Americans do love their divided government…


The midterms didn’t disappoint in terms of turnout, but the “blue wave” apparently smacked right into the Senate sea wall. Democrats did wrestle control of the House away from Republicans as expected though and that does present some issues for the president. However, the reality is, Trump smashed all Democrat hopes of a crushing rebuke style defeat in his first midterm test, in fact helping to flip key Senate races where entrenched Democrats were seen as “safe”. This isn’t usually the case. History as recent as President Obama’s first midterm shows us how badly things can go for a first term president after two years of new policy initiatives rooted in campaign promises. 

Yesterday’s split decision was in no small measure due to President Trump’s tireless campaigning and Republican turnout on a scale we haven’t seen in some time. Democrat messaging was social in nature with much of it rooted in unhinged hatred for Donald Trump. But that ended up hurting them in many key Senate races, thus the blue wave dissipated before hitting the proverbial beach.

In the end, I’m ok with the results as Dems threw everything but the kitchen sink at this president and enjoyed huge turnout as well, still coming up far short of their goal line. Now the question is, how will they use their new found power in a divided government in a divided nation?

It is truly a defining moment for the Democrat Party. 

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Gutter Politics…


Sen. Susan Collins speaks on the Senate floor about her vote on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, on Oct. 5, 2018 in Washington. (Senate TV via AP)

The Kavanaugh hearings have been a shameful portrayal of civil government to our posterity. There is simply no debating this. There was a bright light however and it came from an unlikely source. In my view, Susan Collins, Republican Senator from Maine, has been on the wrong side of many of the issues of our day, including abortion. Nevertheless, her speech on the floor of the Senate was exceptional.

Senator Collins had been tight lipped regarding her vote on confirmation yea or nay. But her remarks in advance of her support for Kavanaugh this past Friday were the most well thought out and highly reasoned explanation of not only her vote, but of the entire process that I have heard. Collins fluid articulation of the judge’s extraordinary qualifications, as well as his (actual positions) on issues, was spot on. She made the case for confirmation brilliantly while simultaneously acknowledging the very real problem of sexual assault in our country.
Collins also lamented over how the process looked more like a “gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion” and how she hoped they’d finally reached “rock bottom”. Sadly, it appears the Left, along with their paid protesters and brainwashed soldiers of so-called higher education remain intent on swimming in the gutter. If they truly seek truth and reason however, they might start with the transcript of Senator Collins remarks.
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A perilous road ahead…


The soul of our nation is in peril and decent law-abiding Americans are needed in November to rescue it. All that is right about this republic is under assault by forces loosed during eight years of an ideologically driven president. God is being chased from our classrooms and lecture halls while our country’s factual history is being re-written, creating an alternate reality where spoken truth is now hate speech and “Deep state” operators burn our Constitution at the altar of political correctness.

This is not about any particular political party to be sure, but rather its about destroying the America entrusted to us by our forefathers. Make no mistake, in order for Barack Obama’s America to thrive, John Kennedy’s America must not.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. No nation is perfect. However, the fundamental tenets outlined in our founding documents allow for one people to come together for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Those basic and God-given freedoms have been at the forefront of every struggle we’ve ever faced as a nation and they’re worth fighting for. If we lose sight of them now, we are truly lost. Vote common sense. Vote freedom. Vote America on November 6th!  

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The Real Cost of 9/11…


Flight 93…

Much has changed since 9/11. But for those of us who lived through the nightmare and watched those horrific images on our televisions, crying and praying with all of our collective might, it is part of us for the rest of our days. Every flag draped litter carried up that earthen ramp tore at our very humanity as we struggled to understand. Our seat of military operations in flames, the first soldiers in the fight against terror plummeting to earth, struggling to regain control of their high-jacked airliner, inbound to deal further death and destruction in the name of a twisted and violent ideology. All was chaos and compelled us to draw close to one another in our grief and anger. The “united” in United States meant something more to me then, than at any time I can remember.

17 years have passed now and it seems an entire generation has been lost to September 11th, 2001. Now we may debate the reasons, but in many ways the children of 9/11 have been seduced by politics, ideology, the news media and the nefarious intentions of those we’ve entrusted with their education. Thus, they don’t know or even understand the greatness of their own country or the loss of nearly 3000 of their fellow American’s. Yes, we have failed to keep history close. Therefore we are likely to repeat it…

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And two tier justice for all…


It’s obvious we now have a two tier justice system in this country. Our “Justice” Department is compromised by a small number of partisan players, angry at the outcome of a legitimate presidential election and abusing their positions to right what “they” see as wrong. These are dangerous times. For if justice is not blind and if it is then left to nefarious ideologues in powerful positions to apply due process, John and Jane Q. Public beware…

The simple facts are theses. Regardless of what Democrats and Republicans decided when it came to the actions of a certain Democrat running for president and her handling of classified information, had it been you or I, we would have been breaking rocks at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary by now. Moreover, when a “special counsel” appointed by who many see as a compromised appointee, has near unlimited scope beyond a specified mandate to investigate a person and not a crime, it defies all that our free republic represents to the world.

I’m not judging guilt or innocence as that is for a jury. Nevertheless, every American, regardless of political affiliation, should be concerned with Robert Mueller’s “investigation” thus far.

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TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome 101…

Frankly, watching the behavior of Whoopi Goldberg on “The View” recently didn’t surprise me at all. But I did find myself in conversations the next day trying to explain why she appeared to come unglued. You see, I’ve come to understand that no matter the issue, when Progressives are cornered by truth and reason they get very uncomfortable. Then they begin to yell. And before you know it, they’re spitting all over you and foaming at the mouth about how you’re a bigoted, hateful Nazi. It’s actually quite common among those who have an allergy to facts.

Seriously folks, Whoopi’s behavior on national television was disgraceful. Every generation has its challenges to be sure and this one does as well. The problem however, is that for the Left today legitimacy is hard to come by. Their arguments lack context and are usually laced with expletives, vitriol and personal bias. Moreover, they become incensed with those who will not validate their positions. They scream about things like equality and free speech but bare little fidelity to the concepts. All is equal so long as you believe as they do and validate their viewpoint.

Sorry my triggered countrymen and women, but that’s not liberty. Oh and stop using this successful president as an excuse to act like a raving lunatic.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Donald Trump, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Russia, Socioeconomic, TDS!, The Press, The United States | Leave a comment

Plain Speak…


So the president’s traveling abroad using plain speak that has some on the left reaching for their wine bottles, (and/or pacifiers). It appears his negotiating skill set is not in keeping with the Leftist’s ideas on diplomacy here in our own country, or those of the ruling class abroad. Nevertheless, we look to history for context.

Here in America, it should be plain enough that the Obama movement will continue to do anything it can to “fundamentally change” our great republic and the way it does business, socially, economically and internationally. Worse yet, they’re no longer afraid to hide their Socialist leanings, complete with an army of ignorant university types and their indoctrinated adolescent worshipers, who see only the picture of Donald Trump (and the world) painted for them by a complicit press.

As for the Euro criers who whine incessantly about Trump’s “arrogance”, well their shores and meadows are consecrated with the blood of more than 1.7 million dead and wounded American soldiers who paid the price for polished political tones, absent bold truth and action.

All things considered, (especially the results lately), I’m good with a little plain speak…

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Generational Ignorance…


Generational Ignorance…

Much has changed since the late 18th Century. One thing is indisputable however, in that while there were differing “political” opinions on the size and scope of any standing army or “militia”, the Founders believed collectively, that the new government should NEVER possess power to disarm the people. That unshakeable solidarity was born of a brutal and unforgiving war for independence, and the papers and correspondence of the time corroborate those facts.

This is likely true of all the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution comprising our “Bill of Rights”. The problem is, our young people aren’t being taught of our nations true beginnings, nor are they learning of the critical checks to organized government our forefathers understood would be essential to the survival of true liberty and freedom in a constitutional republic. Thus when we listen to some of these adolescents attempting to vocalize their call for action, absent even a hint of factual knowledge concerning their cause, and focused only on the talking points and false narratives of their parents, teachers, political types and the press, there’s a palpable lack of legitimacy one feels almost immediately upon hearing them.

Consequently, at this juncture, the real problem appears to be in the protest, not the protested

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Trump Bashing 101…


Full version:

For so long as I’ve been properly educated, I’ve always understood the American news media slants left. Nevertheless, my Korean War Veteran father and my mom also taught me civics and the basics of respect for the office and title. Now it’s no secret that I wasn’t a fan of President Barack Obama. That said, I refrained from the disrespectful and kept my writing and opinions above board when it came to a duly elected President of the United States. So it is with regret and a tinge of sadness for our country and its free press, that I opine on these unprecedented and frankly disgraceful attacks on President Trump by the modern news media, at a time when so much is at stake for America and the world, and while we can begin to see and feel the results of his administration of the countries affairs.

