Merry Christmas 2014???


la-sp-sn-yankees-nypd-slain-officer-20141222-001Is there “racism” in our country? Yes, though that word speaks to an environment which hasn’t existed in the U.S. for some time. It’s more a broad brush/excuse, used by some of less than honorable intent, to paint an incomplete picture of a complicated issue. Regardless, we are a nation of laws, and the murder of a uniform police officer in any civil society always represents a sign of national weakness like no other I can think of. Of the protests I would only say, “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances“, is not something we should ever take for granted. But those who exercise that right must also accept the responsibility which comes with it. Moreover, media, pundits, politicians and “community organizers” alike, should consider carefully the moral foundations of that which they purvey in the name of “We the People”.

Michael Brown and Eric Garner are still dead, and now so too are NYPD Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, their families struggling against the immense pain of loss. In the end, I believe we all know what must be done. The problem is, those real and achievable solutions of “peace on earth, good will toward men”, and the text from which we read them, are considered “politically incorrect”.

“God bless us every one”. We’re gonna need it.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Christianity, Constitutionality, First Responders, Fred Comella, History, Law Enforcement, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Race, Racism, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Socioeconomic, The United States | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Remembering those first warriors today 12-7-1941…



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Death by national suicide…


untitledQuotes are tricky things and many folks often get them wrong. While a steadfast student of history, I have also been burned by the social media quote machine a time or two. This has however, made me laser focused on the truth of what our founders and shapers have left for us to ponder concerning the fate of this great republic. Thus I’ve embraced Reagan’s philosophy of “trust but verify”. One of the quotes I’ve heard bandied about over the years has been both heralded and denounced, but rarely vetted. It is one which references the fact that our enemies will make no successful effort against us but to wait while we destroy ourselves from within. In fact, it is so altogether fitting and proper considering events of this past week, as well as our overall national station in the age of Obama, that I give you the true text today. Consider the words carefully my fellow Americans.

The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions: Address Before the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois

“Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide.” – (Abraham Lincoln) January 27, 1838

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A “Patriot64” Thanksgiving 2014…


images51KY2SWXOn this Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for my family and their health. And I’m reminded of how easy it is to take these things for granted. So to all who struggle with health issues this holiday season, whether it be theirs or their loved ones physical or mental health, let us pray for them and be mindful of our blessings, so the Lord will raise up those who need it most.

I am also thankful for the men and women of the United States Military, as they sacrifice, stand guard, and go in harm’s way so we may sit down to dinner this afternoon in peace. Lord keep them and guide them safely home to their families. They are truly deserving of our greatest appreciation and efforts.

And finally, I’m grateful to live in and understand a nation of freedom, where I may pursue my happiness and success of my own accord. Lord may your hand always lay favorably upon the noble beginnings and foundations of this great country, and may we steadfastly endeavor that our children learn of and hold fast to those tenets and values which are indisputable and yet, sometimes so fragile in our hands.

Happy Thanksgiving all, and God bless you…

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Ignoring the real problems…


imagesI always wait a couple of days before commenting on the more controversial stories of our time. It seems there are always caveats which ultimately shape our opinions going forward with the discourse. In this case however, the facts dictate some obvious conclusions albeit with some weighty questions.

The circumstances of Michael Browns death are tragic to be sure, but not necessarily extraordinary. Confrontational and frustrated young black man crosses the line and dies in a fatal confrontation with law enforcement. A grand jury later declines to issue a “true bill” in the matter of the officer’s culpability in the death of the young man. In their judgment and after reviewing the evidence, the officer acted within the scope of his training and protocols, and in a manner consistent with that of any reasonable police officer faced with the same situation.

