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“One nation under God” The Patriot Pastor…
The Mayflower Compact
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—–
“We the People”
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
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Patriot64 Headlines…
- “So”, here’s some headlines of the day and my thoughts… 2025-02-28
- Fight of the Century… 2025-02-11
- The Brilliance of Trump… 2025-02-05
- Tariff’s and more tariffs… 2025-02-03
- Common Sense Is Back… 2025-01-14
What folks are talking about…
- Anonymous on She’s an absolute train wreck…
- Anonymous on Not Presidential Material…
- Anonymous on Defining Moment…
- Fred Comella on TDS is endangering our country, literally…
- Steve Demers Sr on TDS is endangering our country, literally…
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Good Reading
- NASCAR National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing… 0
- "Rush" Talent on loan from God… And now my hero is with his Savior… 0
- The Heritage Foundation Conservative Policy Research… 0
- The "Patriot Pastor" A man who knows the truth, and speaks it… 0
- Imprimis What your kids should be learning in higher education… 0
- Mark Levin The Great One… 0
- George Washington's Mount Vernon An absolute must see for all ages. 10
- FOP Fraternal Order of Police 0
Must See History
- George Washington's Mount Vernon An absolute must see for all ages. 10
- Imprimis What your kids should be learning in higher education… 0
Real News
- Imprimis What your kids should be learning in higher education… 0
Shop Conservative businesses
- Country Babies USA The Finest Americana Crafts… 0
Worthy causes
- Tunnel to Towers Help for our heroes and those they left behind. 10
- Wounded Warrior Project So important… Please donate today! 0
- Gold Star Moms Honor those who have honored us… 0
The Original Blog…
- Worth Fighting For… 2019-11-10Our nation has come to many crossroads in the time since revolution. And from then until now, brave men and women have gone in harm’s way in our stead in order to preserve those unalienable rights, being “life, liberty and … Continue reading →patriot64
- Directions to “Truth and Reason First”… 2018-12-04Hello friends! Whether intentional or not, you’ve landed on the blog page. Please feel free to browse the content, but in order to get my latest and greatest you’ll have to move over to of . We haven’t … Continue reading →patriot64
- The new site is here..! 2013-07-10Fellow Patriots, We are rolling out the new web site today so future posts will now be added at the new address,, with the blog remaining open as an archive for the foreseeable future. All appears to be as … Continue reading →patriot64
- Living the numbers… 2013-07-06Richard Clark, owner of Supreme Janitorial Services in Jacksonville was speaking on one of the weekend news programs Saturday, and described his company as the “proverbial poster child” for the impending disaster that is “Obamacare”. A typical small business owner … Continue reading →patriot64
- So much for the “Obama Spring”… 2013-07-05Economics drive politics to be sure, and while the Islamic movement remains a political force in Egypt, matters of the wallet and pocket-book will always rule the day. The Egyptian culture is as diverse as any, and they are a proud … Continue reading →patriot64
- The Declaration of Independence… 2013-07-04The Declaration of Independence [yframe url=’’]patriot64
- Independence Day 2013… 2013-07-03Every July I write a lot about the birth of this great nation. As part of that discussion this year I posted a story on Facebook and Twitter about “Lady Gaga” and how she elected to “modify” our National Anthem … Continue reading →patriot64
- Snarky POTUS… 2013-06-29Despite what the diehards on MSNBC and CNN would have you believe, the President’s poll numbers are dropping. No longer hovering around the 49 percent approval rating, they have now begun a marching decline, with the last RCP average at … Continue reading →patriot64
- “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7) 2013-06-28It’s hard to get past today’s headlines and not ask when will the sins of a nation be forgiven. Factually speaking, “We the People” of the United States have done more to address the injustice of racism while promoting human equality … Continue reading →patriot64
- POTUS knows best… 2013-06-25The science of “climate change” is debatable at best, and while curbing pollution should be an objective of any civilized nation, it mustn’t come solely at the expense of the economic stability necessary to pay for it. I am not writing today to debate … Continue reading →patriot64
- Worth Fighting For… 2019-11-10
“The Ten Cannots”
1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. 2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. 3. You cannot help little men by tearing down big men. 4. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. 5. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. 6. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. 7. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. 8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. 9. You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence. 10. And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
Category Archives: The United States
We the “exceptional” people…
“We” are exceptional because of our founding documents and the human truths contained therein. “We” are exceptional because of the men and women who have died defending those truths, not just for our good, but for the good of oppressed … Continue reading
What would “they” think???