An economy on the mend and thriving for the first time in more than a decade, unemployment across the board at its lowest levels in recent memory, and an American leadership role in the world bearing fruit like no one could ever have imagined, are just a few of the results the unorthodox (non- political) style of Donald Trump has brought to the sewer of Washington DC.

I suppose there is a silver lining though and it is that the vain and ideological enemies of liberty are out in plain sight to be sure. And now we understand the battle we must fight for our children, so they may enjoy this constitutional republic as it was intended for them to do so. Carry-on Mr. President. Job well done so far.

President Trump

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Memorial Day 2018…


In this time of ignorance, when our true heritage, gifted to us by the sacrifice of so many who put cause before self is under assault, we pause to take measure of the cost of freedom.

Looking around our great republic today, we’re reminded of the obvious benefits of freedom, “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” to name a few. That individual liberty, bestowed on us by the hand of God and reinforced by the written accords of self-government in the time of the Puritans and Colonials has changed the world for better and forever.

But history has also shown us the cost of freedom in the form of its enemies, those who would manipulate and suppress it, thus it must be defended. So this Memorial Day 2018 we honor brave men and women who’ve stood and fallen in freedom’s name. Accordingly, may we endeavor to understand and teach freedom to our children. Not the nonsensical gibberish we hear on university campuses today, but rather the hard-fought freedom which gave birth to the rights of all Americans.

So fly the flag my fellow Americans, stand for the anthem and remember, it may be your “right” to do otherwise, but is it really “right”?

Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it. John Adams to Abigail Adams April 1777 (as written)

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Hard Truth…


Looking on the unimaginable horror which unfolded in Broward County on Wednesday, it’s human nature to want answers. But those answers must be the correct ones. They mustn’t be feel good answers, fed to us by ideology driven politicians with questionable intent, wouldn’t you agree? So with heartfelt sorrow for those whose lives have been brutally altered forever, we go in search of those answers. Not by the easy road to be sure, but instead by looking inward for what we’ve lost, those cultural norms that did us well and that now seem a distant shadow in our collective past.

Oh, it’s easy to embrace the phony outrage of late night pundits and frothing politicians. Blaming the gun for the actions of the owner, and immediately flooding “fake news” outlets with waves of misinformation and questionable statistics is usually quick and painless. But I believe we’ve reached a crossroads in this seemingly endless search for a young killer’s motives when he enters a school to commit mass murder.

So in the interest of being part of the solution I would only say that, at this juncture when “We the People” have systematically re-defined the American family, blurred the lines at the rest room door, chosen medication over parenting, re-written the history books, allowed violent video games to replace play time and outdoor activities, painted law-enforcement as the enemy and chased God from our classrooms and public buildings, we must now face the hard reality that these tragedies and those committed on the streets of cities like Chicago every day, are about much more than simply firearms.

And finally, so long as we look our children in the eye and tell them that ending God-given human life in the womb is a choice we have moral authority over, we will NEVER stand high enough to answer the questions of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine’s Day 2018.

 Please remember the families in your prayers…

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Truth is coming like a freight train…


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Letter from the PROJO…


I can only assume that Mark Patinkin’s Oct. 19 column (“To grieving father, Obamas’ compassion “overwhelming”), which recalled President Obama’s telephone call and subsequent White House invitation to a grieving military father, was meant to somehow contrast the former president’s compassion with President Trump’s.

I read somewhere online that this whole conversation does the families of the fallen a great disservice, and I concur. Nevertheless, Seal Team Six family members specifically asked then-President Obama to prohibit cameras when the bodies of their heroes came home after their helicopter was shot down by the Taliban in 2011, yet dozens were clicking away when the plane landed. Not surprisingly, a picture of the president saluting the caskets was front-page news the very next morning.

It’s also been reported that many of those families were further offended, as they never even received a call from the president after the fact, yet they’ve been invited to the White House repeatedly by President Trump. Moreover, he visited the wounded in Las Vegas, who spoke affectionately of a somber and comforting president who is nothing like the media’s portrayal of him.

Out of reverence for those who go into harm’s way in our stead every day, as well as those who make the ultimate sacrifice, I’m done with this. But for goodness sake, can we agree that this debate is a foolish exercise and does nothing to honor the memories of our friends and family who gave all of their tomorrows for our todays?

Fred Comella


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Crossroad ahead… From “The Providence Journal”


Letter: Fred Comella: In wake of 2016 election, U.S. stands at a crossroads

Our country stands on the doorstep of a great revival. We haven’t seen these kinds of numbers and optimism in some time. Yet we’re corralled by what seems like the beginnings of a political and ideological civil war, one that threatens the very foundations of this great republic.

A plainspoken and populist president was elected in one of the most contentious political contests in more than 200 years, and this has upset the balance between an entrenched establishment bureaucracy in Washington and the folks they’re supposed to be representing.

Consequently, “We the People” now face a choice. Do we require our elected officials to work together and address the issues of liberty, opportunity and prosperity for all Americans? Or do we allow this critical discourse to descend into a pointless and even confrontational experiment in the futility of identity and propaganda politics?

Our choices today will either inspire or impede our posterity. And the actual history of our nation, for all of its inherent goodness (and sin), will either continue to serve as a benchmark for human freedom around the globe, or be discarded and rewritten to the ultimate benefit of the true fascists.

Fred Comella

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Truth by any other name… From “The Good News Today”…


Truth by any other name is still truth…

 By Fred ComellaTruth by any other name is still truth

Slavery, indentured servitude, debt bondage, all scars on the soul of mankind. But they are as old as mankind too. And the sin they were born of is as indisputable and omnipresent in the 21st Century as it was in the beginning. But our interpretations of these stains on our existence have been influenced by a great many things as well as confused by a great many opportunistic historical figures over millennia. Accordingly, Jesus Christ would be the only historical figure to get it right. “Love one another as I have loved you”. Simple you say? Not so much as it turns out. Let me explain…

The more I search for an answer to the quandaries of our time, the more I keep coming back to Christ as the only hope for a lost world. Nevertheless, I remain unable and frankly unwilling to abandon the notion of this free republic and the reasoning behind its birth and continued existence. You see my Christian friends, just spending some time in your local library and/or at your computer keyboard will help you to understand, that despite the mistakes, missteps and yes, outright sin of this young country and its people, there exists no other nation on planet earth and in all of time which has done more to advance the just causes of human freedom than the United States of America. And there are reasons for that.

For starters though, let’s take a look at more recent events such as in Virginia and now other states, where hate and divisiveness have ruled the day, with protesting factions and groups like the Ku-Klux Klan, ANTI-FA and Black Lives Matter taking center stage. Now common sense and a little historical perspective tell us the KKK are an inherently evil group with nefarious intent. In some instances, they’ve usurped the name of God and used their twisted version(s) of history to portray themselves as legitimate participants in the “civil” discourse which they obviously are not, and the evidence tells us this. The real history of this sinister organization is one of deceit, mayhem and murder with no place in any civilized society.

Now ANTI-FA are of a different sort, but in some ways no less nefarious in their intent. Masquerading as an “anti-Fascist” group, the American version is organized and funded by the very villains they claim to abhor and who laude the very views they claim to despise. They don’t seem to comprehend that the same laws they seek to silence those with whom they disagree, could be used to one day silence them. (History 101 boys and girls…) They are highly militant and often coached in their approach and have been at the heart of violent protests themselves over the past few years, most notably during and immediately following Election 2016. (Oh and it’s always quite amusing to note their “signage” if you will, as many can’t even spell the Fascism they’re macing you in the face to protest).

And finally, Black Lives matter or BLM is more of a singular movement obviously requiring racial division and bigotry to exist. BLM’s organizers and supporters espouse the existence of “white privilege” and racism, yet excuse away black on black violence as if it were simply collateral damage. Many in leadership roles call for the outright killing of those sworn to protect their right to march in the street chanting that very thing. And the successes of great American’s like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson and Congresswoman Mia Love are dismissed out of hand, while the dismantling of one of the greatest Christian cultures in American history is facilitated by way of the violent anti-social rhetoric of a media culture gone wrong. But all of this is not a secret. And as I’ve said, all one has to do is their own homework to understand. But that my friends is where the train leaves the tracks.

Let’s face it, we’re all desperate to be right. And in our mission to validate our opinions, the truth is sometimes lost, (or cast aside as inconvenient). For my part, I’ve learned this is futile and that the truth will bubble up at some point. You can’t stop it, especially if it’s His truth. Yes, the Ten Commandments require adherence to God’s laws, but that’s the point. Aspiring to them and attempting to daily, is the antidote for much if not all of what’s killing our society. At some point it becomes the responsibility of those arguing for the future of our posterity to apply those truths as a means to avoid tragedies like Charlottesville. And that’s just not happening right now. There is no debate. Both sides are dug in and politicians and the press are bent on keeping it that way, some for power, some for money and ratings, and some because they actually believe their own you know what. Hence the violence we are now seeing across our country, as ideological vultures descend on the carcasses of ignorance.