The cold hard truth of this case aside, missing the lessons/questions here would be regrettable to say the least. Moreover, input from any self-serving politician, including our narcissistic president does little but fan the flames of ignorance and exploitation. No my fellow Americans, the problem is a societal one, and no amount of opportunistic looting portrayed by the news media as “protesting” will change that. Who was Michael Brown and why are his parents seemingly far more involved in the circumstances of his death than they ever were in those of his life? Why does the number of black police officers in Ferguson not reflect more closely, the populous demographic? Where are the real community leaders, and do the media and Al Sharpton’s of the world bear any responsibility in the violent aftermath of the grand jury’s decision? And finally, when we hold our elected officials accountable for the generational pandering and placating that has only augmented divisions in our nation, while hindering the true racial and cultural harmony which has made us the greatest country on planet earth?

These are only some of the many questions we can ask in the wake of this unfortunate chain of events. With that said, maybe just maybe, a true leader will seize the moment and grab hold of the positive change we so desperately need, and rekindle the American spirit of God and family in the hearts of ALL citizens, so we may know and understand our best days still lie ahead.

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From tragedy to triumph, Kevin Harvick wins!!!


From the moment he strapped into my heroes ride in 2001, I knew this day would come. To Kevin, Tony and all the folks at Stewart-Haas Racing, and to Delana and Keelan, congratulation’s and God Bless from a huge fan…


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Wrong day Bruce…


cfJee_AuSt_77Bruce Springsteen has never really been what he makes himself out to be. The whole working class hero thing is the long ago manufactured tag-line of an aspiring musician who cut his first record in his very early 20’s. Springsteen lived little or nothing of the true economical and social strife he attempts to portray in his music, and therefore understands equally as little about how and why it affects our nation. Moreover, his view of freedom and its cost is equally as vague and without context or experience.

Now its fine if this phony wants to write and perform his music for those longing for an earlier time, but when he and the John Bon Jovi’s of this world offer up that music as some kind of “educated” political prophecy, I’m inclined to tune out in a hurry.

I would only say to Bruce, whether he agrees or disagrees with this nation’s foundational tenets or the subsequent application(s) of its elected government, please have the decency to respect the day we honor men and women who willfully put themselves in harm’s way so you can belt out a few off-key melodies to an adoring albeit misguided audience?

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Bridge to foolishness…


IMG_6416The midterm elections were a reminder of the ideological differences dividing our nation. They were also a reminder that overall, “We the People” will eventually catch on that we’re being bamboozled by those we elect to high office. Notwithstanding generational dependents along for the ride, most hard-working Americans will catch on as policy catches up with their everyday lives.

So it should come as no surprise that even the folks out in very Liberal San Francisco California, are balking at the extra $33 million dollar price tag now being affixed to the demolition of the old Bay Bridge because of some protected (and not even endangered) birds. It seems the double-Crested Cormorant is on the federal government’s protected list and likes to hang out on the old Bridge. Fearing even greater numbers in terms of federal fines, as well as the wrath of the PETA types, the state is spending approximately $40,000.00 per bird on 800 birds to coax them into moving next door to the new bridge.

Now for anyone who’s really keeping score, the Left in this country does a whole lot of bloviating about wealth redistribution and the plight of those living below the poverty level, yet our government at the municipal, state and federal level, is pissing away your tax dollars in a wash of bureaucracy that’s simply beyond comprehension. How in God’s name can any so-called representative of the people even attempt to justify this kind of abuse with a straight face? Moreover, how does the Left sleep at night when those truly in need are going without while their government engages in such idiocy?

I say, shame on the morally bankrupt and politically inept bureaucrats who allow this type of foolishness to go unchecked.

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To all who have provided for our freedom…








Thank you!


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Post midterm…


660ObamaMcConnell_20141105_102428After yesterday’s midterm elections, and laying aside the fact my home state of Rhode Island remains a microcosm for what’s wrong with our republic, it appears the Obama agenda has finally been derailed. Admittedly I believe this is a good day for the country, but many questions remain. Let’s examine some of those.

  1. Will the battle for the soul of the Republican Party compromise its collective ability to govern effectively?
  2. Will Democrats break ranks with the President and proceed in their own states and (re-election) best interests?
  3. How (and how quickly) will Republicans address a host of critical issues, not the least of which are “Obamacare”, immigration reform, staggering national debt, and a propped up “house of cards” economy?

