Well if you’ve been waiting for the fight of the century as I’ve been, you’re likely not disappointed. Friends, we are witnessing a draining of the political swamp in DC and across this great republic, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. President Donald Trump is seizing a moment in history, when the planets seemed to have aligned and provided him an opportunity to pull back the curtain on the most egregious and despicable abuses of power “We the People” could ever have imagined.
And how do we know this, you ask? Well just listen to the voices opposing him. Like angry hornets when their nest is disturbed, democrats are behaving like a frothing bunch of reprobates who simply cannot bear the thought of relinquishing that which they’ve stolen from you over the course of the last 80 or so years. Rampant and reckless spending, as well as systematic and purposeful abuses of all facets of government, to include the very mechanisms of equal justice which set the United States of America apart from every other nation on planet earth.
So as I’ve been telling y’all for the last couple of years, winning the Presidential Election would only be the beginning of a very long and difficult struggle. And while DJT’s decisive mandate has set the stage for revival in America, the forces of evil, (the democrat party), will not go quietly. The once proud party of JFK is now totally under the control of woke leftists, avowed socialists, and communists, who mean to “fundamentally change” this country into something no free American would ever recognize. They will lie, cheat, steal, and break any law necessary to defend their greed and acquired positions of power. They will blur Constitutional lines, twist and bend statutory law, overstep traditional bounds, manipulate separation of powers, and just plain lie through their teeth to achieve their goals. We are most certainly living in “the times that try men’s souls”, my friends. And I fear that we may yet have to face and even fight this evil on some personal level. The proverbial lines are being drawn to be sure. So stand with President Trump and his team, fellow patriots! Call you representatives and senators today and tell them as much! Defend our country from those who so obviously mean to destroy it. God Bless you all as we move forward with making America great again…