In fact, the true history of our nation, good and bad is being demolished. OK yes, there were those who penned our founding documents who owned slaves. It was wrong, but it was the time. But did you know the word slave is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution, and that if you read it carefully one gets the sense this was done intentionally, and that they were trusting us to remedy in our time that which they could not adequately remedy in theirs.

Did you know that George Washington freed his and his wives’ slaves, even providing pensions to some who had suffered injuries or illness and who he felt would be unable to support themselves? And what of those who signed the Declaration of Independence proclaiming God given freedom for all men, and for their efforts lost everything, in some cases their very lives.

What of men like Colonel Robert Gould Shaw who fought for the same rights and privileges for the all black 54th Massachusetts under his command, from their socks and boots to equal pay as the white soldier, and who was shot dead at Fort Wagner and buried in a common grave with black soldiers he’d charged headlong into battle with? Were the lessons he learned as a privileged Boston abolitionist’s son, flung into the reality of 1863 meaningless? He was just 25 years old.

Yes Robert E. Lee owned slaves. But he was conflicted by it and rightly pointed out that many in the North owned slaves as well. It was this economic hypocrisy which influenced his decision to decline Lincoln’s offer to command the “Army of the Potomac” and take up arms in defense of his beloved Virginia. So you see folks, our short national history is not as simple as some uneducated/unemployed, agitator/anarchist would have you believe. And there is far more at stake than simply marble figures, lofty quotes and concrete horses.

Now we can debate all of this, and we should. But how dangerous is it when we haven’t even done our own due diligence ahead of that debate? Where have we arrived when a reluctant rebel general who would ultimately became the respected president of Washington University has his likeness vandalized and even removed from the history of this country? What does it say when a statue of Abraham Lincoln is broken and spray painted, when it was Lincoln himself who would ultimately link emancipation to victory in the Civil War, (and was murdered for it)?

And in modern times, (which will be history someday), what will that history say about “We the people” when the elected Congressman and Senators of our time advocate for the removal of historical monuments to our own storied history, yet allow a statue in Seattle Washington (yes in the USA) of Vladimir Lenin, a man historians see as the architect of 20th Century human genocide. What would they say when they read that sharia law, which promotes (and practices) the subjugation and brutalization of women was held up as “Constitutionally protected”? How twisted and convoluted a light will we be viewed in when our children’s children read of the five police officers gunned down in the streets of a major metropolitan city protecting the rights of protesters to protest them? And what will they really think of us when they know we promoted abortion not as crime, but somehow as a cure? Bottom line here folks, we have a chance to learn from history! Attempting to erase it serves only the dictator.

Truth by any other name is still truth - TheMayflowerCompact1620No nation is perfect to be sure. However, if we refuse to teach our young people of the Mayflower Compact and the Bible as the first school book issued by the Congress of the United States, then how do we have a legitimate platform for even the most basic conversation about our true national history? You see, right or wrong, any debate based on revisionist history and void of truth and reason is doomed to descend into protest, and thus be marred by the participation of those seeking only to take advantage of an uneducated citizenry.

Look, everyone knows the KKK/Nazi/skinhead, whatever you want to call them, had one intention when they pulled the permit for that event. Those who stoked those flames with political gasoline of their own however, must share in the aftermath and its consequences. And selective outrage is as hypocritical as the 24 hour news sharks feeding in the bloody water of any ensuing political chaos. Moreover, can we ever reverse the dangerous consequences of actions based on emotion and not fact? And beyond original intent, there is still Christ’s original solution of love one another as I have loved you, to be sure, the closest thing we have left to the truth. Finally, there remain the tried and proven principles of Christianity at our nation’s core, that when applied as He would have it, have never and will never fail us. Together, with Christ in our hearts is the only way we begin to heal the gaping wound of hate.

For now, please pray for Heather Heyer’s family and friends, as well the two Virginia State Troopers killed in the line of duty when their department helicopter crashed policing the protest. And pray for all those injured in subsequent clashes. But also pray that God will see our difficulties for what they are, and that He will intervene, giving us wisdom, mercy and empathy, so we may defy the odds and come together as one people, living out that tenet of our Declaration of Independence, “that all men are created equal”. Oh, and if I might leave you with a final thought, I feel President Lincoln’s short but inspirational words at Gettysburg are so needed and appropriate at this juncture. God bless you all, and God please bless the United States of America.

Lincoln and Gettysburg Address

Lincoln and Gettysburg Address

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

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The culpability of the news media…


If you’re a student of American History, (and you should be), you would understand that the free press in our country have been active participants in the political discourse even before and as the United States was founded. You would also understand that the attempted undermining of one political ideology in favor of another by a willing and complicit press on both sides is really old “news”. Backroom (and in some cases illegal) printing presses have been used to influence political discussions around the globe dating back to the middle 1400’s. One need only research the American presidential campaign of 1800, pitting Declaration of Independence collaborators and close friends John Adams and his Vice President Thomas Jefferson against one another, to understand just how brutal press attacks from each side could be, even in the 18th Century. So vitriolic and bitter was the printed rhetoric of that election process, that the two parted ways after Jefferson’s victory and didn’t reconcile their differences until the last years of their lives. President Lincoln’s actions during the Civil War regarding the suspension of “The Great Writ” (look it up), are still debated in the better history classes of today. And JFK’s manipulation of a growing television media to his political advantage is legendary. So the notion that rhetorical political battles, media manipulation, and disdain for the opposition as “memorialized” by a free press are things born of the 21st Century, is at the very least a historically challenged viewpoint. With that said, the ideological hatred and trending violence we’re seeing in 2017 is indeed beyond anything anyone in the 18th, 19th or even 20th Century might have imagined. So why is this? How have we become so divided as a people to have lost sight of freedom’s shoreline? How have so many Americans been blinded to the real history of their country, and how that history actually insulates them from the failures of European style Socialism or worse? Well, the answers may surprise you, and our American free press are certainly culpable in any fair analysis…

Going back to the Adams – Jefferson campaign, it was really no campaign at all, in that it was waged largely in the newspapers with little actual campaigning by the two candidates. Jefferson’s “friends” in the press promoted his disdain for an overbearing federal government and chastised Adams as a would be monarchist in the English model. While those who favored Adams, called Jefferson “Godless”, and wrote of the mayhem that would exist inside his interpretation of the new American government. Today that “written and read” dynamic has changed with the advent of technology, the 24 hour news cycle, and social media, thus I believe creating an environment whereby the media must now exercise a good deal of restraint and responsibility, as they are speaking to far more people at once than at any time in human history. Historically, the American value system seemed to contain and frame most political battles, at least to the degree that a certain level of civility would usually prevail. The head of a party bore the brunt of the criticisms, (and an occasional hanging in effigy cartoon when needed for effect). Truth be told, the United States was a nation of mostly farmers in those days, and many struggled mightily with the challenges of everyday life, never mind the complexities of the burgeoning American political system. Nevertheless, when the masses finally did get to do their reading, they did in fact have a much clearer understanding of the matters at hand than I’m sure most of those protesting today’s conundrums. Literally hands-on knowledge and awareness of their hard fought freedoms guided their better judgment in the name of their posterity to be sure, and personal sentiments were viewed as just that, personal. There was if you will, a common-sense acknowledgement of a line between advocating for your political beliefs during an election cycle in the hopes that the results would better your life and the lives of your children, as opposed to today’s anarchists advocating the murderous over-through of a democratically elected government because you didn’t agree with the results.

In today’s 24 hour news cycle the press may cover a dozen topics in thirty minutes, and not have to wait for those topics to be disseminated to the respective “colonies/states” over a period of a month or two, (or more). News traveled overseas by ship, with return correspondence taking even longer. Today we see the debate taking place live in our living rooms, with split second soundbites and analysis coming at you fast and furious. The only problem is, it’s usually self-proclaimed experts and Hollywood Wanna-Be’s, and not necessarily the true authors of any legislation or discussion doing the initial debating. My point here is that the press now have complete control over the dialogue as well as the terms and substance of the discussion in real time, and if they so choose, may even add the ideological slant of a certain network owner(s) to that discussion in the hopes of swaying a complacent viewership. That’s a lot of power. Even worse, digital cable and satellite television have become mainstays of the American household, and the people inside that 60 inch flat screen have become members of our family, influencing the products we use, the places we patronize, and our social sitcom preferences, along with the opinions of the news folks supposedly bringing us the headlines of the day. Essentially, why bother doing our own homework when this guy or gal is doing it for us. And damn it, why would they lie???

