Never forget???


north_face_south_tower_after_plane_strike_9-11Well, it seems we may have done just that. It’s been 15 years since the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history unfolded in the skies over Long Island, Washington DC, and Shanksville PA. Nearly 3000 people were murdered, with another 6000 wounded and countless numbers re-living the nightmare ever since. Yet it seems as though our country is less safe than we perceived it to be shortly before 08:46:40 on September 11th, 2001. We’re regularly belittled and embarrassed by terrorists around the globe, and our allies have lost all respect for our efforts, or lack thereof. Our president has forged an apologetic foreign policy strategy, complete with meaningless ultimatums and a “lead from behind” military application which has many questioning his real agenda. Here at home, academia and the ideology of “political correctness” have joined forces to deprive our children of their true history, in what can only be interpreted as a means to undermine a nation which has done more for the human condition than any in world history. All things considered, I’d say our country looks nothing like it did in early September 2001. And for the aforementioned and many other reasons, that simply isn’t good for our posterity…

God keep the souls of the innocent we lost that fateful day, as well as all those of our intelligence and military communities who’ve fought (and died) in our stead since. Bless the first responders who looked death in the eye that morning and did not blink. And Lord, please bestow your wisdom upon those elected officials to whom we entrust our nation’s storied heritage and thus its longevity.

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Congress, First Responders, History, International, Islamo-Fascist, Law Enforcement, Middle East, Military, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, Terrorism, The United States | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

“Decision America Tour 2016″…


I had the good fortune to attend the “Decision America Tour 2016” event with Franklin Graham this past week at the steps of the Rhode Island State House. More than 2000 like-minded souls came to hear what the son of the legendary Reverend had to say. I must admit, the event had a rock star feel to it as a talented blue grass musician fired up an enthusiastic crowd with some patriotic music as Graham strode to the lectern. To say the least it ended up being one of the more inspirational moments I can remember. It wasn’t a long speech. However the 64 year old evangelist made it very clear, in the familiar and flourishing tones of his dad, what was needed to repair the damage to this great country. He spoke of a nation gone astray from its true and historical Judeo-Christian beginnings, and whose people are now lost in a maelstrom of political correctness and false idols. He spoke of patriotism, but not without accountability for our sins, both as a nation and as a people. And he offered fervent and collective prayer to folks of faith in a state where it’s getting harder every day to find our fathers Rhode Island.

For my part, I left the State House grounds both energized and anxious. For in the end, and while I understand my conscience and my country, Almighty God will be the final arbiter of this great experiment to be sure.

Posted in "Patriot64", Christianity, Faith, Fred Comella, Political Correctnness, Politics, Presidential Election 2016, The United States | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Willful ignorance or just poor judgment…


160427075204-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-exlarge-169On the one hand, Donald Trump clearly evokes an emotional response from the folks, both good and bad. Basically, he’s a really rich guy who wants to add the mantle of President of these United States to his résumé. As far as his politics, I can only surmise that if he were half the demon the lying mainstream press make him out to be, he’d have combusted right before our very eyes by now. As for his experience as a chief executive however, Mr. Trump probably accomplishes more in twenty minutes at Trump Tower, than Barack Obama has in his entire adult life.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand, is a career politician with vast experience in mass manipulation and deception. She (and her husband) have comported themselves in an obviously corrupt and arguably criminal fashion for decades now. Any reasonable person with a modicum of common sense must admit this. Regrettably, the facts are only now coming to light, and not because of the diligence of a responsible free press, but rather because of the persistence of an opposition political ideology (not party). That’s kind of sad actually…

Nevertheless, the U.S. is now faced with monumental challenges, compounded these past eight years by the reckless policies of a failed and wholly ideological and misguided president. Understandably, the choice we make this November will likely be critical to the longevity of this great experiment, its principles, and its posterity. “We the People” will have to choose to either turn back to a nation originally founded in the Judeo – Christian value systems of faith, family, and hard work, values which made it unique and exceptional in the world, or “fundamentally change” the country’s storied history of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, by allowing that history to be butchered and re-written by those who seek only the destruction of the most successful and influential free republic in all of human history.

My fellow Americans, I understand well, that our choices may not be the best we can remember. But if you frame it in terms of the politics as usual status-quo, and what good those politics have actually done for you and your family, maybe you might consider electing someone to at least stop the bleeding, or possibly even turn the ship away from the proverbial iceberg. With that in mind, to stay home, or vote for a candidate you know has zero chance of winning, or worse yet, to vote for someone who clearly does not answer to the same system of justice that you and yours must, is to be either willfully ignorant or to be just exercising extremely poor judgment on behalf of your kids? Donald Trump for president!

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Cause and effect… Ah, the purposely ignorant voter and Election 2016…


Can't make this stuff up...Ignorance is truly bliss, isn’t it???

The ignorant voter is likely the person who thinks the “AR” in AR-15 stands for “Assault Rifle”, and/or that gun control reduces crime. The ignorant voter is likely the person who reads the indisputable facts of Benghazi, yet agrees with Rep. Elijah Cummings when he asserts that Congressional questioning of the person ultimately responsible for those four heroes was designed by Republicans just to elicit a “gotcha moment”. The ignorant voter is likely the person who thinks Lois Lerner was “just doing her job”. The ignorant voter is likely the person who’s OK with $20,000,000,000,000.00 dollars in debt being passed down to our kids. The ignorant voter is likely the person who believes the DOL unemployment numbers actually reflect real unemployment. The ignorant voter is likely the person who can’t say: “All lives matter”. The ignorant voter is likely the person who still believes their health insurance premiums will go down. The ignorant voter is likely the person who rationalizes ISIS by railing against “radical Christians”? Huh? And finally, (and only for time constraints today), the ignorant voter is likely the person who believes the Declaration’s “the pursuit of happiness” should read “the promise of happiness”, and the Constitutions “to promote the general welfare”, “to provide the general welfare”. Stop smoking that stuff people. It’s causes brain damage…

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", 2nd Amendment, America, Benghazi, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Health Care, Islamo-Fascist, Law Enforcement, Middle East, Political Correctnness, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Race, Racism, SCOTUS, Terrorism, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Hillary Factor…


Hillary-Conv-Speech-Getty-640x480I suppose one could ask the question this election cycle: “Are we better off now than we were eight years ago”? These days, the answer you’d receive would likely depend the respondent’s ideological leanings.

Nevertheless, I would rephrase the question to include: And what kind of nation should we pass to our children, one in which the founding principles of life, liberty and the “pursuit” of happiness are non-negotiable, and where agreed upon maxims and laws providing that ALL lives matter (even those in the womb), >>>>>> or rather a Utopian dream world, where happiness is somehow provided for by an all-encompassing federal entity, emboldened and guided by a silent but very vocal and manipulative minority, seeking validation of a many times debunked and failed ideology?

You see my fellow Americans, that’s inevitably what this election comes down to. President Barack Obama has seen to that. We’ve finally come to that crossroad where we must make a choice, one which will surely affect generations to come. We must decide whether we want a nation founded in and strengthened by the courage of patriots and heroes, or one crippled by the entitlements and false promises of power-hungry elitists and demagogues.

Consequently, and in consideration of all that’s at stake, I submit the fundamental tenet, that when a person whose entire life has been lived outside the spirit of the American Dream, as well as unapologetically separate and apart from the same laws to which you and I are indeed bound under this republic, than at the very least, we should not consider that person to represent our children’s best interests during this “moment of reckoning”. Let’s start with that in November, shall we?

