So this “Some headlines of the day, and my thoughts… ” thing has been working well on some of my other platforms, so I’m gonna give it a whirl on the main site and X and see how it goes. Oh, and your critique is always appreciated.
February 28, 2025:
So a lib Texas Judge is low-balling bond for cop killers, even in the face of capital murder charges. Judge Hilary Unger, (Harris County District 248), apparently doesn’t believe brutally murdering a police officer merits a no bond status. Ironically, these socialist/criminal sympathizers would be screaming from the rooftops if it were their family member. Shame on her…!
So Europe’s top diplomats are concerned about President Donald Trump’s efforts to end the bloodbath in Ukraine. Mind you these are the same fools who are perfectly content to sit on the sidelines while islamists are raping their women and infiltrating their respective governments. Go figure…
So when you open a nations borders to individuals from other nations with less than adequate vaccination protocols and requirements, Measles and other diseases long since stifled in the U.S. will in fact rear their ugly heads, and yes, take young lives…
So it appears, at least for the moment, that airlines are cracking down on “gate lice”, and “seat squatters”. As I see it, this is a simple matter of stealing something I paid for. There is no debate or discussion. Get out of my seat, jackass!
Question: So why hasn’t anyone put the shootist, Alec Baldwin flat on his backside yet? Let’s face it friends, the man beat the wrap in a situation that would have likely sent you or I away for a stretch in the local hoosegow, and yet he continues to be a punk a** antagonist to the public at large, and most certainly will continue in that role. The man is a jacka**…
And finally today, So I’m loving Vice President JD Vance and his (in your face) defense of real free speech, here in the United States and around the globe. Even as communist leaders like Britain’s PM Keir Starmertry dance around their obvious pandering to islamists for votes in their own countries, Vance simply isn’t having any of it. And he’s calling out the similarities to propaganda outlets in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia in the early to mid 20th Century.
“So” lets try this again, soon…