Look my fellow Americans, I’m not naïve’. I get that this is the 21st Century and a free press is a vital and necessary component of a constitutional republic such as ours. But that’s just it! Even in a free republic, every generation faces its challenges, and the reconciliation of all that’s being thrown at us by the media these days is ours. Our children’s future depends on us getting it right and not taking things for granted, like our Constitution, and those things told to us by some who may not have a vested interest in our individual success, AND might even seek to “fundamentally change” our free country into a not so free one. Let’s face it, our kids are counting on us to use our heads and acknowledge the obvious without having to be told how to see something. Their future demands that when a media fool seeking publicity holds up a representation of a bloody severed head of the President of the United States, or uses our beloved and hard fought flag of freedom for toilet paper, we speak out and say that’s not what the founders meant when they penned the First Amendment. Their future demands that when intolerance masquerades as tolerance, we point out that hypocrisy, and do so loudly. Their future demands that when one acts out violently against another, we require equal justice be applied under the law. Their future demands that we protect and defend their God-given rights enumerated in the Declaration and Constitution with our our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor“. And their future demands that those elected to represent their best interests in the seat of power, do so with honor and integrity first. Will we get it right every time, of course not? But for their sake, we sure as heck better try…

In the end, and whether or not the talking heads in that 60 inch flat screen want to admit it, Representative Steve Scalise is fighting for his life because some dimwit didn’t possess a simple understanding of his country and government, and just couldn’t reconcile that Democracy chose a different candidate to be president for the next four years. So he bought into that news media romanticized rhetoric and took up a weapon against his fellow citizens. Sadly, there are (some) out there calling themselves journalists, as well as a bunch of Hollywood elitists who have little or no understanding of the freedom which allows them to spout off as they do, who flat out egged this guy on. And now all of us are left to figure a way forward through what appears to be the most divided America since the Civil War.

So once again, what’s the answer you ask? Well, there’s more than one I would say. Moreover they’re not all necessarily centered on the media specifically. Nevertheless, first and foremost law enforcement across this great nation should be directed to and fully supported in their function to keep the peace first, and then to allow those “peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”, so long as “the peace” is maintained in the process. (No punching women, urinating, spitting on, or otherwise defacing or damaging public or personal property, poking police horses with nails fastened to the ends of selfie sticks, or macing those who have just as much right to free speech as you do). Second, I believe that decent patriots all over this country should make their voices heard in their local governments and demand that our nation’s true history be taught in our public schools without exception, and also that the Ten Commandments be returned to those places where they have been removed, and promoted as the unequivocal bedrock of American culture and the basic and necessary values we know them to be. (Only in this way may we begin to repair men’s hearts, restore the family, and bring decency and mutual respect back to the debate). Oh, and I’m sure it would help a lot with the first answer. Third, that a basic but separate American civics examination be a requirement for high school graduates in all 50 states, so our college posterity will understand the cost paid in advance for their right to assemble in protest. Fourth, that the news media in our country remember,that truth is a necessary and critical component of journalism. And also that they wield a great deal of power and influence in the modern age, and consequently that they should act with honor first above all things. And lastly, that our system of national immigration be respected and enforced, so that the tenets of our creed “E-pluribus-Unum” will take root in all who come here to seek the American promise of a better life. The rest my friends, will come in time.

Now these may sound like simplistic solutions to what appears to be an insurmountable problem, and I would not debate you on that assumption. However more often than not, when faced with overwhelming circumstances of national consequence, and in a nation so conceived as ours, it is necessary to come back to the beginning, and the exceptional things that made us who we are. In the case of our current national posture, and considering the events of 6/14/2017 as a culmination of that which has led to them, I believe we have no other course of action at this juncture. #forourchildrenssake

God please bless Louisiana Congressman and Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise and his family, as well as all those who were injured on that ball field in Alexandria. And God please bless and keep the United States of America. We cannot do it with out you!

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Christianity, Civil Rights, Constitutionality, Education, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Immigration, International, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Donald Trump, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Russia, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

All of their tomorrows for our today’s…


This Memorial Day seems different. Everything appears turned upside down. We have a disgraced former Secretary of State and former presidential candidate preaching “truth and reason”, when she herself has set a new high bar in terms of probable and provable criminal deception. We have appointed judges openly defying the rule of law, as well as the constitutionally granted powers of the President of the United States. We have members of Congress screeching almost indiscernibly for impeachment of that president, with zero proof that he’s done anything but piss them off. We have an FBI Director who, if he testifies before Congress is likely to perjure himself, no matter his answers to questions so simple a five year-old could answer them. We have (some) college students who understand virtually nothing about their country or the freedom they enjoy because of the sacrifices of so many who came before them. We have (some) college professors whose axe to grind seems only their inability to validate their otherwise pitiful and meaningless lives, “teaching” those aforementioned little whiners. And we have a so-called “main stream press” who’ve completely abandoned the concept of unbiased neutrality in the reporting “news” to the American public, thus no longer needing to hide their true loyalties.


So what are those who gave all of their tomorrows for our today’s to think as they look down on the chaos and selfishness of this 21st Century so far? I’m not sure, but I’d think long and hard fellow Americans, about what kind of country you desire for your children. Think long and hard before you attempt to validate that which you cannot, and shouldn’t. Think long and hard before you allow your emotions, likely cultivated by media/Hollywood types whose intentions are, at best less than honorable and at worst the antithesis of liberty, negate common sense in your mind. And think long and hard before passing on the real history of this grand experiment, opting instead for the revisionism which ultimately destroys free nations in the name of failed progressive ideologies. For time is shorter than you think my friends, and your children’s tomorrows are the chips you gamble with today…

Please remember all who’ve fought in our stead, and shake the hand of someone who has served or serves and their family this Memorial Day and always…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, History, Holidays, Military, Rhode Island Local, The United States | Tagged | Leave a comment

Another phony celebrity… Who’da thunk it???


Dear Ellen,

You’ve always been one of those entertainers for me, who seemed comfortable in your own skin, tolerant, and focused primarily on your talent and performing. That said, I must admit it doesn’t take much for me to feel slighted these days, in that for all the talk of “tolerance” on the Left, you all seem less and less tolerant with each passing day. Apparently, I’ve misjudged you Ellen.

Your decision not to have the President of the United States on your show is yours to make. Nevertheless, you must understand that your celebrity and the unavoidable soap box you stand on does come with a certain responsibility. Whether you rise or shrink from that responsibility is a choice to be sure, and comes with accountability. Accordingly, I too will now make a choice, as I’m sure many who don’t necessarily agree with your politics but watch your show will as well.

I choose not to watch the “Ellen DeGeneres Show.” any longer. I feel you’ve misrepresented yourself to the public and are nothing more than a narrow-minded ideologue, who seeks not equality, but rather only validation. “Light, Love, Hope”? Really?

There, I’ve said it. No hard feelings, aye?



Posted in "Patriot64", "Shut up and sing...", America, Elections, Fred Comella, Political Correctnness, President Donald J. Trump, President Donald Trump, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, The United States, Womens Issues | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Reach them where they live… From (The Good News Today)…


Gods Team

  Gods Team logo  By Fred Comella


My son did his #23 imitation under the net in his high-school gymnasium recently, and it ended with a trip to the ER and fractured ankle just ahead of this year’s family vacation. Argh! Oh well, the good Lord will see us through as He always does.


I couldn’t be prouder of my son’s affinity for all things sports, his love of competition, and his enthusiasm for the game. It’s something special between a father and son to be sure. Not to mention he has an amazing grasp of sports and athletes stats, which at times is mind boggling.


This all came to mind this month as my editor gave me a very interesting subject line for the April paper. Athletics, from youth, through the formative years of junior and senior high school, as a powerful medium to impact the world for Jesus Christ. What a concept, seeking out the Christian leaders and witnesses of tomorrow in athletics today.


Let’s face it people, if you want to interject Jesus into the equation, go where the kids are, and make His word known. What better atmosphere could one ask for in terms of focus, spirit, and emotion? What better place to seek out leadership skill sets than on the field/court, and bring those stand-out abilities to bear for Jesus?


Gods Team - FoundingFathers

Four of the founding fathers of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. From left to right: Dr. Louis R. Evans, Dr. Roe Johnston, Don McClanen and Branch Rickey.

We actually do see some of this in the world of professional sports every day. The quintessential and/or iconic sports figure who points to the sky, acknowledging, that he/she has done all they could in human form, but that if not for the grace of God, that moment would not exist. But where does this all begin? Where along the way was His presence known to the heart of the athlete? How do we harness the raw energy of athletics for the good of Christ and His word? And what sort of structure must be in place from a very young age, in order to set in the roots for a life of purpose?