Clearly the American electorate are a fickle bunch, as demonstrated by yesterday’s returns. They expect change with positive results, but they’re not too keen on waiting for it. In fact, many are blind to their role in the very change they seek, as evidenced by the above mentioned and apparently self-imposed ignorance of the majority of voters in my home state. Notwithstanding that enigma, here are some questions for “We the People” as well.

  1. Will Americans find their way back to “the pursuit of happiness” as written, and not a political promise of it?
  2. Will they teach their children that the “general welfare” is just that, general? And will they remind them that government shall not provide it but rather only “promote it”?
  3. Will they teach their children of liberty, hard work, sacrifice and the rule of law, as means to a fruitful and rewarding life, or will entitlement and the crushing debt of a dependent society be the gifts we leave the next generation?
  4. And finally, will Americans acknowledge and pass to their children, a storied national history, that while not perfect, is undeniably the best arrangement for mankind under God, and has done more for the betterment of same than any nation in human history?

In either case, it’s never actually about the candidates. Truth be told, it’s much more about you and me and the degree to which we are committed to that time-honored tradition of leaving our posterity a better country than the one left to us. Regrettably, the generation which understood this best, by way of their experiences and understanding of our nation’s fundamental tenets, is rapidly fading into history. This leaves only the selfish “Baby Boomer” academics and elitists, whose only concerns are how they may manipulate and remake freedom and the Constitution to their own self-interest, and who are most certainly robbing our children of their rightful inheritance. Remember this when you vote my fellow Americans, and know that we sit precariously on a timing line if you will, and that whatever political decisions we make today, our children will surly answer for tomorrow.

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Forsaking the educated vote…


untitledAdmittedly, the fact that my 12 year-old has a deeper knowledge and understanding of civics and our founding principles than most college 20 something’s is troubling to be sure. It’s at least an indicator of more difficult times ahead for a nation that’s apparently lost sight of its moral standing in the world.

Now Barack Obama was not the catalyst or even necessarily the most pivotal player in what I now see as America’s generational decline. But as president, he’s certainly advanced a culture of victimization, class warfare and divisiveness, the likes of which I simply cannot recall. This comes much more clearly into focus as we approach the 2014 midterms, with pet causes and matters of personal validation once again encroaching on critical issues like the economy and foreign policy. With the help of a hopelessly bias “main stream” press, facts are noticeably absent from much of the conversation two weeks ahead of what may be the most pivotal election in recent times, while fear mongering and attack ads highlight candidates stances on things like “gay marriage” and “abortion” as a means to confuse or play on the emotion of the electorate. Ironically, little or nothing would change on either of these two fronts with the election of most any of the candidates today. But this is nevertheless an example of how important it is for the American people to be vigilant in pursuit of an educated vote. Consequently, and when taken in the context of our efforts, or lack thereof, along the lines of educating those to whom we mean to pass on this nation eventually, abuses of political power like those we’re seeing in Houston by Mayor Annise Parker take on a whole new significance. To be clear, it’s incumbent upon “We the People”, and more specifically “We the Parents”, not only to speak up and confront this type of gross political overreach regardless of our ideological or personal leanings, but also to exercise that moral obligation to educate our kids on the “why” of why this type of self-serving foolishness is never acceptable in a representative republic under law.

Without question, the greatness of our country hinges on the freedom of its people to engage in the discourse of the time. However the results/renderings of those debates, be they in the form of legislation and/or public policy as generated through the process of government, (city, state and federal), must be rooted in the fundamental tenets of our Constitution and Bill of Rights as they apply to all citizens of the United States. Absent these basic and undeniable truths, and as they should be taught to future generations without prejudice and/or revision, this “one nation under God” will not stand as originally intended in our children’s lifetimes.