Twelve years later the lessons of 9/11 appear to have faded. Notwithstanding the heroic and sacrificial efforts of our brave military who remain at the gate, the incoherent approach of our current government to the international issues of our time, gives … Continue reading
“Under God”…
The fight over “God in the pledge” in the Bay State isn’t surprising. Massachusetts has long been a bastion of Progressive thought. But it reminded me of the bigger fight over freedom of religion in this country. You see, the so-called … Continue reading
America then and now…
As events in Syria continue to shape the news, I thought it interesting how the conversation has shifted somewhat to whether or not the U.S. has a “moral responsibility” to act. Additionally, the question of how America sees things in relation … Continue reading
“Labor Day” 2013, a contradiction in terms…
The POTUS commented in his weekly radio address that so long as he is president he will continue to fight for the hard for working men and women of the “middle class”. I thought this ironic coming from a Chief … Continue reading
Timing is everything…
I remain conflicted about the road forward in Syria, and frustrated to say the least with the lack of leadership our President has shown on matters of an international nature. Indecision born of ideological theory and inexperience has left Mr. Obama, (and … Continue reading
“All red lines have been crossed”…
The President is off on yet another campaign bus trip. So pre-occupied with damage control as his “college try” domestic agenda collapses around him, the POTUS has now completely backed himself into a corner on foreign policy. Egypt’s al-Sisi is telling the … Continue reading
The New Egyptian Strong Man…
(“Whereas Americans believe in “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” Islamic cultures cling to principles of “fairness, justice, equality, unity, and charity,” he argued. Americans look to their republic’s Founding Fathers for guidance; Muslims cherish the memory of the ancient … Continue reading
Derisive is as derisive does…
When the President set out on his apology tour back in 08, many of us warned about the pitfalls of “college diplomacy” as I’ve come to call it. College or classroom diplomacy is the premature application of untried and ideological … Continue reading
Officer “Liesalot”…
It’s pretty clear the Justice Department is spending much of its time these days creating situations which portray the Attorney General as engaged and effective, while simultaneously diverting attention away for his incompetent and even illegal action while in … Continue reading
Mission accomplished???
I’m sure even the President’s most committed critics could not have imagined some of what has transpired over the past five years. Notably, I think Mr. Obama’s legacy in terms of the economy is striking, as his policies are now … Continue reading
I was chatting with a Liberal friend recently who chuckled and reminded me how the stock market was “roaring” under Obama, at which point I promptly schooled him on what that really meant. Unfortunately, I couldn’t just stop at unsustainably low fed … Continue reading
My future for yours…
I absolutely love watching movies on my iPhone. So last night I decided to watch “Taking Chance”- again. The movie is a poignant and true account of the journey home for Marine Lance Corporal Chance Russell Phelps, killed in action … Continue reading
Parents passing the buck???
There will always be ideological disagreement. It’s one of many benefits of liberty, the right of free speech and debate. I remain convinced those rights carry responsibility as well. Nevertheless, I continue to search for the reason why our nation is in … Continue reading
“Hitting the nail on the head”…
Bill O’Reilly is leading the way in the cable news network wars to be sure, and has been for some time. He is obviously an intelligent man with an all-American background through which he filters much of his commentary. While there … Continue reading
Justice on trial…
A jury of six women took the judge’s instructions, and despite even her best efforts to sway a verdict, they apparently followed those instructions and deliberated on the facts of the case and definitions of the crimes for which George Zimmerman … Continue reading