Well, it turns out my editor has had some designs on an ongoing sports initiative for “The GNT” highlighting the Christian athlete and his/her influence, and so he sent me to Dan Barnes, the Multi-Area Director for “The Fellowship of Christian Athletes” in Fitchburg Massachusetts or FCA, for some of the answers to my questions.


“The Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been touching millions of lives since 1954, challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is the largest interdenominational, school-based, Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.”


Professional athletes and coaches have taken part in FCA through ministry events, speaking engagements, FCA camps, volunteer opportunities and ministry leadership roles. Among those who pioneered the organization were former stars Otto Graham, Branch Rickey, Bobby Richards, Carl Erskine and Bill Krisher. They would be followed by other influential sports figures including Tom Landry, Bobby Bowden, John Wooden, Roger Staubach, Jim Ryun, Betsy King, Herschel Walker, Reggie White, Tony Dungy, Shaun Alexander, Tom Osborne and Kay Yow‚ all of whom vocalized their Christian faith through FCA outlets such as banquets, camps and rallies.


Gods Team -Tim-Tebow


Recent stars who have connected with FCA have included Josh Hamilton, Adam Wainwright, Brian Roberts, Tim Tebow, Tamika Catchings, Jennie Finch, Andy Pettitte, Tommy Tuberville, Jim Kelly, John Harbaugh, Leah O’Brien Amico, John Smoltz, Mark Richt, Colt McCoy, Andrew McCutchen and a number of public figures outside the world of sports such as comedian Jeff Foxworthy, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson. Influential Christian leaders such as Billy Graham, Chip Ingram, Anne Graham Lotz and Tommy Nelson also have participated in FCA through resource development, camps or events.


Daniel Barnes and his wife Kristie were both born and raised in Massachusetts, where Dan cut his teeth in corporate America in sales and marketing, eventually starting two IT businesses, and all while volunteering in numerous service roles and as a foundation director. This experience helped Dan cultivate a successful leadership style, emphasizing team building and ultimately coaching. Dan was a lover of sports from an early age, and was a sports standout in high-school playing on many different teams. And he has enjoyed coaching as a high school baseball and basketball coach for decades.


In 2012 the Barnes’ were called to North Carolina to help another couple plant a Calvary Chapel Church, where Dan continued his coaching but also began to feel that familiar pulling I write about so often. God was obviously “coaching” Dan to consider his faith, as it could, and as it would happen, should relate to his love of sports and coaching.


In February of 2016 Dan answered the call to return to Massachusetts as FCA Multi-Area Director. Dan states in his web bio, “The call to leave corporate America after 30 years in IT and enter the mission field with FCA actually started in 2014 when God gave me a burning desire to coach again.” And when his passion led Dan to explore faith-based sports ministries, that’s where he ultimately discovered the FCA. Dan also began an FCA baseball team in the 15-18 year-old league in the Burlington, NC Recreation Department, as he traversed back and forth between his two worlds. Little did he know, this was the beginning of his journey back home to serve the Lord for good.


Gods Team - Dan Barnes

Dan Barnes – FCA Multi-Area Director

I recently had an opportunity to speak with Dan, and though he was extremely busy with FCA and we only had a short time, I was stunned at the man’s passion for his ministry, and how his approach and vision answered questions about youth sports I didn’t even know I had.


You see, as an avid sports fan myself, and as the father of a teenage boy playing on several teams over the years, I’d actually struggled quite a bit with the ever-present parent living vicariously through their child, as well as the coach(s) consumed with winning at the expense of those in their charge. All this came back to me as I began to question Dan on the FCA and how it was changing hearts and minds of people for God. He explained that as he became more involved with FCA last summer, he began to see (and feel) God working in him, and that he realized with clarity, why he’d been brought to this place and time.


Dan also explained, (much to my relief), that he was seeing a hunger for the Word and a longing for Christ in the lives of the young athletes he was working with, that you just don’t hear about these days, and that this caused him to push further into his ministry possibilities. So I asked him what he felt was the core of his efforts and where he felt it would lead. He told me my question was far too broad, and that I needed to understand how the program worked in order to fully grasp FCA, and moreover how there was a chain of events that needed to take place so that the message would resonate and carry on. You see, for me, working in the college environment, it’s very easy to become disheartened and pessimistic. Dan Barnes changed that as our conversation continued.


Truth be told, it’s no secret the Lord takes our talents and abilities and uses them for His good, even when we don’t necessarily understand it at first. In fact, I’m living proof of that. In Dan’s case though, it was clearly his love of sports and coaching, as well as his overall life and work experience that God would bring to His glory.


Dan went on to explain, that as a multi-area director, charged with developing the strategies that would bring young people to the FCA ministry, he needed to seek out school coaches in the local church, by way of introductions via their pastors and fellow parishioners, or simply by shaking hands and sharing a cup of coffee and conversation during fellowship. Yes, those active coaches sitting out there on their Sunday excursion, who aren’t exactly sure how their faith and passion for the game come together, much less how they could be brought into the schools where they work, were now in Dan’s mission sights. By fostering this communication, Dan would put the building blocks of his ministry in place. This interaction would provide him with teams which could then seek out those athletes, whose stand-out abilities and leadership qualities, on and off the field, and whose coaches could then develop for empowering teammates and others around them with the Word of God.


In essence, Dan explained that a “coach” is one of the most influential individuals in our society, and FCA seeks to equip and encourage coaches to grow in their faith and become transformational in how they coach their athletes and influence other coaches, to see coaches become true disciples for Christ and have that be manifested in their character and interactions with those around them, especially the athletes in their charge. Dan talked about FCA’s Coaches’ Huddles


“An FCA Coaches Huddle is a small group Bible Study for coaches who coach teams at the middle school and high school level, as this is where Dan’s calling has lead him. This is not to say that he does not engage at the collegiate level, however, making strides with school age youth in the Massachusetts area is where Dan feels the need. A Coaches huddle can consist of a coaching staff or it can be made up of coaches from various schools and different sports within a geographic region. These “huddles” can exist “wherever works best for the coaches involved.” To include rooms/offices on campus, restaurants/coffee shops, homes, etc. And they can meet whenever works best for the coaches involved.”


This all culminates in the FCA Camp, “which takes the best attributes of an athletic-focused camp and a spiritual-focused camp and combines them into an athletic/spiritual experience like none other. The Camps remove athletes and coaches from the rut and routine of their sport, friends/co-workers and community and places them into an exciting, healthy, athletic environment that allows them to pursue their passion for sport and clearly see and hear Christ’s passion for them”.


Gods Team parade

Dan with his family introducing FCA to Fitchburg during the 4th of July parade.

Dan was adamant about how this is a process, with all the steps being necessary to achieve the desired result, that being character driven competitors with talent and leadership skills which train them up to witness to others, of a life lived as Christ desires for all of us, and the added satisfaction and joy that comes from victory with all glory to Him.


He spoke of the process as benign in its infancy, and introduced into the school/campus setting by way of the aforementioned hunger for the Word I wrote of earlier. Later, and with adult sponsorship, which could be a teacher, coach, or parent/mentor active in the school system, and always with their presence and support, the ministry grows out of its own strength. “Inspiration and perspiration” Dan explained, are byproducts of the process, with “wins and losses” being appropriately prioritized in the much broader picture of training up our young people for the challenges of their faith in the 21st Century.


Dan also reminded me that the FCA is equally focused on the character, faith and personal lives of their coaching staff, understanding, that like pastoring, one can become lost in what you do. Dan emphasizes that being a good spouse and/or a parent is an integral part of the FCA equation, and that the organizations CORE values of “Integrity, Serving, Teamwork, and Excellence” each with corresponding scripture, are as much a part of The FCA coaching and administrative staff as they are instilled into the young athletes.


I could go on and on, however as usual, these heartfelt and necessary mission articles could take up the whole paper. And as my editor is quick to remind me, there is much to print for Christ in “The GNT”. Nevertheless, I asked Dan if there was a need, and if he’d like me to emphasize a point for him. He said simply, I need Christian coaches who are searching to seek me out. I could hear in Dan’s voice, that his mission is growing and he can certainly facilitate joining those coaches faith and talent together for the good of the kids, and for the glory of God. We also talked of funding, which we all know is a necessary and often difficult component of mission work. That said, I think we can also agree, that money spent on our Christian posterity, will always be money well spent.


God bless you Dan, and keep bringing God’s team to the field. we’ll be watching.


The Barnes are active in their church and they each enjoy one-on-one discipleship of the seeking and newly saved. They have two sons Jacob and Thomas who enjoy playing baseball, basketball and street hockey. The Barnes family are avid New England sports fans. Go Pats!!!


