented by the very real possibility Donald Trump may be the 47th President of The United States. Needless to say, this has kept me pretty busy. Additionally, I’m finally getting around to adjusting my on-line profile/presence to look less personal and more professional. This will mean far less Facebook and much more X. And y’all will see this unfolding soon.

Notwithstanding my whining about nothing, compared with the great suffering going on from Central Florida to North Carolina, I did catch the on-line re-broadcast of Bret Baier crawling under Kamala Harris’s skin like a burrowing deer tick. And I must admit, Bret surprised me as he systematically dismantled the VP’s rehearsed talking points like a boss. Not to mention, she gave the Trump camp about a half dozen campaign ads in an abbreviated time-frame of just 20 minutes, as VP Harris was trying mightily to handicap Baier while sneaking in her pointless word salads at every possible juncture.

Ultimately, it wasn’t hard to see why Harris’s handlers don’t want her out there. Damn, they were waving their arms like Laguardia runway attendants when a jet’s nose wheel is off the white line. Putting the brakes on Bret’s probing questions was obviously a priority by that point. Folks, this is an unintelligent woman who has little to no understanding of the issues, and see’s the world through ideological eyes only. She has absolutely no business being promoted to the Oval Office.

For Trump’s part recently, he was Trump, at a town hall meeting with all women. He even managed a few compliments for the Vice President, while she looked like a deer in the headlights when asked if she had anything good to say about DJT at another event. I have said this before and will say it again, these people are a reflection of everything they claim to abhor. They are the fascists! They are racists! They are the hateful, full of expletives and violent rhetoric, communists. End of story!

Now I will write a bit more before these 18 days run up to the most important election in the history of this republic. However I believe the message is quite clear. If you want more of this nightmare, and to see this republic laid waste once and for all, then vote for Kamala Harris. But if you truly want to “Make America Great Again”, for your children and grandchildren, and to reestablish these United States as that “shining city on a hill”, vote for Donald J. Trump on November 5th 2024.

This entry was posted in Election 2024, Fred Comella, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris. Bookmark the permalink.

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