The Brilliance of Trump…


I have to be honest, I believe it’s President Trump’s intellect that really scares the left. You see, all the left has are gloom and doom, punctuated by a plethora of social anomalies that simply defy any reason and/or common sense. So when POTUS was speaking at a press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday and mentioned how Gaza was unsafe and had to be rebuilt, (by the U.S.), it really caught them off guard.

In reality, the Gaza Strip as it’s known, has been reduced to a giant pile of smoldering ruble by the IDF, and is basically uninhabitable. Now with this in mind, and seeing things through a builder/developers eyes as opposed to a politicians, Trump understands what the naysayers don’t. And that is, the fastest and most effective way to change a cultural dynamic, is not just to throw soldiers, money and a foreign ideology at folks, in the hopes they won’t be influenced by groups with obviously nefarious intent, but rather to build up, reinforce and augment their communities with a proper infrastructure and an economy which affords all a chance to better themselves and their families, in the present and for the future.

Let’s face it my fellow patriots, rouge nations and the terrorism often birthed within their borders, are the products of economic strife and a populous devoid of hope. People in these corners of the world, are conditioned to hate rather than build. Dictators and despots thrive in these environments, as they play on the fears of those they mean to rule. Trump the business man on the other hand, believes that when you open the eyes of a people to the good, peace and prosperity of freedom and capitalism, they will natural go to that light.

For this reason, I pray the surrounding nations will see and understand Trump’s vision for Gaza. And maybe, just maybe, hate and violence will be replaced with the hope of peace in the Middle East. Think about it, we’ve been living the alternative now, since 1949.

Oh, and there’s this. The amount of money and overseas job opportunities for America would likely be off the charts…


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