Posted in 1st Amendment, America, Christianity, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, International, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, The United States, Womens Issues | Tagged , | Leave a comment



imagesFKZ0N9A9Beckel commented on FOX recently, that Republicans always complaining about how government should be smaller are now criticizing government for the lack of adequate response to “Ebola”. Well first and foremost, CDC funding doubled during Bush 43, and is up over thirty-five percent since Obama has been in the WH. Moreover, the GOP’s bone of contention has always been the “rate of spending”, and not cuts to existing funding, and also that tax payer money allotted for “disease control” shouldn’t be spent on bike paths and green energy projects.

I think it’s fair to say Americans are now concerned about this virus with a mortality rate of better than fifty percent, and that anyone idiot could’ve seen coming from 5700 miles away. I think it’s also fair to say that the Obama Administration has stumbled once again attempting to apply classroom ideology and theory to critical world events. Look, the president has one fundamental responsibility above all others, that being to protect the American people. Accordingly, and in view of his litany of failure thus far, one has to wonder how much longer, and how many more lives must be lost, before this Administration either wakes up or are removed from office for what might ultimately constitute “high crimes and misdemeanors”?

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, First Responders, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, International, Military, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The Border, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , | Leave a comment

FOX on the brain…



President Obama can’t put aside his battle with Fox News. The problem is his presidency is so difficult to defend. The POTUS recently tweeted that “While affordable healthcare might still be a threat to freedom on Fox News, its working pretty well in the real world”. Now while the tweet is quirky and even amusing, it’s as removed from reality as the rest of Mr. Obama’s time in office.

The “Affordable” Care Act remains unstable at best, and most experts now agree it will do little to change the total number of uninsured in this country. The enrollment process remains flawed and incomplete, and most of the president’s promises to Americans concerning cost, care, and accessibility have proven to be something more than just lies.

Now are there folks who’ve benefitted from the ACA who would not have otherwise? I’m sure there are. But like so many poorly thought out entitlement programs cast upon the shoulders of the tax-Payer, it’s destined to be nothing but a bureaucratically bloated and significant financial drag on our economy that does little to address what it was supposed to in the first place.

Lay off the silly Fox tweets Mr. President, and do your job!

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, Jobs, National Debt, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The Border, The United States, Unemployment, Unions | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

200 years…


untitledOh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

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Ray Rice and beyond…


untitledI love the game of football. Regrettably though, professional sports as a whole has become an incubator for young athletes who’ve been coddled on their way to stardom in order to secure their financial worth to the teams and owners who pursue them. This often begins at the high school level and sometimes even earlier. Superior athletes from broken homes and with scarred backgrounds, behave badly and demonstrate the potential for future irresponsibility, but are protected, ultimately leading to stories like that of Ray Rice, a star running-back for the Ravens who literally knocked his girlfriend unconscious with a jaw crunching left-hook, and did so with the speed and aggression of a boxer trading blows in the ring. To me it would seem that Rice expected little in the way of retribution because it’s how he’s been conditioned to view his own behavior and the consequences, (or lack thereof), for it.

“Consequently” if you will, all the condemnation and firings in the world will do little to address the perception of athletic ability alone as the avenue to escape a life of lesser means. Only when we focus our societal efforts on the fundamental and cultural issues of faith, family and personal accountability as “non-negotiable” foundations for a career as an athlete, (or any career for that matter), will we truly begin to effect the change we seek in the NFL, NBA, MLB, etc., etc.

P.S., We may look to the books of Griffin Jr. and Tebow as blueprints/examples.

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Obama’s “WAR”…


imagesI think the POTUS might be right, at least to the extent “ISIS” is not “Islamic” per se. I would add however, there is at least a quasi “religious” component to the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria, as I believe there is with al-Qaeda, and it is that their leadership use Islam as a ready vehicle for criminal murder, rape and human rights violations, as well as a mechanism to influence and draw the young and downtrodden to their ranks. You see it was no surprise to me when Bin laden was killed hiding amongst women and children and surrounded by pornographic movies and magazines, not fighting beside dedicated “Jihadists” bent on world domination in the name of Allah. That was just a charade, despite his alleged “heroics” post Mujahedeen activities in Afghanistan during the Russian occupation. The truth is that while there are most certainly those who feed off the blood of the innocent to further a warped, inhuman and sadistic ideology, many are simply drawn to the inclusive lawlessness, power, and money associated with a conquering and unopposed force for evil. You see, carrying the banner of religion allows these murdering frauds to lay claim to credibility, thus in their minds, validating their cause as advertised. But make no mistake, the perks of an accountability free operation, will always be an attraction to criminals of the most brutal sort.