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, History, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, The United States | Leave a comment

Wrong message…






We are living in extraordinary (and dangerous) times. And in the absence of competent leadership, we may be forever compromised as a people and as a culture. Gone are the days of solutions by way of reasonable men and common sense discussion. Political propaganda and modern media have corrupted the flow of information to “We the People”, and motivated the most sinister among us to act on their twisted intent. Meanwhile our president, a man who could have used his election to influence meaningful change for the better, instead continues to fan the flames of ignorance, using tragedies like those of the last few days to promote only ideological initiatives rooted in division and fear.

Is it too soon for this commentary? I’m not sure I know the answer to that question. For my part however, I do believe American’s must rise above the politics of division, as spewed by powerful men like Barack Obama and promoted by a complicit media. For in the end, it will be “We the People” who either acknowledge the truth, or allow this “government, of the people, by the people, for the people, to perish from the earth”…



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Independence Day, 2016…

From my FB page…
Reading and truly understanding these words, as they were written in the time of the founders, is to be one with events which shaped a nation and a people. You see my friends, to ignore the original intent, is to cast off the extraordinarily unique character and conscience which are exclusive to this great nation. To not acknowledge and be thankful for the immense sacrifice of those who’ve given all of their tomorrows for our today’s, is to be intentionally naive’ or of a more nefarious political intent. For my part, and while I understand no nation or its people are perfect in the eyes of our creator, I have also done my homework, (and other things), which have convinced me beyond any doubt, that the United States of America was, is, and shall remain the best arrangement for mankind under God almighty…- “Patriot64”
Please read this and pass it along for others to read!
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
The 56 signatures on the Declaration appear in the positions indicated:
Column 1
Button Gwinnett
Lyman Hall
George Walton
Column 2
North Carolina:
William Hooper
Joseph Hewes
John Penn
South Carolina:
Edward Rutledge
Thomas Heyward, Jr.
Thomas Lynch, Jr.
Arthur Middleton
Column 3
John Hancock
Samuel Chase
William Paca
Thomas Stone
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
George Wythe
Richard Henry Lee
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Harrison
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Carter Braxton
Column 4
Robert Morris
Benjamin Rush
Benjamin Franklin
John Morton
George Clymer
James Smith
George Taylor
James Wilson
George Ross
Caesar Rodney
George Read
Thomas McKean
Column 5
New York:
William Floyd
Philip Livingston
Francis Lewis
Lewis Morris
New Jersey:
Richard Stockton
John Witherspoon
Francis Hopkinson
John Hart
Abraham Clark
Column 6
New Hampshire:
Josiah Bartlett
William Whipple
Samuel Adams
John Adams
Robert Treat Paine
Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island:
Stephen Hopkins
William Ellery
Roger Sherman
Samuel Huntington
William Williams
Oliver Wolcott
New Hampshire:
Matthew Thornton
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We’re all Americans…


la-na-mass-shooting-orlando-pictures-20160612-007Understanding the events in Orlando this past weekend is something which will require much time and prayer to be sure. The loss of so much humanity in one horrific action can stun the mind into utter disbelief. In these moments of tragedy however, it’s important we first rally around those whose lives have been violently and forever changed, and who will truly be in need for some time to come. With that said, I cannot help but be distracted by the inevitable infusion of political rhetoric at a time when our voices should be as one to the world.

Living in the age of modern media does make for a stew of pundit-talk and micro-analysis, making any collaborative dialogue and/or meaningful solutions difficult, thus having the effect of dividing “We the People” instead of uniting us. This is further complicated when a man with the ultimate bully pulpit allows his personal ideology to warp his natural common sense, and what’s more ignore his Constitutional responsibility to his country. To be clear my fellow Americans, this was not an attack on a gay nightclub resulting in the deaths of 49 gay people. It was not an attack on a separate “community” or group defined by mere letters in the alphabet. And it was not the inanimate object carried by the terrorist which did the killing. This was plainly and without ambiguity, a terrorist attack on the very liberty which allowed those innocents inside “The Pulse” nightclub to live as they chose, in a country whose founding principles celebrate the human freedom given unto all of us by God. It was an attack on the United States of America. It was an attack on all of us.

So as I look on the carnage and seek answers, I’m also compelled to acknowledge the obvious, not run from it for the sake of political correctness, or because some disingenuous politician tells me I’m not seeing what I know I’m seeing. There is an enemy lurking, an enemy who sees our freedom as an impediment to his heinous perversions and criminal intent, an evil which thrives and grows incessantly in an atmosphere of apathy and complacency such as we are experiencing in the U.S. today.

I beg all of you patriotic Americans today, do not fall victim to this mischaracterization of our current posture as dictated to us by politicians and the news media. We are all Americans first. Our “diversity” should make us one, in that “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” applies to all of any color, creed, or sexual orientation. And furthermore, when we finally rid ourselves of the political panderer, and others who would use their platforms and podiums to emphasize that which makes us different rather than that which makes us the same, then and only then will we realize the full measure of “equality” under the law. That is “E Pluribus Unum” Mrs. Clinton. And that my friends is freedom.

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, International, ISIS, Islamo-Fascist, Law Enforcement, Media, Middle East, Military, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, RIP, Terrorism, The Border, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The People’s Republic of San Jose…

Liberals showing what they think of free speech...

Liberals showing what they think of free speech…

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo is simply the poorest excuse for the people’s representative I can think of right at the moment. Immediately following violence perpetrated by a handful of thugs outside a Donald Trump rally in San Jose yesterday, Liccardo actually chastised Trump and his campaign for coming there in the first place, stating: “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign.” Excuse me??

Now how far have we fallen in this free republic when an individual like this can make a statement like that with a straight face? Well, putting aside the fact that this so-called “mayor” is an admitted and vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton, I’d still like to know why did his police officers simply “stand their ground” for more than 90 minutes before dispersing the crowds? And why were the vehicles of Trump supporters vandalized without recourse during the protests? Sounds like a simple law and order thing to me.

Now I understand there was likely more going on than is described in the article I read this morning. And I’m not disparaging the police department, as I’m very well aware they act inside a chain of command with the “mayor” in this case calling the shots. However, I’d also like to know, since when does freedom of speech stop at the city line Mr. “Mayor”? And since when do you get to make a call like that? Read your Constitution jack-wagon, and do your damn job…

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Elections, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, Presidential Election 2016, Race, Racism, Right vs. Left, The Border, The United States | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Trump and the media…


1-TrumpWhat does it mean to be “presidential”? Is it presidential to intentionally (and consistently) lie to “We the People” and then “reason” it away as if it doesn’t really matter? Is it presidential to use our Constitution, (the document he/she is sworn to protect BTW), as a doormat? Or maybe it’s presidential to re-write history, then jet around the globe apologizing on behalf of folks you should be defending. I’m just not sure I understand the question.

Look, the majority of the so-called “main stream press” have proven time and again they’re an elitist bunch, with little or no regard for the foundational and essential responsibilities of a free press. Frankly, few even try to disguise their political ideology any longer, offering instead their personal views and opinions as basis for the collective acceptance of whatever they’re spewing. So when Donald Trump let a few reporter folks have it at Trump Tower the other day, a lot of voters quietly, (or not), cheered his “hit em back” philosophy. Subsequently, any “un-presidential” label they may affix to Mr. Trump will likely not stick, as have other attempts by the media types to slow the “Trump Train” fallen away.