Please donate to the Massachusetts FCA on their web page:  Or mail: FCA

C/O Horizon Christian Fellowship, 356 Broad St., Fitchburg, MA 01420

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Matthew 28:6…


He is not here: for he is risen, as he said…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Christianity, Education, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, The United States | Tagged | Leave a comment

Isaiah 53:5…


He was crushed for our iniquities…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Christianity, Education, Faith, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Justice served…


There likely hasn’t been a more qualified SCOTUS nominee in quite some time, and yet most Senate Democrats are portraying Neil Gorsuch as some kind of radical monster. Thinking back to November 8th, I was hopeful of a turning point, a pivot back toward the tenets that made our nation the envy of the world. But while the defeat of Hillary Clinton was a monumental step in that direction, the time since has sharpened and clarified the divisions of a country which appears to have lost its way.

Judge Gorsuch not only schooled a haphazard and vitriolic gang of Liberal Democrats on the meaning of “separation of powers” and Constitutional law during his confirmation hearings, but he also highlighted, (whether intentionally or not), the many ways the Judiciary Branch has gone off the reservation if you will, when it comes to original intent and the role of the courts. Gorsuch reminded the elitist interviewers, that it was their responsibility to legislate on behalf of their constituency, not his, and that if they desired better results, then they should “write better laws”. Interesting…

We are truly living in tumultuous times my friends. Issues of obvious common sense are now blurred and distorted for the sake of every perceived offense, as well as an activist ideology of validation for all things, no matter the reach of reason and/or simple truth. Litigation has replaced the referendum as a means to an end, and the death spiral of the American free press has served only to broaden the line between traditional American value systems and a literally accountability free society, thus leaving folks on both sides dug in for what is looking more and more like an ideological and cultural civil war every day.

With that said, one thing is for certain. Judge Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States, and he will issue opinions wholly and constitutionally in line with his judicial responsibilities as outlined in our system of government. He has made this clear by exemplary example, and having great experience and exhaustive knowledge of the founding documents. This work ethic is something Senate Democrats should emulate at the earliest juncture. Put aside your curious and unhealthy hatred for our president, and your petty sour grapes at the loss of an extremely flawed candidate for just a minute, and do the right thing by our children…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Elections, Fred Comella, Judiciary, Media, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Donald Trump, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, SCOTUS, The United States | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Rhode Island embarrassed again…


Why am I not surprised, that Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and at least a half-dozen other Democrats on Capitol Hill met with Sergey Kislyak? And why am I even less surprised that the ambassador was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House? I suppose one could conclude he was there asking about any post-election “flexibility” Mr. Obama might have regarding future negotiations. Or maybe he was inquiring about then Secretary of State Clinton and her infamous reset button. Or heck, maybe he just wanted to buy some uranium.

Limousine Liberal Sheldon Whitehouse, Claire McCaskill, and the rest of this ilk, have to be the most disingenuous, hypocritical, and frankly un-American bunch ever to be elected representatives of “We the People”. They lost an election fair and square, so now they’re steadfastly committed to preventing OUR government from operating by any and apparently all means. They’ve lost the House, the Senate, and governorship’s across this great country, because they’re out of touch with the American people. They’ve taken the historical triumphs of civil rights and equal protection, and sullied them with illegitimacy and manufactured victimization, merely for the sake of power. They’ve clearly put their own selfish and political interests above the will of the people, thus they represent the true antithesis of Liberty as defined in our founding documents and given unto us by God. Consequently, we may only return to our place as the hope of nations, when we vote so-called representatives such as these from the halls of our government.

The timing of #45 could not have been better.

Thank you God!

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Civil Rights, Congress, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Donald Trump, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Russia, The Press, The United States | Leave a comment

It has come to this…


My political views are no secret. And they can be a source of some contentious debate at times. That said, a co-worker recently “joked” the other day, asking if it were I who’d purchased Hitler’s phone at auction recently. Now I have a pretty thick skin most of the time, but this was a veteran making the joke, and it really made me consider a few things. On a personal level, I have enormous respect for those who’ve fought. Their perspective is unique and valuable to say the least, though I’m not necessarily a friend of this individual. And I suppose there’s no way for him to have known that I grew up in a predominately Jewish neighborhood and am a contributing member of a high-profile Christian/Jewish alliance, or that I have the greatest disdain for Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites and ALL dictators. However, with words like “Fascist” being bandied about these days, mostly by folks who have zero understanding of its meaning and origin, I had to stop and ask myself, how was it that this person could twist my love of God, country and our republic under law, into idolization of arguably the worst mass-murderer the world has ever known? What was going on in his cranium to make him think I’d be interested in such things? The answer was actually quite simple, (purposeful ignorance). He disagrees with me politically and has no educated rebuttal, thus a baseless (and insulting) inference will simply have to do.

The passing of the “The Greatest Generation” has profoundly impacted our country to be sure. Their values and sacrifice are but a rapidly fading memory. Filling that vacuum now, is a faction of intellectually lazy and morally challenged revisionists, born of the “Boomer Generation” and penetrating nearly every aspect of our daily lives, including the “main stream” press, our institutions of so-called higher learning, as well as the highest levels of our government. Small in number, they are however, highly motivated and extremely vocal. This is a huge problem for America as I see it, in that these folks are willfully ignorant, seeking only the kind of change which validates their lifestyles and viewpoints. Tenets of our “Bill of Rights”, like free speech and right of assembly, petition and redress, only apply to those of a like mind, with opposing views dismissed out of hand and often shouted down. Worse yet, this backwards interpretation of freedom is now the norm at most of our universities, with ideologically, (not educationally) driven professors tenured into positions of influence over our nation’s future movers and shakers. It’s truly disconcerting.

These outside influences are only part of a much broader problem however. Broken homes and fatherless families too, have produced children of lessor patriotism and/or with no real understanding of their God-given and hard-fought freedoms. Consequently, susceptible to the true Progressive ideology of hate, they are indoctrinated to believe that “civil” discourse must also include intimidation, vandalism, and even violence against those who do not subscribe to a particular philosophy. Christian principles on which this nation set its foundations are now ridiculed as the root of all evil, while so-called “religions of peace” which routinely promote the subjugation and mutilation of women, as well as the torture and murder of any they view as “infidels”, are held up as oppressed pictures of tolerance. Everywhere we turn in the 21st Century, right is now wrong, unfettered anger and protest have replaced bipartisanship and compromise, and truth is the new hate speech.

To be sure, I do not, nor have I ever promoted this nation as perfect. In fact, I’m a study of all of our national history, not just the good stuff. (You should be too). However I’ve also written much about our indisputable beginnings, and how they’re unlike any the world has ever known in terms of those unalienable rights given unto us by God as a starting point. And I’m more convinced now than at any time in my life, that educating current and future generations about those basic precepts and maxims of our representative and Constitutional republic is the absolute key to our national longevity. For in the end, the evil which enslaves and destroys nations always hungers for the intentionally ignorant among us, so it may nourish its appetite for validation and ultimately, conquest.

So be prepared my Patriot friends, as it appears that in the absence of legitimate argument/debate, Progressives mean to level the playing field in their favor. As a means to that end, the very fabric of our national identity will now be called into question. “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, original-ism, and Constitutional adherence, must be re-defined in order for the Left to validate their thought process and ideological agenda. You are now a “Fascist”, racist, xenophobic, and homophobic bigot should you subscribe to any of the aforementioned, and you may even be called “Hitler”, when in fact your accusers more closely resemble the face of intolerance as well as that of the 20th Century dictator than you ever could. And make no mistake, this is something we absolutely must fight at the most fundamental levels, in our schools, in our churches, and in our government, but most importantly and firstly, in our homes…

It has come to this…

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Christianity, Congress, Education, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, International, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , | Leave a comment

American teamwork, a thing of the past???


I remember how I felt that clear September morning when I heard the news, and how I had to console my visibly shaken wife that night as we watched the horror of 9/11 unfold on the news. But I also remember how tragedy became triumph, and how a people united behind one flag, one nation.

Then, on February 3rd 2002, New England Patriots owner Robert Craft made that now famous remark at Super Bowl XXXVI, “Today, we’re all Patriots”. Those words would come to embody American spirit and courage at that most consequential moment in our national history.

It’s been nearly fifteen years, and much has changed. Our country is divided like never before, and many of the value systems which made the U.S. what it is today have been cast off in favor of a low accountability free lunch. Moreover, success which comes from hard work and dedication, those hallmarks of the American dream, is now scorned by a small but growing number of ignorant and ideologically challenged fools. With the now unabashed support of a corrupt and equally ignorant media, even iconic American sports teams like the New England Patriots have been unfairly thrust into political debates, and vilified for their victories. TB12 and America’s team of 2001 are apparently now representative of what the Left sees as everything wrong with America. Ironically, only in a nation so free as ours can this type of political shape-shifting take place.