Accordingly, the “war on terror” is just that, a war against those who would use terrible acts to scare off justice and freedom. And this type of war can be fought in only one way. To combat an armed and brutal adversary with zero regard for humanity, one must use superior and terminal force against that adversary until the threat is eradicated. Now eradicated may be to specific a word in the global context. Nevertheless, overwhelming force, combined with the moral resolve of a leader who understands and can communicate the threat to freedoms people around the world, will undoubtedly make that world safer for our children.

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Never forget…

It is our solemn charge that we entrust to our children, the memories of our loved and lost... Never forget...

It is our solemn charge that we entrust to our children, the memories of our loved and lost… Never forget…

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Message for Barbara Boxer: Benghazi is “a scandal”…


g-cvr-101102-barbaraBoxer-901p-300x210Moreover, your defense of the Obama Administration’s handling of the 9/11/12 attack which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, his attaché, and two military heroes, is at the very least, shameful.

There are many things the government of this country does which are beyond the average America’s attention span Senator. This is true for a number of reasons, not the least of which is they’re often too damn busy with the business of living, to reconcile events beyond any direct effect they may have on them or their families. Maybe that should change. Nevertheless, some things are no-brainers if you will, among them when our American brethren in service overseas are attacked and even killed. This rubs “We the People” the wrong way. That’s why the events of that fateful September evening in Benghazi, and our government’s response to them, cannot and will not be ignored mam.

Something went horribly wrong that night, and fair minded Americans understand more could have been done to save those brave operators from the barbarism of the al-Qaeda monsters. Ultimately, Senator Boxer, if you were any kind of “representative”, you too would not rest until the truth was made plain and justice meted out.

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Congress, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, International, Politics, President Obama, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

That sinking feeling…


imagesCASCWFZUAs far as I’m concerned, it borders on criminal when a politician promotes a false narrative for political or ideological sake. It’s even worse when they do it for reasons of personal legacy or job approval.

President Obama is coming to the “Ocean State” today and I’m sure he’ll be going on and on about how great the economy is, when in fact much of what many economists have been warning “Obamanomics” would bring to the table is actually happening. The ACA is crippling small businesses and raising the cost of healthcare for most Americans. Companies are doing more with fewer personnel leading to the lowest labor participation rates in a generation, (and skewing the jobless numbers). Burdensome taxes and regulation are slowing expansion and job growth, all while ignoring real solutions to help achieve energy independence as a nation. And one-third of Americans now receive some kind of government assistance.

Now these facts are debatable in terms of their individual effects on any given segment of the economy from one quarter to the next, but they are facts nonetheless. And to be parading around the country describing what’s happening economically as anything more than a flailing free market system in need of tangible stimuli, could certainly be a definition for demagoguery.

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, Economy, Energy, Fred Comella, Jobs, National Debt, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

What’s happening in America???


new1topferguson_20140815_105212While I believe it’s prudent not to jump to conclusions regarding the shooting of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer until the investigation is complete, I do thinks it’s fair to say that based on some of the more recent revelations concerning Mr. Browns whereabouts and activities prior to his interaction with police last Saturday, paint a somewhat different picture than was initially put forth by friends, family, and even legal counsel, portraying Brown as an innocent bystander “on his way to college”. Moreover, the resulting scenes of looting, vandalism, public intoxication and drug use, only reinforce the negative stereotypes which are always promoted by opportunistic racists whenever these unfortunate incidents occur. Nevertheless, it appears police are now standing down and the “Black Panthers” have taken up directing traffic at neighborhood intersections. This is not how 21st Century civilized society is supposed to respond to these crises. Oh, and as usual, the comments of folks like Al Sharpton are the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a wildfire. What an irresponsible and despicable human being…

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It’s about damn time…

How your enemy sees the world...