FYI news folks, the American people have about had it with the political sludge you-all having been dishing for so long, lots of smoke and mirrors with little in the way of results. Lord knows the 2008 media endorsed “hope and change” bombed worse than the last Sean Penn movie. Now I’m not making any predictions just yet, but the 2016 cycle has a very different feel. And I believe many of the pundits are going to have a lot of crow to eat come November.

Posted in "Patriot64", Elections, Fred Comella, Media, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, The Press, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Patriot’s Day!


I’m still here…. Just caught up in re-locating. But there is always time to remember who we are…

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Do you know what Patriots Day is? Never forget what the terrorists did to us. But remember the significance of this time in American history when brave patriots opened the door to a free republic many today have no real concept of, yet it remains the greatest model of governance in human history. Learn it, know it, live it. Teach your children to understand it, so they may never take it for granted.
Good luck to the runners. God bless them and all the spectators today in Boston!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, marked the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War — an open armed conflict between Great Britain and 13 of its North American colonies which had declared themselves as the independent United States of America. They took place in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, one of the 13 original U.S. states, within the neighboring towns of Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, Cambridge and present-day Arlington.
Hundreds of British soldiers marched from Boston to nearby Concord on the night of April 18 to destroy an arms cache collected by the American colonists. Paul Revere and other riders alerted colonial Minutemen of the plan, who then mobilized to intercept the Redcoats.
The British army outnumbered the Americans on the battlefield in Lexington and headed for Concord shortly after. But they were surprised by a counterattack from the colonists upon their arrival, forcing the Redcoats to hastily retreat to Boston. That day, 49 Americans and 73 British were killed. The fighting proved to the American colonists that they could defeat the British. After years of warfare when the cause often seemed lost, the colonies formally won their independence from Great Britain in 1783.

Posted in "Patriot64", Fred Comella, Military, The United States | Leave a comment

These are the times…


GTY_republican_debate_cf_160303As we are witnessing primary campaigns unprecedented in American history, I feel somewhat compelled to evaluate our current posture, if only for my own sanity…

On the Republican side, front runner and bombastic businessman Donald Trump is clearly a media dream candidate, plenty of (at times caustic) sound-bites, but little in the way of substance. His current status is based solely on the anger and frustration of a citizenry betrayed by “hope and change”, and confused to say the least, about the future. That anger has morphed into an anti-establishment tone the likes of which we haven’t known in this country. Whether his business sense and personal success alone necessarily translate into true principled leadership for the betterment of said country, well that remains an open and very debatable question.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is about as versed on the issues of our time as any politician could be. He has a firm grasp on policy, and more importantly, what’s broken in government. The problem for Cruz is he’s often unmovable in a system which requires and even relishes debate as means to an end, and at times, at least the appearance of compromise. Cruz’s Senate relationships seem to bear this out. Moreover, he clearly lacks a certain gravitas necessary to connect with most independent voters, who are primarily concerned with “Economy 101”, as opposed to what they may perceive as the static noise of social issues. Senator Cruz has likely branded himself exclusively into a political corner which may be difficult to reconcile in a general election.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio is polished but obviously unchallenged and untested. His record is micro-thin and he appears prone to establishment politics for show. Rubio’s youthful appearance, ethnicity, and humble background, may make him a formidable presidential candidate in a changing America sometime in the not so distant future, but not during what is being called “the most pivotal election in a generation”. He would need 2/3 of the remaining delegates in order to win.

John Kasich is a VP candidate… Stop…

Ben Carson would make a great Surgeon General… Stop…

As for the Democrats, there are fewer choices but no less drama. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton currently enjoys front runner status in her bid to be the Democrat nominee for president, though there are many in her own party who’d be content to see her go home and live “happily” ever after with Bill in Chappaqua. She’s also currently battling her chief rival for the new “soul of the Democrat Party” and the coveted position of “most Liberal”. Nevertheless, if you or I had done half of what it’s now pretty obvious she did as SOS, we’d be a year into a five year stretch at USP Leavenworth by now, praying for single to open up. Moreover, the deception and unanswered questions of Benghazi, should be a red flag with a “bloody hand-print” on it to any sensible person not blinded by pure ideology and partisan politics. She should be locked up, not running for higher office. Enough said.

And finally, avowed Socialist and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is espousing a form of government not in keeping with the founding tenets of our republic for goodness sake! He should not even be flying an American Flag at his campaign rallies, as his stated political position promotes fundamentally changing our current system of government to something which our brave men and women of the United States Military certainly didn’t fight and die for. Not to mention, the man’s economic wish-list reads like an all-you-can-eat buffet menu at a sumo wrestling convention. Alas, college-age folks and the “Hippie boomer crowd” are flocking to his entitlement banner like pigeons to a highway underpass, truly a frightening sign of the times… Inevitably, he has no chance against the Clinton juggernaut, but his following cannot and should not be ignored.

So in the end my fellow Americans, and at the risk of sounding melodramatic, it’s finally come down to us, no excuses. How badly is our country broken? How little of our true history and exceptionalism are being taught to our children in the public school systems? Where do we draw the line on “interpreting” a Constitutional document not meant to be “interpreted”, and originally intended as a framework means to rein in government, not promote and enlarge it? And frankly, are we willing, for the first time in American history, to pass to our posterity a country considerably diminished from the one passed to us?

To be clear, I’m unsure of the answers to those questions at this juncture. I would tell you however, that as a parent I’m scared for my son’s future. And with an election cycle shaping up to be something our forefathers would have been horrified at, it just seems to be getting worse. Therefore I’m left with the one constant in my life besides Jesus and my family. And that is to acknowledge the God-given blessings of liberty and freedom which I know embody the founded United States of America and what it stands for, and to be ever-mindful of the enormous responsibility “We the People” bear in ensuring its survival, both for the good of our posterity, and for the good of all humanity. So join me my friends, and let us reverse our current course. Let us endeavor in the name of our children to find the national soul we’ve lost, to not be complacent, and to do our due diligence, so we may at least begin to steer the bow of this mighty ship into the proverbial winds once again…

Now go vote…

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Irrational is a good word…


4746b15472ec411980e01128d2960a88“Intellectually, these professors are no different than someone whose actions are defined by an irrational fear of sharks, witchcraft, or vaccines,” I believe (Students for Concealed Carry) got this right when addressing UT Dean of Architecture Fritz Steiner’s decision to leave the school because of the new Texas concealed carry laws allowing students to carry on campus. (Private institutions retain the right to restrict carry). Apparently the dean, regardless of how he “grew up”, and who is far more likely to be killed crossing the street on his way out the front gate than he is to be shot on campus, accidentally or otherwise, has his academic cranium firmly implanted up his elitist backside.

Choosing to ignore facts and reason is one thing, but promoting an “opinion” under the weight of your paper degrees and bubble society mentality, deals the “higher education and higher learning” theory a serious blow in my eyes. Grow up Mr. Steiner. Your students deserve better, and they’re paying for it…

Posted in "Patriot64", 2nd Amendment, America, Constitutionality, First Responders, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Home and Family, Political Correctnness, Politics, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

That would be the Declaration of Independence, Hill’…


Clinton1web_2831249bI’ve had to listen to my fair share of die-hard Libs in my home state of Rhode Island tell me about how smart Hillary Clinton is, and how we’d be doing our children a great dis-service if we missed the opportunity to elect this intellectual giant to the highest office in the land. It’s truly remarkable that I’ve been able to keep my food down during those conversations, as they are in such start contrast to any real logic and/or truth. But putting aside the obvious deception and unbridled ambition of a political animal the likes of which we haven’t seen in this country, when the woman can’t even get the Constitution and Declaration straight, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the actual origins of that law degree she claims to have hanging in her office, never mind putting her in charge of the most powerful military on planet earth. I think we’ve had just about enough of that foolishness these last seven years, now haven’t we???