In the end, “We the People” will decide if Coach Belichick’s philosophy of teamwork and “do your job” is representative of those tenets passed to us by our forbears. Only “We the People”, and not some university professor bust-out, can teach our children that “winning” is nothing to be ashamed of but rather something to strive for. And only “We the People”, can face off against (some) folks like we saw at the Women’s “protest” march in DC, and explain to them that simply being a jobless criminal agitator, committing acts of vandalism and violence while others race to and ultimately achieve the “American Dream”, is, well, counterproductive. God help us…
Go Patriots!

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, First Responders, History, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, NASCAR, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald Trump, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Sports, The United States | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

A new day… President Donald John Trump & Vice President Michael Richard Pence January 20th 2017… 1200 Hrs.


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Obama’s Legacy…


Huzzah! The nation awaits its 45th President of The United States. Meanwhile, 44 is struggling like none of his predecessors to shape and mold his legacy into something it simply will never be. In his last 20 or so days in office, President Obama has tried mightily to sugar coat an anemic at best economy, an “Affordable” Care Act on the brink of total collapse, racial tension the likes of which we haven’t seen in over a generation, and a bloody foreign policy hobbled by indecision and just plain poor judgment. Thus I believe America has suffered under Barack Obama. We’ve lost sight of who we are and failed miserably at educating our posterity about the necessity of American exceptionalism in the world, at a time when it’s sorely needed. Instead, our institutions of “higher learning” have resurrected and now promote the failed ideology of divisive economic and social re-organization, taking an already wounded republic in 2008 to the great but purposely ambiguous precipice of, “Hope and Change”.

To be clear, Donald Trump’s election will not save us from our potential demise as a country. He is however, a necessary change in direction away from the aforementioned precipice, and a departure from the establishment power politics of the last century which brought us to these critical crossroads.

Ultimately, economies will recess and recover, but a Clinton/Obama continuation of “more of the same” was just not the answer Americans were seeking. Moreover, I believe a man of President-Elect Trump’s qualifications will jump-start our stagnant economy and help the country regain its footing at home and abroad. But the critical and necessary change the U.S. needs will fall to us. Yes my friends, “We the People” must pass to our children, either a republic of laws and values, founded on the tenets of hard work and the freedom to succeed if one so desires, or a nation condemned to the fate of elitist revisionism and complacent ignorance.

Be under no illusions in 2017 my fellow Americans, the change you seek was never about Clinton or Trump. It’s always been, and always will be, about you…

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Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas my friends! God bless!


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Serious sour grapes…


Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Dick Blumenthal (D-CT) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduce the DISCLOSE Act on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 on Capitol Hill in Washington. (WDCPIX.COM)

So the illustrious senator from Rhode Island decided to write an open letter to the President-Elect. This is my quick response.

Open letter to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse:


I recently read your letter to President-Elect Trump and much of the ideological ranting contained therin is simply topic for another day. However on the matter of (some) young women’s concerns over the election of Mr. Trump, may I remind you that your party’s nominee was, and will likely be again, “affiliated” with the “William Jefferson Clinton Foundation”, which took contributions from governments which don’t allow women to vote, drive, or seek higher education without a male sponsor, where men consider their wives to be property, and where child marriage and rape are considered acceptable under the guise of religion. She’s also on record vilifying numerous women who accused her husband, (an admitted philanderer who lied under oath), of unwanted sexual advances, outright affairs, and even rape. I wonder Senator, did you happen to discuss any of this with those young women? I suspect the answer would be no.

Now I could go on Sir, but I’m quite sure you’re familiar with the Clinton’s history when it comes to the mistreatment of women, (in and out of the White House). With that said, the idea that you feel the president-elect should provide some sort of reassurance or solace to young girls concerned about whether his comments behind closed doors to a guy friend, translate into a quasi-endorsement of the mistreatment of women, is simply ridiculous and the height of political pandering.

At this juncture, I would offer two suggestions. The first is for the parents of these young girls, and it is this: Be a parent! Stop crying to the government about that which is your responsibility first and foremost. Reality can be difficult. So you might want to teach your young ones to stand strong and be an instrument for the change they seek. Wrong is wrong, but context and truth rather than rhetoric and propaganda are always preferable.

As for you Senator, the level of your hypocrisy, and your ignorant disregard for the very Constitutional process that got you elected to high office is nothing short of stunning. You are a disgrace to your chair, and should resign immediately.

P.S. Check that county by county map and tell me again who won the popular vote?? You are beaten Sir, fair and square… Deal with it…

Fred Comella

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Veterans Day 2016…








In consideration of the foolish protests by those who have little or no understanding of the freedoms they enjoy, as well as the posture of a nation whose leaders of the last eight years have endeavored not to embrace and promote that which makes us the same, but rather that which makes us different, and with hope and prayers for a new president unattached to the business as usual of Washington DC, I offer you this on Veterans Day 2016…

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A “Change Election”…


inauguration_2009Say what you will about campaign 2016, but news media pundits and egg-head pollsters basically neglected, (or simply ignored), a huge swatch of angry voters who’d had enough of phony economics and an administration seemingly focused only on re-writing our Constitution. The result was a decisive Trump victory. For my part, I believe it was actually the hypocrisy of the Left which finally caught up with them. And while the issues President Elect Trump will face when he’s sworn in are many and daunting, “We the People” have decided that politics as usual is no longer acceptable.

Now we can debate things like nearly 95 million able-bodied Americans out of the workforce, 68 million Americans on welfare, the lowest home ownership rate in over 50 years, and skyrocketing healthcare costs as just some of those issues likely on the minds of voters as they went to the polls last Tuesday, but I think this election was a bit more than that. In and of itself, the election of Barack Obama in 2008 was certainly a “change election”, but ultimately delivered only a smothering tide of divisive and unprecedented ideological rhetoric. This however, may be an election of revival more than change, a time to revisit those Constitutional tenets and principles which have served our nation exceedingly well for generations, and which have been left smoldering but not necessarily extinguished throughout this eight year Obama experiment. We’ll see…

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Real Change Coming!!!


A new day has dawned in America. God bless President Elect Donald J. Trump, and God please continue to bless The United States of America.





“More to come”….

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Look in the mirror Lefties…

trump-star-vandalized_murp-copy-800x450It’s no surprise “The New York Times” has ceased to be an objective source for today’s news, if it ever really was one to begin with. A recent story in the paper (10/27) by Ashley Parker and Nick Corasaniti only reinforces this idea. The authors seem to go the long mile to portray Trump supporters as simply a jeering bunch of fools who are even talking about open “revolution” if Clinton is elected.
Now I’ve been following this race pretty closely, and while it can be said there are the extremist on both sides of the ideological argument, it also seems clear that Clinton supporters are a far more rabid bunch, prone to shady at best dealings, vandalism, and even outright violence. Trump campaign headquarters burned, his Hollywood star destroyed with a sledge hammer, physical assaults, and documented evidence that the DNC coordinated with Leftist operatives to incite violence at his primary rallies are but a “smidgen” of the evidence.
Say what you will about Trump and his supporters, but it certainly appears the truth is motivating the Left to engage once again, in the very things they try to blame on the Right and claim so vehemently to abhor…


Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Fred Comella, Hollywood, Politics, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, The Press | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Big picture politics…


Election 2016November 8th will surely be one for the history books. Truth be told, it’s more a macro election as opposed to one of specifics. The 2016 Presidential contest is pivotal because of its national direction implications, and not necessarily the minutia of a strict policy debate. Eight years of excuses from an ideologue, who eventually will have blamed everyone and their brother for his failed presidency right up until 1/20/17 has made it that way. Consequently, there’s a feeling among many that our country and its posterity simply can’t shoulder another POTUS so invested in partisan divisiveness, political corruption, and feel good only politics. We need leadership.

Nevertheless, the problem as I see it is not just the news media fostered reality TV feel to this run, nor is it the “lesser of two evils” notion, but rather it’s an electorate which has forgotten, (or worse yet, may even have abandoned), the fundamental and hard-fought tenets of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as well as the American Dream.

In the final analysis, the caustic election battle of this past year will absolutely be a historical talking point. More importantly however, the American people will likely get the government they deserve.

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“Me thinks thou dost protest too much”…


rndr_670x377It’s 2016, and our nation is wounded yet again by racial division. Only this time it appears to be political in its origins. To be sure, this country has seen its share of racial tension. Great men like Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers enlightened a people and paid for their words with their lives. President John F. Kennedy followed his heart to the truth and set in motion cultural change which has taken other nations in human history far longer to even recognize, with some persecuting their minorities and women still today. But the current strife looks nothing like that time.