How your enemy sees the world…

WH Press Secretary Josh Earnest: “We’ve substantially improved the tranquility of the global community”. I mean, are these people smoking grass in the situation room? News flash Josh, the “global community” is gasping for air in the smog of growing anti-Semitism, fundamentalist terror, and ruminations of a Cold War lost.

Now I’m not necessarily condemning the Administration for its obviously short-sighted and purely academic foreign policy application, (which has been an abject failure btw), as one must understand this is first and foremost an ideological issue for the Obama classroom crew. The problem however, is their continuing inept response/reaction to these failures, allowing them to only grow in their intensity and carnage by the hour. From the Muslim Brotherhood to Benghazi to Afghanistan, to Syria, Iran, Gaza, Crimea, and now Iraq (again), The POTUS and his team have been missing in action at best, and grossly negligent in there decision making at worst. Thousands are dead and more are being persecuted and massacred in ways we haven’t seen since “The Killing Fields”, all while freedoms beacon has remained politically and militarily hamstrung, held in check by a president whose skewed view of the world has proven futile at nearly every turn. That is at least until today, when the real “humanitarian” aid finally arrived in the form of American high explosives detonating in the midst of the barbarous murderers of ISIS.

So as Christians are nailed to crosses in Iraq and an American General is riddled with bullets for his efforts to secure the blessings of liberty for those without it in Afghanistan, and as we watch Hamas indiscriminately fire rockets from civilian homes and mosques into Israeli suburbs, and as we watch a former KGB agent who speaks fluent German masterfully manipulate the entirety of Europe to further his plan of a reconfigured Soviet Union if you will, and as we now appear almost numb to civilian airliners being shot from the sky by trigger happy communist protégés, its quite stunning to hear Mr. Earnest attempt to spin reality into “Obamality” with the ease of a seasoned used car salesman.

“America is coming to help”? Really, Mr. President? Well it’s about damn time…

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Christianity, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, International, Middle East, Politics, President Obama, Terrorism, The Border, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

“The Good News Today”…


I have the honor of writing for a friends Christian newspaper, and he has given his blessing for me to share “The Good News Today”. Take a peek and check out the rest of the paper as well. It truly is an inspiring publication.


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Defend our military…


twitter_russiapicYou won’t get an argument from me about the military needing to take a good hard look at the way it spends its money, but rather we’d be talking about things like less bureaucratic waste and more of what soldiers need to do their jobs. We’d be wrangling over less money for fat cats shining a seat in Washington with their ass, and more money for Veterans struggling to make their way in this life after having given so much for their country. And we’d be talking about a benefit package befitting those who go in harm’s way in our stead, and that would look much more like those of Congress and the President.

But instead, we’re witnessing an ideological and systematic dismantling of our military and its readiness to fight, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Carter years. This president and his inexperienced and reckless cohorts have instituted a foreign policy tailored made for our enemies, and are backing it up by parking our fleet, grounding our aircraft, and sending pink slips to battled hardened military leaders while their still in-country.

This is what happens when an academic whose life experience can be viewed pretty quickly with a few clicks of a “Fisher Price View-Master” toy, is given the awesome responsibility of tending the world’s most powerful military.

So as the Middle East ignites and the Russian president drops “sissy bombs” on our Commander-in-Chief” via Twitter, it’s hard to imagine how the next president will go about the business of repairing the battered image of our nation, or for that matter, regain the confidence of the very men and women who defend the last bastion of true freedom in the world.

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The next generation…


Obama_Friday_AP_660So after all the flip-flopping, pandering, politicking and whining, the POTUS is now warning Congress that if they don’t act on the border crisis he may have no choice but to unilaterally legalize the next generation of Democrat voters. Say whaaaat?

