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“One nation under God” The Patriot Pastor…
The Mayflower Compact
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—–
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
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Patriot64 Headlines…
- “So”, here’s some headlines of the day and my thoughts… 2025-02-28
- Fight of the Century… 2025-02-11
- The Brilliance of Trump… 2025-02-05
- Tariff’s and more tariffs… 2025-02-03
- Common Sense Is Back… 2025-01-14
What folks are talking about…
- Anonymous on She’s an absolute train wreck…
- Anonymous on Not Presidential Material…
- Anonymous on Defining Moment…
- Fred Comella on TDS is endangering our country, literally…
- Steve Demers Sr on TDS is endangering our country, literally…
- February 2025
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Good Reading
- NASCAR National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing… 0
- "Rush" Talent on loan from God… And now my hero is with his Savior… 0
- Imprimis What your kids should be learning in higher education… 0
- The "Patriot Pastor" A man who knows the truth, and speaks it… 0
- George Washington's Mount Vernon An absolute must see for all ages. 10
- The Heritage Foundation Conservative Policy Research… 0
- Mark Levin The Great One… 0
- FOP Fraternal Order of Police 0
Must See History
- Imprimis What your kids should be learning in higher education… 0
- George Washington's Mount Vernon An absolute must see for all ages. 10
Real News
- Imprimis What your kids should be learning in higher education… 0
Shop Conservative businesses
- Country Babies USA The Finest Americana Crafts… 0
Worthy causes
- Wounded Warrior Project So important… Please donate today! 0
- Gold Star Moms Honor those who have honored us… 0
- Tunnel to Towers Help for our heroes and those they left behind. 10
The Original Blog…
- Worth Fighting For… 2019-11-10Our nation has come to many crossroads in the time since revolution. And from then until now, brave men and women have gone in harm’s way in our stead in order to preserve those unalienable rights, being “life, liberty and … Continue reading →patriot64
- Directions to “Truth and Reason First”… 2018-12-04Hello friends! Whether intentional or not, you’ve landed on the blog page. Please feel free to browse the content, but in order to get my latest and greatest you’ll have to move over to of . We haven’t … Continue reading →patriot64
- The new site is here..! 2013-07-10Fellow Patriots, We are rolling out the new web site today so future posts will now be added at the new address,, with the blog remaining open as an archive for the foreseeable future. All appears to be as … Continue reading →patriot64
- Living the numbers… 2013-07-06Richard Clark, owner of Supreme Janitorial Services in Jacksonville was speaking on one of the weekend news programs Saturday, and described his company as the “proverbial poster child” for the impending disaster that is “Obamacare”. A typical small business owner … Continue reading →patriot64
- So much for the “Obama Spring”… 2013-07-05Economics drive politics to be sure, and while the Islamic movement remains a political force in Egypt, matters of the wallet and pocket-book will always rule the day. The Egyptian culture is as diverse as any, and they are a proud … Continue reading →patriot64
- The Declaration of Independence… 2013-07-04The Declaration of Independence [yframe url=’’]patriot64
- Independence Day 2013… 2013-07-03Every July I write a lot about the birth of this great nation. As part of that discussion this year I posted a story on Facebook and Twitter about “Lady Gaga” and how she elected to “modify” our National Anthem … Continue reading →patriot64
- Snarky POTUS… 2013-06-29Despite what the diehards on MSNBC and CNN would have you believe, the President’s poll numbers are dropping. No longer hovering around the 49 percent approval rating, they have now begun a marching decline, with the last RCP average at … Continue reading →patriot64
- “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7) 2013-06-28It’s hard to get past today’s headlines and not ask when will the sins of a nation be forgiven. Factually speaking, “We the People” of the United States have done more to address the injustice of racism while promoting human equality … Continue reading →patriot64
- POTUS knows best… 2013-06-25The science of “climate change” is debatable at best, and while curbing pollution should be an objective of any civilized nation, it mustn’t come solely at the expense of the economic stability necessary to pay for it. I am not writing today to debate … Continue reading →patriot64
- Worth Fighting For… 2019-11-10
“The Ten Cannots”
1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. 2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. 3. You cannot help little men by tearing down big men. 4. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. 5. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. 6. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. 7. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. 8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. 9. You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence. 10. And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
Category Archives: Home and Family
Veteran’s Day, 2023…
“These are the times that try men’s souls”. I know I’ve written these words before in many an article, but the wisdom of Thomas Paine’s pen can never be overstated. From the nightmare at our southern border and a flailing … Continue reading
Ignoring the truth continues to come at great cost…
Exactly how many more of these murderous rampages will we endure as a nation before we realize it’s not a matter of the inanimate object in the hands of a criminal, but rather a sickness of the American soul. Now … Continue reading
63,000,000 million reasons to change course…
If you’d asked me what my first return post would have been, this wouldn’t have been it. With that said, the Biden Administration’s failure to act against illegal and dangerous so-called protests at the private homes of Supreme Court Justices … Continue reading
COVID Collateral…
For starters, I’m not a virus denier, but rather a type 1 diabetic who’s just as apprehensive as anyone concerning COVID 19. But I’m also a common sense numbers guy, re-assured by a very capable and notable physician who tells … Continue reading
The New Democrat Party…
They cannot compete in the arena of ideas and refuse to debate on the merits of their arguments, as those arguments often run counter to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Frankly, it’s hard to imagine Democrats now stand … Continue reading
The Devaluation of Humanity…
I stood clear of the abortion debate when I was younger, as folks very close to me identified with the “choice” side of the argument and I elected not to engage them. I should’ve been more vocal about the truth. … Continue reading
What would JFK do???