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The elected senate majority must stand strong, for our children’s sake…

Antonin Scalia, an American Patriot... 1936 - 2016

Antonin Scalia, an American Patriot… 1936 – 2016

President Barack Obama is no stranger to the double-standard. His entire career has been an exercise in political smoke and mirrors. Moreover, I agree with Senator Marco Rubio’s assertion that this POTUS is not incompetent, but rather ideologically purpose driven to be sure. The untimely passing of Justice Antonin Scalia only highlights how Mr. Obama unapologetically pivots in order to reconcile, and/or even justify his past political actions in the face of criticism.

Nevertheless, the Constitution is clear. The president “shall have power to, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate”, appoint a replacement to any vacancy on the high court, and no matter when during his term that vacancy may be created. The Senate however, using that same power of “advice and consent”, may also decline to confirm said appointee. Furthermore, and on the matter of consideration, “separation of powers” does play a role. And while the President of The United States is elected, so too is the Senate, those elections often reflect the mood of the people at the time. Thus the elected senate majority leader, can in fact decline to even bring the matter to the floor. Like it or not, here endith the lesson…

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“Evidence, facts are on our side.” – President Obama…

Charts and graphs, oh my...

Charts and graphs, oh my…

On its face, one could say that statement was just political bluster, spewed by a failed and departing president in search of a legacy. But this is truly puzzling, and speaks to what many are now calling, President Barack Obama’s “alternate universe”.

Putting aside a convoluted and completely academic foreign policy application, which has arguably caused human suffering and devastation in some areas of the Middle East on a scale reminiscent of post-war Berlin, the POTUS was speaking at the White House yesterday, in an effort to convince “We the People” that what we’re seeing (and feeling) with regard to the American economy is nothing more than Republican’s campaign talking-points. Now Notwithstanding the lowest labor participation rate in 40 years (over 94 million out of the workforce), anemic overall economic numbers (“the new normal”) in the sectors which regenerate the kinds of jobs lost during the recession, unemployment numbers devoid of the real statistics which measure wage differentials and “under-employment”, massive increases in the numbers of people receiving government assistance, rising healthcare costs, and a national infrastructure, crumbling and crippled by an expenditure of debt unequaled by all the presidents before him combined, Mr. Obama is still able to look into that camera and defiantly claim victory in the face of the weakest America in more than a generation. “Out of touch” simply doesn’t suffice my friends…

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, Economy, Elections, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Jobs, Media, Middle East, National Debt, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

RIP Mayor… You were truly one of a kind…

Vincent A. "Buddy" Cianci Jr.

Vincent A. “Buddy” Cianci Jr.

It seems no matter how many times we mark the passing of a prominent political figure, there’s always one politician who allows their personal/political bias and/or just plain ignorance to get in the way of basic respect and decorum.

The sudden passing of former Providence Mayor and radio personality Vincent A. “Buddy” Cianci Jr. most certainly caught us all by surprise. Love him or hate him, “Buddy” was a Rhode Island Institution. He enjoyed favor with the people of Providence, as well as the entire state, on a level most political types can only dream of. Ironically, I think this was both a blessing and a curse for him, as it was pretty obvious many of his political rivals and members of the local media resented him for it.

Nevertheless, and despite his well-documented indiscretions, Mayor Cianci presided over an unprecedented and truly renaissance like transformation of our capital city. My late father used to say, “The only reason I let your mom go (down city) again is because of Buddy”. He also served the state as a prosecutor, and his country a military police officer. So why then would there even be a question about lowering both flags at the state house to honor his memory? Well, I think I’ve already answered that question.

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And the print media is no exception…

This picture is significant. Do your homework and find out why!

This picture is significant. Do your homework and find out why!

It’s ironic, that on the day the POTUS will likely misrepresent the issue of firearms and the Second Amendment in his final “State of the Union” address to the Congress and the American people, so then does the PROJO plaster its front page with skeet shooters and misinformation on mass shootings in our country. Now arguing A-2 is tough enough, as most folks don’t really understand what it actually means, (hence the skeet shooter pic). Nevertheless, the Journal does its readers a great disservice when they print such one-sided and inaccurate stories.

For starters, the mass shootings Americans have in their minds are not the ones Ms. Tempera is clearly using to force a particular agenda on an otherwise unsuspecting reader. It’s almost as if she made sure to interview a club and its members who we’re primarily (if not exclusively) “sport shooters”. Tempera’s “facts” frame the article, initially painting a broad, almost propagandizing picture which includes gang shooting statistics and other estimates of (paid) data collection contractors who dramatically inflate their research “findings” by counting everything from domestic violence confrontations to instances in which there is no one actually killed. The intent is pathetically obvious.

Look, I’m certainly not minimizing a single death by firearms or any violent act or means. However, in the age of modern media, facts and truth are often casualties of the stated agenda. And in the case of a Constitutional right which has nothing to do with what the Progressive Left (and the media) would have you believe it does, it’s imperative that the American people do their homework, and move beyond the scripted rhetoric of an ideological president and one of the most divisive administrations in American political history.

(Oh, and if the PROJO should like that I debate Ms. Tempera, or anyone else who feels they’re up to it on the matter of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, my contact information is attached below).

This post was in response to the following article in the Providence Journal.

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Looking ahead…

Vote educated!

Vote educated!

I think it’s pretty clear that our president’s last year in office will tell us much about who the man really is, and what he really believes about these United States. I’d say it’s also pretty clear that 44 has been the most ideologically driven and divisive POTUS our nation has ever seen. With that said, and as we gear up for an unprecedented no holds barred election brawl, I’m looking to the future.

You see I believe we’ve come to a crossroads, a time for choosing. Now I know this sounds somewhat divisive as well. But in fact, the passing of the “greatest generation”, combined with a changing cultural landscape which embraces mediocrity and the things that make us different rather than exceptionalism and the things that make us one, has left this free republic a mere shell of its former glory.

So is President Obama entirely to blame for this dilemma, or any president for that matter? I think not. You see my fellow Americans, it is “We the People” who get the government we elect. Consequently, we are out of excuses in 2016. And our posterity will pay dearly if we continue to choose hand-outs and ideological rhetoric over hard work, family values and an educated vote.

Happy New Year y’all…

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RI’s Lefty Broadcasters…

Oh, I thought somebody just told him his ambassador was murdered by terrorists in Libya...

Oh, I thought somebody just told him his ambassador was murdered by terrorists in Libya…

I’ve been weaning myself off the Rhode Island talk radio thing for a while now. I do have mixed emotions about it however, as I do enjoy hearing what my fellow Rhode Islanders are thinking about the topics of the day. That said, when I listen to hosts like Bill Haberman and Steve Klamkin of 630 WPRO give a free pass on the facts to the folks from the “Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence” (RICAGV), it’s annoying beyond belief, and frankly symptomatic of a broader illness afflicting the “main stream” press these days. Not only are many of the so-called “news outlets” letting a lot of truth slip through the cracks, but instances in which there is someone behind an opposing microphone are becoming a rare occasion at best.