Racism exists in America and around the globe, and it likely always will. However the notion that what we’re seeing on the 24 news cycle looks anything like the civil rights struggles of the middle 20th Century is utterly ridiculous. The lawless display in Charlotte is yet another example of just that, lawlessness. This wanton violence and mayhem being exacted on the very communities many so-called “civil rights leaders” of our time claim to represent, is simply unacceptable on any level, and for any reason. The BLM crowd for instance has done a magnificent job of exploiting the Obama doctrine of division, by horribly misrepresenting the facts, and manipulating a complicit press to propagandize those misrepresentations. The problem for BLM and the Left, is that to anyone thinking clearly, these “protests” look just like what they are, a bunch of opportunistic and violent felons terrorizing innocent people and destroying businesses and property under the guise of their First Amendment right to “peaceably assemble”.

In the end, the legitimate debate necessary to heal a community rather than further tear it apart, will never be realized so long as violent foul-mouth gangsters are portrayed as an oppressed minority by pandering politicians and a lying news media. Moreover, an inexperienced and ideologically warped administration only exasperates the crippling leadership vacuum which has existed in Washington these past 8 years. It’s now time for real “Hope and Change” my friends, for your children’s America.

(Oh’ and here’s a fact).: 93% of black homicides were perpetrated by black people). Unless and until we come together as American’s to address this issue and its true societal causes, the rest is an Obama exercise in futility! God bless…

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Crime, First Responders, Fred Comella, History, Law Enforcement, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Race, Racism, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The Press, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Never forget???


north_face_south_tower_after_plane_strike_9-11Well, it seems we may have done just that. It’s been 15 years since the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history unfolded in the skies over Long Island, Washington DC, and Shanksville PA. Nearly 3000 people were murdered, with another 6000 wounded and countless numbers re-living the nightmare ever since. Yet it seems as though our country is less safe than we perceived it to be shortly before 08:46:40 on September 11th, 2001. We’re regularly belittled and embarrassed by terrorists around the globe, and our allies have lost all respect for our efforts, or lack thereof. Our president has forged an apologetic foreign policy strategy, complete with meaningless ultimatums and a “lead from behind” military application which has many questioning his real agenda. Here at home, academia and the ideology of “political correctness” have joined forces to deprive our children of their true history, in what can only be interpreted as a means to undermine a nation which has done more for the human condition than any in world history. All things considered, I’d say our country looks nothing like it did in early September 2001. And for the aforementioned and many other reasons, that simply isn’t good for our posterity…

God keep the souls of the innocent we lost that fateful day, as well as all those of our intelligence and military communities who’ve fought (and died) in our stead since. Bless the first responders who looked death in the eye that morning and did not blink. And Lord, please bestow your wisdom upon those elected officials to whom we entrust our nation’s storied heritage and thus its longevity.

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Congress, First Responders, History, International, Islamo-Fascist, Law Enforcement, Middle East, Military, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, Terrorism, The United States | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

“Decision America Tour 2016″…


I had the good fortune to attend the “Decision America Tour 2016” event with Franklin Graham this past week at the steps of the Rhode Island State House. More than 2000 like-minded souls came to hear what the son of the legendary Reverend had to say. I must admit, the event had a rock star feel to it as a talented blue grass musician fired up an enthusiastic crowd with some patriotic music as Graham strode to the lectern. To say the least it ended up being one of the more inspirational moments I can remember. It wasn’t a long speech. However the 64 year old evangelist made it very clear, in the familiar and flourishing tones of his dad, what was needed to repair the damage to this great country. He spoke of a nation gone astray from its true and historical Judeo-Christian beginnings, and whose people are now lost in a maelstrom of political correctness and false idols. He spoke of patriotism, but not without accountability for our sins, both as a nation and as a people. And he offered fervent and collective prayer to folks of faith in a state where it’s getting harder every day to find our fathers Rhode Island.

For my part, I left the State House grounds both energized and anxious. For in the end, and while I understand my conscience and my country, Almighty God will be the final arbiter of this great experiment to be sure.

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Willful ignorance or just poor judgment…


160427075204-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-exlarge-169On the one hand, Donald Trump clearly evokes an emotional response from the folks, both good and bad. Basically, he’s a really rich guy who wants to add the mantle of President of these United States to his résumé. As far as his politics, I can only surmise that if he were half the demon the lying mainstream press make him out to be, he’d have combusted right before our very eyes by now. As for his experience as a chief executive however, Mr. Trump probably accomplishes more in twenty minutes at Trump Tower, than Barack Obama has in his entire adult life.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand, is a career politician with vast experience in mass manipulation and deception. She (and her husband) have comported themselves in an obviously corrupt and arguably criminal fashion for decades now. Any reasonable person with a modicum of common sense must admit this. Regrettably, the facts are only now coming to light, and not because of the diligence of a responsible free press, but rather because of the persistence of an opposition political ideology (not party). That’s kind of sad actually…

Nevertheless, the U.S. is now faced with monumental challenges, compounded these past eight years by the reckless policies of a failed and wholly ideological and misguided president. Understandably, the choice we make this November will likely be critical to the longevity of this great experiment, its principles, and its posterity. “We the People” will have to choose to either turn back to a nation originally founded in the Judeo – Christian value systems of faith, family, and hard work, values which made it unique and exceptional in the world, or “fundamentally change” the country’s storied history of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, by allowing that history to be butchered and re-written by those who seek only the destruction of the most successful and influential free republic in all of human history.

My fellow Americans, I understand well, that our choices may not be the best we can remember. But if you frame it in terms of the politics as usual status-quo, and what good those politics have actually done for you and your family, maybe you might consider electing someone to at least stop the bleeding, or possibly even turn the ship away from the proverbial iceberg. With that in mind, to stay home, or vote for a candidate you know has zero chance of winning, or worse yet, to vote for someone who clearly does not answer to the same system of justice that you and yours must, is to be either willfully ignorant or to be just exercising extremely poor judgment on behalf of your kids? Donald Trump for president!

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Cause and effect… Ah, the purposely ignorant voter and Election 2016…


Can't make this stuff up...Ignorance is truly bliss, isn’t it???

The ignorant voter is likely the person who thinks the “AR” in AR-15 stands for “Assault Rifle”, and/or that gun control reduces crime. The ignorant voter is likely the person who reads the indisputable facts of Benghazi, yet agrees with Rep. Elijah Cummings when he asserts that Congressional questioning of the person ultimately responsible for those four heroes was designed by Republicans just to elicit a “gotcha moment”. The ignorant voter is likely the person who thinks Lois Lerner was “just doing her job”. The ignorant voter is likely the person who’s OK with $20,000,000,000,000.00 dollars in debt being passed down to our kids. The ignorant voter is likely the person who believes the DOL unemployment numbers actually reflect real unemployment. The ignorant voter is likely the person who can’t say: “All lives matter”. The ignorant voter is likely the person who still believes their health insurance premiums will go down. The ignorant voter is likely the person who rationalizes ISIS by railing against “radical Christians”? Huh? And finally, (and only for time constraints today), the ignorant voter is likely the person who believes the Declaration’s “the pursuit of happiness” should read “the promise of happiness”, and the Constitutions “to promote the general welfare”, “to provide the general welfare”. Stop smoking that stuff people. It’s causes brain damage…

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", 2nd Amendment, America, Benghazi, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Health Care, Islamo-Fascist, Law Enforcement, Middle East, Political Correctnness, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Race, Racism, SCOTUS, Terrorism, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Hillary Factor…


Hillary-Conv-Speech-Getty-640x480I suppose one could ask the question this election cycle: “Are we better off now than we were eight years ago”? These days, the answer you’d receive would likely depend the respondent’s ideological leanings.

Nevertheless, I would rephrase the question to include: And what kind of nation should we pass to our children, one in which the founding principles of life, liberty and the “pursuit” of happiness are non-negotiable, and where agreed upon maxims and laws providing that ALL lives matter (even those in the womb), >>>>>> or rather a Utopian dream world, where happiness is somehow provided for by an all-encompassing federal entity, emboldened and guided by a silent but very vocal and manipulative minority, seeking validation of a many times debunked and failed ideology?

You see my fellow Americans, that’s inevitably what this election comes down to. President Barack Obama has seen to that. We’ve finally come to that crossroad where we must make a choice, one which will surely affect generations to come. We must decide whether we want a nation founded in and strengthened by the courage of patriots and heroes, or one crippled by the entitlements and false promises of power-hungry elitists and demagogues.

Consequently, and in consideration of all that’s at stake, I submit the fundamental tenet, that when a person whose entire life has been lived outside the spirit of the American Dream, as well as unapologetically separate and apart from the same laws to which you and I are indeed bound under this republic, than at the very least, we should not consider that person to represent our children’s best interests during this “moment of reckoning”. Let’s start with that in November, shall we?

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, History, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, The United States | Leave a comment