When I was growing up, I always thought Democrats were supposed to be champions of the little guy and defenders of humanity. I remember idolizing our martyred 35th president and wondering why my dad hated Democrats so much. Well, like … Continue reading
Christmas 2018!!!
It’s easy to look in any direction today and be discouraged. Washington is a sewer of power hungry, Godless folks and seems to get worse not better. A society once rooted in the strength of the family is now bending … Continue reading
A perilous road ahead…
The soul of our nation is in peril and decent law-abiding Americans are needed in November to rescue it. All that is right about this republic is under assault by forces loosed during eight years of an ideologically driven president. … Continue reading
Generational Ignorance…
Generational Ignorance… Much has changed since the late 18th Century. One thing is indisputable however, in that while there were differing “political” opinions on the size and scope of any standing army or “militia”, the Founders believed collectively, that the … Continue reading
Hard Truth…
Looking on the unimaginable horror which unfolded in Broward County on Wednesday, it’s human nature to want answers. But those answers must be the correct ones. They mustn’t be feel good answers, fed to us by ideology driven politicians with … Continue reading
Reach them where they live… From (The Good News Today)…
Gods Team By Fred Comella My son did his #23 imitation under the net in his high-school gymnasium recently, and it ended with a trip to the ER and fractured ankle just ahead of this year’s family … Continue reading
Matthew 28:6…
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said…
Isaiah 53:5…
He was crushed for our iniquities…
It has come to this…
My political views are no secret. And they can be a source of some contentious debate at times. That said, a co-worker recently “joked” the other day, asking if it were I who’d purchased Hitler’s phone at auction recently. Now … Continue reading
These are the times…
As we are witnessing primary campaigns unprecedented in American history, I feel somewhat compelled to evaluate our current posture, if only for my own sanity… On the Republican side, front runner and bombastic businessman Donald Trump is clearly a media … Continue reading
Irrational is a good word…
“Intellectually, these professors are no different than someone whose actions are defined by an irrational fear of sharks, witchcraft, or vaccines,” I believe (Students for Concealed Carry) got this right when addressing UT Dean of Architecture Fritz Steiner’s decision to … Continue reading
“Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!!!”
Now I’m not sure I’d call it terrorism as O’Reilly did on FOX’s “Outnumbered” the other day, at least not in the same vein as Islamic Terrorism. But I do suppose the constant threat of punitive litigation by the Progressive … Continue reading
Thanksgiving 2015…
Our nation seems a dream of that which I remember growing up. Nothing was perfect to be sure. But that is as we know, an unrealistic expectation. I would ask though, where have our parent’s dreams gone? How did we … Continue reading
Coach Joe Kennedy’s courage of conviction…
I believe the Bremerton High School flap over Assistant Coach Joe Kennedy praying on the field after football games is indicative of our nation’s current posture. Traditional and undeniable tenets of our culture are being shunned and vilified, all while … Continue reading
Gentle Ben…
The Republican Debate lived up to all the hype and garnered FOX News yet another ratings bonanza. That said I only have one real take away from the seemingly very early exchange. All in both formats sounded practiced and polished … Continue reading
Told ya so…
So healthcare is finally revealed for what it is, a grand illusion performed by our president to a sleepy and complacent audience (us). Now I know I’m gonna catch heck for this one, but Mr. Obama operates much like a … Continue reading
Is it race, or something more???
The issue of tension between police and minorities in this country is a double edge sword to be sure, with roots on both sides of the argument. But first the facts, as supported by all available evidence. On July 17, … Continue reading
A “Patriot64” Thanksgiving 2014…
On this Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for my family and their health. And I’m reminded of how easy it is to take these things for granted. So to all who struggle with health issues this holiday season, whether it be theirs or … Continue reading
Ignoring the real problems…
I always wait a couple of days before commenting on the more controversial stories of our time. It seems there are always caveats which ultimately shape our opinions going forward with the discourse. In this case however, the facts dictate … Continue reading
Beckel commented on FOX recently, that Republicans always complaining about how government should be smaller are now criticizing government for the lack of adequate response to “Ebola”. Well first and foremost, CDC funding doubled during Bush 43, and is up … Continue reading
Ray Rice and beyond…
I love the game of football. Regrettably though, professional sports as a whole has become an incubator for young athletes who’ve been coddled on their way to stardom in order to secure their financial worth to the teams and owners who … Continue reading
“The Good News Today”…
I have the honor of writing for a friends Christian newspaper, and he has given his blessing for me to share “The Good News Today”. Take a peek and check out the rest of the paper as well. It truly … Continue reading
Emails of consequence…
In the tech world, the loss of emails as permanent records is almost impossible these days. So it’s no wonder those in the know are chuckling at the latest IRS excuse regarding Lois Lerner’s (and others) emails. For the committee … Continue reading
The Rebranding of America…
I’ve taken a lot of heat for my criticism of the POTUS, albeit mostly from the constitutionally challenged and/or hypocrites filled with the very hate and intolerance they claim to abhor. Nevertheless, and as the president navigates an endless stream … Continue reading
Time is short…
As we look back through the ages, we always discover the evil ones attempting to re-write history. In extreme cases we’ve witnessed unimaginable genocide as a “final solution” to the propagandized threat of a dictatorial regime. Subsequently, bloody and costly wars … Continue reading
We have the government we elected…
The Bundy Ranch incident is symptomatic of a broader issue, and frankly something I’ve been predicting for quite a while. You see my fellow Americans, our system of government was never intended to function as such, and is collapsing under … Continue reading
Term limits anyone???
I heard Congressman Steny Hoyer on FOX trying to defend “Obamacare” this morning. Same old talking points. “College kids on their parents insurance, no exclusion for pre-existing conditions, blah, blah”. Bipartisan stuff from day-one. Oh, and don’t forget we reached … Continue reading