Now I’m not going to brag too much about how I personally would have educated the misinformed gentleman from the RICAGV, thus affording the Saturday morning listeners a more factual picture from which to draw an educated conclusion, but I will suggest the 630 WPRO crew live up to the very weighty responsibility of reporting the news objectively and factually, rather than simply allowing themselves to be the broadcast wing of the Rhode Island Democratic Party.

In fact, you might want to start with this little tidbit the next time the RICAGV stops by… RIGL§ 11-47-60 Possession of firearms on school grounds. – (a) (1) No person shall have in his or her possession any firearm or other weapons on school grounds. Easy stuff people…

Oh, and check out my video block up in the left hand corner. Couldn’t have said it better myself…


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2016 is here!!!


new-year-wishes-with-flowersAll I can say is, thank God for the U.S. Constitution and presidential term limits! Still have one year 19 days left though. Stay vigilant Patriots!

Happy New Year and God Bless!!!

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My Christmas Prayer…


the_nativity_story_08I’m always grateful to be close to my wife and son this time of year. I’m also grateful for the truth of my Lord and Savior, and the timeless story of His birth. To this day, it still softens my often brittle soul. But this year, and as my boy is now a teenager, I do have a selfish Christmas prayer, and it goes like this…

Lord, as we pause with family and friends once more to remember Your miraculous birth, I pray You may provide wisdom and courage to our leaders, and to the misguided of our country. May they no longer be blind to the unique and true beginnings of this great nation, or set aside those values and foundations made possible by the very God-given freedom so many seem to take for granted more and more each day. I pray Your love will break down the barriers thrown up by the evil one, and that common sense, accountability, and faith, will return to America, before she is forever hobbled by the ultimately fatal disease of political correctness. Amen…

Merry Christmas my friends…

Posted in "Patriot64", Christianity, Faith, Fred Comella, Holidays, Political Correctnness, Religion, Rhode Island Local, The United States | Tagged | Leave a comment

“Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!!!”


untitledNow I’m not sure I’d call it terrorism as O’Reilly did on FOX’s “Outnumbered” the other day, at least not in the same vein as Islamic Terrorism. But I do suppose the constant threat of punitive litigation by the Progressive PC crowd against anything even resembling the foundational tenets of this great nation, could be viewed as a form of “politically correct terrorism”, if you will.

Ok, so maybe that’s a stretch. But Kentucky’s Johnson County Board of Education were obviously “so afraid” of the aforementioned lawsuit volley, that they completely omitted every reference to what “Christmas is all about” from one of their schools play rendition of the famous Charlie Brown Christmas cartoon. Evidently they’d received a complaint from a parent, and rather than stand fast for freedom and common sense, they turned tail and ran from the anti-American crybabies. It’s a story about Christmas you jack-wagons!

Now I gotta tell ya, when they start goin after the Peanuts, that’s where I draw the line. So, attention Lib agitators everywhere, if you don’t like “A Charlie Brown Christmas” as written, then simply keep your indoctrinated little offspring at home, so they can watch “A Bill Maher Christmas” on public broadcasting. Oh I’m sorry, you only want to ruin everyone else’s holiday…

And there were in the same country, shepherds, abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night, and lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them. The glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were so afraid. And the angel said unto them, “fear not, “for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, “which will be to all people, “for unto you is born this day “in the city of David “a Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord, “and this shall be a sign unto you. “Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger” and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.” That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

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“Get off my plane…”

That's a mean looking firearm you have there Harry...

That’s a mean looking firearm you have there, Harry…

Donald Trump was recently asked what his favorite movie portrayal of a president was. Trump responded with praise: “My favorite was Harrison Ford on the plane. I love Harrison Ford, and not just because he rents my properties. He stood up for America.” Now with all things Trump says on the stump, one should not over analyze, but rather understand the reason people are drawn to this guy, that being the fact he’s not a polished/politically trained animal. Consequently, you’re likely going to get an honest and usually somewhat emotional answer. In this case, Trump was reacting to Ford’s heroic portrayal of the American president in “Air Force One”, to which Ford’s response when asked for comment was, “Donald, it was a movie. It’s not like that in real life. But how would you know?”

Well there you have it. Another arrogant, know nothing Lib movie star with a big fat Progressive chip on his shoulder. Listen up there Harry. When you have a minute, drop to your knees and thank the Almighty you live in a nation that still promotes and embraces the individual freedoms necessary for you to be the condescending movie star jerk you are…

And FYI, I’m not a Trump supporter…


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Searching for my country, 12/7/1941 – 12/7/2015…


On this day when Islamic terrorism is once again inside the boundaries of our national thought, I find myself torn between the words of a president unquestionably removed from not only the reality of the situation, but also the gravity of it, and the heroism and self-sacrifice of a people who understood a threat and stepped forward without hesitation to defend what was just and right. Have we truly come so far from the time of those selfless heroes?

PEARL HARBOR,HAWAII: The USS Shaw exploded after being struck during the attack on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941.

PEARL HARBOR,HAWAII: The USS Shaw exploded after being struck during the attack on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941.

1:23 p.m. EST (7:53 a.m. in Hawaii): The first Japanese bombs fall on Pearl Harbor.

Posted in 9/11, America, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, Immigration, International, ISIS, Islamo-Fascist, Middle East, Military, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Don’t hold your breath…


la-me-ln-san-bernardino-club-shooting-warrants-20150305Denial is one thing, ideology is quite another. President Barack Obama is clearly of the latter category, and he makes no bones about it. So for those looking for the POTUS to run to the nearest lectern and state what to most of us is the obvious concerning the events in San Bernardino, you’d do well not to hold your breath.

You see, Mr. Obama believes in a global community where America does not lead, but rather is an equal partner with all nations. He does not see the United States (or its people) as exceptional, nor does he see our founding documents as unique in terms of the God-given freedoms they outline, and thus he certainly doesn’t acknowledge “Islamic terrorism” as necessarily a priority threat unlike other threats. The president does believe however, that our great nation has become a global power at the expense of other nations, as opposed to having lead the free world out of tyranny and self-annihilation and back to peace and prosperity countless times in its short history, and at a great cost of blood and treasure to be sure. Hell, just read his books. It’s all in there…

Now I’d love to debate the president on American history as well as the true foundational tenets of our country specific, and with no impending election for either of us, I’m sure it would be an interesting debate. I think what I’m trying to say here, is that we get the government we choose. And therefore we should not be surprised when a president stays true to his ideology and governs in that way. No my fellow Americans, this is on us, “We the People”. And if we continue to ignore and excuse (vote) away our hard-fought liberty and the value systems entrusted to us by our forefathers and mothers, for the sake of irresponsible political correctness and any perceived comfort associated with it, then we will continue to witness consequences not unlike the events in San Bernardino and Colorado Springs.

To be clear, my heart is broken for the families of those who must go on without their loved ones. It’s a pain I understand and it’s immeasurable. And I’m not suggesting these types of atrocities are either inevitable or completely avoidable. I’m simply saying that it’s not “God’s job to fix” any of our messes. It’s our job with the free will He gives us. And we can step up by doing the hard work as families first. Then, as citizens of a free republic under law, we can ensure that our “elected” officials never be given a pass on what “We the People” expect of them on behalf of our children. Those same politicians must also never be allowed to glaze over the tough stuff of addressing our flailing inner city communities and societal ills, opting instead for the easier road of demagoguery and pandering for political gain (Gun Control and the like…).

In the end we should demand “truth and reason” first, and a steadfast adherence to the Constitution and the intent of its authors. Mind you, this would just be the start of a long journey from a place we’ve allowed ourselves to be in over time by way of our own complacency and voting habits. So let’s learn the lessons, get educated, join together, reach deep, choose our leaders wisely, except the truth, have faith, and damn it, fight off the enemies of freedom. You can bet it’s gonna be a little messy out of the gate, but we can do this. As Americans, we can do this for our children! 2016!


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Of pilgrims, refugees, and able-bodied military age men…


maxresdefaultIt seems re-writing history has become the hallmark of the Obama presidency. Mr. Obama’s propensity to mold and shape past events to fit his ideological view of our nation and the freedom granted it by God, would actually be entertaining if it were not so misguided and un-American.

Frankly, comparing the plight of Syrian refugees to the anguish and suffering of the Puritans of the 17th century, speaks volumes about the president’s “vision” of the historical beginnings of our free nation. In fact half of the Separatists could not even make the trip because their second ship was disabled shortly after the journey to “a new land” began, with Pastor John Robinson remaining behind never to witness his dream come to fruition. And nearly half of those who did sail on the Mayflower died before the end of the first winter in America and were buried on Cole’s Hill. There are volumes written of the hardships that brought those faithful souls to the brink of obliteration Mr. President, if you have any interest in reading them.

Mothers literally froze to death covering their babies with their own bodies so they might survive to see another sunrise, and many of the young children had to see to the daily tasks of survival because most of the adults were simply too weak from scurvy and other diseases to collect firewood and the like. This is hardly what we’re seeing on our televisions today, with more than 60% of those fleeing a war torn Syria they themselves allowed to continue over generations, being healthy able-bodied military age males. I’m sorry my fellow Americans, but those are the real numbers as are being reported by many relief agencies on the ground in bordering countries, and not the skewed UNHCR’s political numbers. And no Mr. President, the real story of “the Pilgrims”, what exactly they were fleeing and why, and the horrific events which punctuated their early days in Plymouth, are obviously facts you’re unwilling to promote. And indeed it is a true story of unimaginable faith, freedom and self-governance, and flies directly in the face of everything you’ve ever been taught (or not taught) about this country and its foundational tenets.

And so once again we find ourselves listening to our president and what sounds more like a professorial lecture than a debate or discussion on real solutions to serious national problems. Thankfully we come back to the ticking clock which will inevitably bring us to January 20, 2017, a date which we may begin the long journey back from this sad eight year academic exercise in revisionist futility, and hopefully to a new and safer beginning for our posterity. Amen…

NOTE: To be clear, I’m not suggesting by any means that our great country abandon its unequaled moral compass. To the contrary, our elected leaders must find a way to stand for humanity and embrace those of good intent. But they must first be true to their oaths and protect the necessary structure and people of the United States. Without those basic assurances, it is impossible for America to be liberty’s light to rest of the world, unfettered by the ideological hatred and barbarism of the enemies of freedom.


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Christianity, Faith, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Immigration, International, ISIS, Islamo-Fascist, Military, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Border, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Thanksgiving 2015…


fd1b759bbdf341c98241a0ba98ebd2ee-800 (2)Our nation seems a dream of that which I remember growing up. Nothing was perfect to be sure. But that is as we know, an unrealistic expectation. I would ask though, where have our parent’s dreams gone? How did we get here from there? Why is it we will, for the first time, leave a nation far worse off than we received it for our children? I suppose that debate is contained in much of what I’ve written about these past years, and frankly in as much as I will write in the future, God willing. However, today I saw a bumper sticker that kind of summed it all up for me.

The bitten “Jesus Fish” was obviously displayed by someone whose vanity and ignorance had overwhelmed their common sense and reason to a point where they just had to be up in everyone’s face about it. I knew instantly it was a younger person, likely having received their education from a corrupt and misguided system bent on marginalizing faith while simultaneously validating this/their life void of accountability. It’s actually pretty easy to spot this growing demographic in the age of Obama.

Sadly, the bumper sticker also made me think about Thanksgiving, and what it meant long ago compared to what it means today, especially for our young people. You see I find myself more and more pessimistic about our future as a nation, wondering if the next generation will ever understand the very real foundations of a country conceived in the goodness and tenets of Christianity. Moreover, will they ever truly understand that mankind is his own worst enemy when it comes to ignoring or even re-writing history, faith-based or otherwise, so it may accommodate whatever choices are made for that moment in time? No, I’m sorry my fellow Americans, that simply never works… It never has.

For my part, I’m thankful for prayers answered and for my family. I’m thankful for the military that keeps me safe, and for my faith and all that it calms in me. And I’m thankful for a Savior who paid it forward so I might be humbled in falling, but get back up to know He’s still there. Maybe we all need a bit more of that humility and a little less vanity.

Oh, and to the selfish little jackass sporting that bumper sticker this morning, may you learn a little of that humility yourself. And hopefully before you reach a point in your life when crying out to “Darwin” ain’t gonna count for squat… Dumb ass…

Sorry, but the “Trump” in me is showing through a little this Thanksgiving…

God bless and be safe!


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Veterans Day 2015…


veterans-day-hd-pics-1 It’s a special kind of hero who puts their country and countrymen before themselves. Honor them today and remember the tenets of this great nation as what makes us unique and special in the world. Then and only then may you truly understand the commitment of these brave men and women, past and present. 

God please bless the United States Military, their families, and all who go in harms way in our stead. 


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So I found this draft and figured why didn’t I ever post it??? So the president says… 8/1/2014 – Revised 10/29/2015…


335953601_lie_of_the_recovery_xlargeSo the president says: the unemployment rate has dropped faster than at any time in the last thirty years.

Reality: That’s because more folks have left the work force and/or simply stopped looking for work than at any time in a generation. Oh and when you extrapolate out for the underemployed and part time workers who want full time work, the real unemployment number, “the u-6 number”, is actually 12.2%, also the worst overall in a generation. In fact, Gen X have the worst unemployment rate, lowest credit scores, and are saving the least for retirement in the last 50 years. Oh and don’t forget the lowest Labor participation rate in the last 40 years.

So the president says: “All the decisions to rescue our economy, to rescue the auto industry, to rebuild the economy on a new foundation, to invest in research and infrastructure, education — all those things are starting to pay off.”

Reality: American industry has been decimated, just ask Detroit. Also, the consensus among larger companies (not just industrial), has now become to do more with less (fewer workers) in order to combat some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, second only to Japan, which ironically is cutting their rate and will leave us alone at the top. Also, even considering the 4% GDP growth (before revisions) this quarter, overall average growth remains at a sputtering at best, 2%, far short of anything signifying a robust and/or growing economy. And we still have yet to realize any of those “shovel ready” jobs that were financed by the American taxpayer to the tune of nearly a trillion dollars. Our infrastructure is falling apart while entitlement spending is at the highest levels in U.S. history. Oh and latest economic growth number is a whopping 1.9% in October 2015. Pathetic…

So the president says: “The middle class have more rungs on the ladder.”

Reality: The average American middle class family is seeing the highest prices in a decade for things like food and gasoline, and is making in some cases, 6% less money than they did just 5 years ago. People have less savings and are working harder for less than at any time in the last decade, and during this “recovery”—that is, from the officially defined end of the recession (in June 2009) to the most recent figures, the median American household income has fallen by $2,380 (from $54,478 to $52,098). Source – (The Weekly Standard) – In fact “Wall Street” has benefited more under this president than any of the folks to whom he promised “more rungs on the ladder”.

So the president says: “Many Americans who lacked health insurance now have it.”

Reality: Maybe so, but 30 million still do not. Moreover, the CBO estimates that nearly 28 million will probably still “not be covered even with full implementation of the law”. Still more: Premiums have actually gone up not down for many Americans and the CBO says “expect this trend to continue”. Still more: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act still does not have a “back end” as the payment system has yet to be completed, and we still haven’t been provided with a clear picture of exactly who has signed up thus far and if they’ve actually paid any premiums. Still more: The CBO also says to expect more roll out issues in November come the second enrollment, and that even more will have to pay back subsidies awarded them in error. All this for the wee small roll out price of just shy of billion dollars. (Remember, that’s just the roll out number.) Looking at these figures so far, one has to ask, wouldn’t it have been easier and cheaper to just cut a check to every uninsured American and let them go buy their own health insurance? If you’re not outraged yet, you should be! The worst is yet to come.

Listen folks, I could go on and on. Suffice it to say the POTUS is about as full of it as he could be and running around the country trying to sell it. So when he sports that condescending grin, leans over that podium and says, “Come on along with us”, you ought to think very carefully about what that actually means for you and your family.

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", Congress, Economy, Fred Comella, Health Care | Leave a comment

Coach Joe Kennedy’s courage of conviction…


151019_joe_kennedy_tbI believe the Bremerton High School flap over Assistant Coach Joe Kennedy praying on the field after football games is indicative of our nation’s current posture. Traditional and undeniable tenets of our culture are being shunned and vilified, all while the Constitution is mangled to represent things never intended by the Framers. It’s truly a sad day in America when the 1st Amendment can be manipulated to represent just about everything, except the simple and fundamental Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation came to be in the 17th Century.

Rest assured however, if there were an effort by atheists or otherwise “non-Christian” entities to exercise what they believed were “their” 1st Amendment rights on that field, Superintendent Aaron Leavell would have been on the front page of every local newspaper defending those actions. That’s just the cold hard facts people.

To be clear, our founding documents are second only to the ancient text, which in so many ways influenced those who penned them. With that said, you-all had better take care to defend the truth contained in those documents, or leave your children to fight for it.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Christianity, Constitutionality, Education, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, Judiciary, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Sports, The United States | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


Why am I here?

Why am I here?

I love how pretty much the entire media circus is focused on the “hyper-partisan” nature of the Congressional hearings yesterday, but the fact that as our nation’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton bungled and then mislead the American people on security at the Benghazi Compound, likely leading to the deaths of three brave American operators and one committed Ambassador, and apparently all as cover for her bosses second term presidential ambitions, seems of little consequence.

My fellow Americans, the caustic atmosphere in that hearing room yesterday is certainly a reason to be pessimistic about the future of American politics. However the bigger and more ominous picture is, that a ruthless career politician, with an indisputable history of outright deception and flip-flopping on the big issues affecting this great Republic, can garner even a single vote for the office of President of the United States.

Nevertheless, it appears the 2016 election will truly be about how some see themselves and not necessarily the candidates. Because in the end, if you can look in the mirror, and then at your kids, but still feel comfortable pulling the lever for Hillary Clinton, then being a “low information voter” is the least of your worries… #Americaindecline


Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Congress, Elections, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Islamo-Fascist, Media, Middle East, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, RIP, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Right face, Joe…


635810281031703087-AFP-545578518The loss of a son has to be unimaginably painful, in truth something I’m not sure I could ever overcome. Accordingly I’ve been inclined to cut Vice President Biden a little slack, especially in light of other tragedies he and his family have faced. Nevertheless, listening to the VP heap praise on his boss in the Rose Garden yesterday, while simultaneously promoting the failed policies and positions of his party, left little doubt in my mind that Joe Biden is as fervent and vigorous a politician as he’s ever been. And although he’s recognized the “window has closed” with regard to his own presidential ambitions, it was clear that “Old Joe” is still very much engaged in the change part of “hope and change”.

Now with all that said the VP did make a valid point and took a swipe at the “Clinton Machine” at the same time when he reminded the Press Corps that Republicans are actually our countrymen. Biden went on to say in essence, that the end game should always be working together to find the best way forward for all Americans. Just don’t know if he realized who he was standing next to when he said that…

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Nothing to see here folks. At least not until I’m elected…



I remember when our great nation would never have let the murder of those sent to represent our interests on foreign soil stand. I mean I always assumed retribution for a blind-sided and cowardly attack was coming. Not so I suppose, for the “Benghazi Four”…

Regrettably, the fall of our embassy in Libya and the savage slaughter of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty seem to have been written off as collateral damage in an effort to secure the political future of one of the most ethically challenged politicians in American history.

The problem however, is that far too many of the electorate don’t see this women’s extraordinary credibility issues as a problem for a presidential candidate. Trust me, I’m not so naïve to suggest piety on the part of any politician, right or left. However the fact that so many are willing to dismiss out of hand, the likelihood that Hillary Clinton was negligent in the commission of her duties as Secretary of State, and that negligence may have at the very least been part of the chain of events which ultimately caused the deaths of those brave Americans, is simply mind-boggling. But hell, everybody’s “sick of hearing about the damn emails”, right???

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Congress, Crime, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Islamo-Fascist, Military, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The United States, Womens Issues | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

“Politicizing” the Second Amendment…


untitledI’m glad the POTUS finally came clean about how he “politicizes” tragedies for political gain, as if those of us paying attention didn’t already know that. Nevertheless, the argument over “gun control” is once again front and center, with the horrific events in Oregon facilitating the presidential talking points as usual. And while I take issue with nearly everything he says, I do agree that in many ways we’ve become “numb” to the violence. But certainly not for the same reasons Mr. Obama believes.

The truth is our country is suffering from a cultural shift with a sizable minority seeking to validate that shift by turning a blind eye to the societal decay going on all around us. You see the president, in keeping with his Liberal Progressive ideology, understands full well the moral courage it would take to actually address the root causes of these unspeakable acts of violence, opting instead to take the much easier route of pandering and propaganda. Moreover, there are times when he seems to lack even the fundamental starting points of common sense and good judgment necessary to move past a failed belief system to the hard work of real and tangible solutions for our Republic.

In the end, President Obama’s very core being, as learned via a lifetime drenched in the politics of anti-Constitutional and frankly anti-American rhetoric, will never allow for a sensible debate over the real ills, socially and environmentally, which drive people to commit such egregious and unconscionable acts as we witnessed in Roseburg. Thus we are left only with “politicizing” by way of irresponsible rhetoric and misinformation. Thankfully, the 22nd Amendment to the very document he’s shown little if any respect for these past seven years, limits Mr. Obama’s direct influence on such matters as of January 20, 2017.

Posted in "Patriot64", 2nd Amendment, America, Christianity, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Law Enforcement, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

See, I told ya’ so…


gt_senator_obama_630x420_130807I seem to remember lots of talk about this inexperienced and even unqualified upstart from Chicago wanting to be the President of the United States back in 2008. It was truly odd how a still wet behind the ears Senator, who burst seemingly out of nowhere on to the primary scene, could defeat one of the most ruthless and calculating political figures in modern history for the Democratic nomination.

I remember it well actually, arguing with the coffee house Libs and political fence-riders who were simply enamored with this “African American” ideologue whose mother was white, about what exactly were the man’s qualifications to lead the most powerful nation on planet earth. But it all seemed a foregone conclusion I suppose, that many Americans would forego an appropriate presidential candidate vetting and send to the White House, Barack Hussein Obama II, aka: Barry Soetoro (the last name of his step father which he assumed for some years), an individual with very little experience and absolutely zero executive leadership qualifications. Nevertheless, it’s nothing short of maddening to now hear some folks whining about how this POTUS has literally screwed up the entire U.S. foreign policy application in just seven short years.

Attention “We the People”! Elections do have very real and dangerous consequences x2

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So it’s “time to put the people back in charge” aye Mr. Speaker???


john-boehner-cryingWell I thought that’s what you said you would do when you wrestled control of the House from the radical “Obamabots”. Oh, so it turns out you’ve done nothing since then, except maybe talk a little tough once and awhile while cutting backroom deals with our Progressive president.

Well Mr. Boehner, your resignation looks to me like a simple but long-term culmination of a lack-luster legislative track record and inability (or lack of desire) to actually do the will of the people who gave you that gavel. Your House was elected with a mandate Sir, and under your direct leadership has failed in every possible way and on every issue. Consequently, the state of the Republican Party is such now that a cult-of-personality presidential candidate rules the day because no one has the slightest clue what you stand for anymore.

I’m sorry Mr. Speaker but this ones on you, a do nothing, pandering, cry-baby who convinced me to disaffiliate.


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Bryan Stascavage

Bryan Stascavage served two tours in Iraq and is a 30-year-old Political Science student at Wesleyan University. He recently penned an opinion piece for the university newspaper in which he criticized the “Black Lives Matter” movement. In the op-ed Stascavage questions whether the movement is serving a useful purpose based on its response, or frankly lack of response, to the associated looting, violence and anti-police rhetoric we’ve all been witnessing ad-nauseam on every 24 hour news network for some time now. Since the printing of that article, Stascavage has been vilified on campus as a racist, with some students even petitioning the university to defund the school newspaper over the flap.

I took the time to read the article recently and could find zero racism, but rather it contained some candid observations and opinions regarding the “Black Lives Matter” controversy. Now I know there are those reading this who will ask, “What controversy”!? Well that’s easy. I’m talking about the murder and mayhem which has accompanied this so-called “movement’ since its inception, as well as the main stream media’s passive collusion in terms of fairly reporting the movement’s ideology and application and how the current political climate is affecting same.

Appropriately, Wesleyan University President Michael Roth and his administration got behind Stascavage’s free speech rights stating, “”We certainly have no right to harass people because we don’t like their views,” the administration said. “Censorship diminishes true diversity of thinking; vigorous debate enlivens and instructs.” Well halleluiah! Roth went on to write in a blog post entitled Black lives matter and so does free speech, “As members of a university community, we always have the right to respond with our own opinions, but there is no right not to be offended,” Wow, I love this guy!

Sadly however, youth, inexperience and apparently a lack of journalistic intestinal fortitude have led the ‘Wesleyan Argus’ editors to apologize for Stascavage’s op-ed and its contents, citing “inaccurate statistics”. As of this letter, no response to repeated requests to Wesleyan Argus editors-in-chief Rebecca Brill and Tess Morgan for clarification.

I suppose that in Obama’s divisive America, free speech only applies to Liberal Progressive radicals advocating the murder of law enforcement officers.


Of Constitutions and Pontiffs…


“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”

CAGLIARI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 22: Pope Francis delivers his speech during a meeting with young people on September 22, 2013 in Cagliari, Italy. Pope Francis heads to Cagliari on the Italian island of Sardinia for a pastoral visit that includes celebrating mass at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bonaria. The Pope announced in May that he wished to visit the Marian Shrine of Bonaria or 'Good Air' because it gave his hometown of Buenos Aires its name. During his 10-hour visit to the city of Cagliari, the Pope will also meet workers, business representatives, prisoners, the poor, young people, leading representatives from the world of culture and the island's Catholic bishops. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)

Jefferson’s words have been echoed through the generations by scholars, justices, and citizens of this great Republic alike. To be sure, politics has had a great influence on the “interpretations” of those words, as well as the 1st Amendment itself over the same time period. But with Pope Francis visiting the United States this week, and considering the state of moral decay in our nation approaching the near post Obama climate, the “separation” debate is as emotional and passionate as it has ever been. Accordingly, and as the father of a 13 year-old, I would have to say my biggest fear when it comes to the 1st Amendment (and all the amendments for that matter) is what I like to call “partial interpretation”, with interpretation being the more dangerous of those two words. This is true mainly because as generations pass into history, revisionists (like the President of the United States) have a much easier time “interpreting” what is likely the simplest of all the Amendments.

To be clear, the Christian history and origins of this great Republic are indisputable, if one is so inclined to do a little more research than just watching Lester Holt’s NBC Nightly News, or perusing the web-pages of George Soros’s Now does that mean depending on what we find we must all be unbendable in our beliefs and applications? Of course it doesn’t. In fact both the Founders and Framers embraced “the debate” as a means to vet out differences and find common ground. Moreover, the three branches of representative government perform a similar vetting function with no absolute or incontestable power being afforded to any one of them. However the problem starts when we seek to set aside the basic and foundational principles, which are those “self-evident” maxims on which all of that healthy debate is hinged, and on which those who came before us all agreed. When this happens we lose Jefferson’s (and the rest of the Founder’s and Framer’s) true hopes and intentions for their burgeoning country in a wash of 21st Century psychobabble, and our children are worse off for it.

Look folks, Pope Francis is clearly not Pope John Paul the 2nd, at least in the sense that he seems to embrace facets of the Obama Doctrine, which just so happens to also include glaringly anti-Catholic positions on things like abortion and gay marriage. Frankly, one would think for the leader of Catholics around the world those types of “issues” would be sticking points between the two. Instead the Pontiff appears ready to promote the politics of our very Liberal Progressive President with absolutely no moral strings attached. Even more striking is how this POTUS himself, a man so vehemently opposed to even the mention of Christian faith in our public schools, can then go before his teleprompter and so conveniently merge the church with the state when it suits his purposes. Now I may be wrong, but I think Jefferson might find this inconsistency just a tad troubling from a Constitutional perspective.

Nevertheless, we continue to see a now hastened erosion of the core Judeo-Christian value systems necessary for the longevity of a truly free society. Our family structure is collapsing, divorce and infidelity are in record territory, and our elected officials can’t even agree that slaughtering a living human being in the womb so the merchants of death can sell the body parts for profit is evil and wrong. So I suppose that if I have a message for Pope Francis on his historic visit to the United States it would simply be, “You might want to get your priorities in order Your Holiness, before you lecture (We the People) on anything”, least of all something like “Climate Change” for goodness sake…

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Christianity, Congress, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, History, Media, Politics, President Obama, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment


We will not cower. We will not be defeated. We will always rise up and be free..!

We will not cower. We will not be defeated. We will always rise up and be free..!

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, First Responders, Fred Comella, History, International, Islamo-Fascist, Middle East, Military, Terrorism, The United States | Tagged | Leave a comment