The term “lawless” is being bandied about lately whenever Mr. Obama’s efforts are debated, and it seems more and more appropriate every time he opens his mouth. The president’s obvious disregard for all things not in keeping with his personal/political philosophy, as well as his embracing of all things not in keeping with the United States Constitution and his oath of office, will certainly be the stuff of political legend in the decades to come. However, the almost reckless abandon which the POTUS displays every time he leans over his podium and vacates any appearance of professionalism one would rightfully assume goes with the office, is beginning to rub “the folks” the wrong way.

Simply put, many of the president’s core constituencies are now asking, “what about us”? You see, this guy made a lot of “hope and change” kinds of promises to a lot of people, who are now left to wonder why he’s prepared to shower illegal aliens with billions of tax-payer dollars while many of those who put him office are left struggling in the economic surf of this anemic “recovery”.

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, Economy, Elections, Fred Comella, Immigration, International, National Debt, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, Socioeconomic, The Border, The United States | Tagged , | Leave a comment



imagesCAYI2W8DIt’s been extraordinary lately, watching our president basically walk away from his responsibilities to “We the People” and the Constitution. What’s more, he seems perfectly content to do so. I’ve done a little research and the term “lame duck” simply doesn’t fit this POTUS. “Blame duck” or “no shame duck” seem more appropriate considering Mr. Obama’s obvious disinterest in his foundering presidency. I mean this guy is setting precedents we can only pray future presidents will choose to ignore. It’s truly a sad and embarrassing time in our history.

One can only imagine how an egomaniacal murderer like Vladimir Putin sees a Barack Obama. Does he view him as weak and vulnerable, or merely a reflection of a declining America? Do our enemies south of the border see the president’s inaction as opportunity, or some sort of twisted collaboration? Are “the most transparent administration in presidential history” and “hope and change” just the greatest political hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people?

All valid questions to be sure, the answers to which will profoundly affect the future of this great nation and its posterity.  Elections really do have consequences now don’t they???

Wake up America. We will not survive another Barack Obama.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Immigration, International, Middle East, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Right vs. Left, Russia, The Border, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Pool Hall Politics…

Governor Perry’s glasses, corner pocket…

Governor Perry’s glasses, corner pocket…

The problems at the border are old ones to be sure. Many a president has looked the other way or used Band-Aids where tourniquets were needed, and usually only in order to garner the support of a particular demographic on election night. That said, President Obama’s approach to this latest crisis is clearly one of ideology first with the obvious bonus of future support for Democrats down the road. And much like the other dilemmas his administration is facing, Mr. Obama’s signature response to any push back from Republicans remains, “What’s your plan?”

Now on its face that sort of rhetoric seems to make political sense, except that the president has offered little if anything in terms of his own plans/solutions short of just throwing a whole lot of American tax payer cash at the problem(s). Now that I think of it, that’s been his “go to” policy since 2008.

Ultimately, “We the People” are frustrated and looking for Barack Obama to provide the kind of leadership one expects from the office of the president. You know, the kind of feel good “hope and change” leadership he so eloquently sold us back on the campaign trail. Maybe even some of that inspirational stuff that moves houses of Congress to bi-partisan action, and is befitting a “leader of the free world”. Sadly, it appears there will be only more of this (1.5 and done) presidency at the expense of your children’s country.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Elections, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, Immigration, International, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The Border, The United States | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cormick Lynch for U.S. Congress in RI District 1…


1403564560710Hailing from the state with the highest unemployment rate in the nation is always front and center when I engage a fellow Rhode Island voter in any political discussion. And the fact that my home state is likely the last choice for any smart business owner or budding entrepreneur looking to put in roots, only augments the frustration of a Conservative living in a place where voters repeatedly send the poster children for corruption and partisan politics back to Washington time and again. So when I bumped into young Cormick Lynch in the Shaw’s Supermarket parking lot the other day, I wasn’t shocked to hear he’d only acquired 200 of the 500 signatures needed to get on the ballot as a Republican running in the 1st Congressional District against the infamous and very typical Rhode Island politician, David Cicilline. It simply never ceases to amaze me how the majority of Rhode Island voters seem content with the status-quo which has been destroying our state for nearly 50 years.

So my question to the “Little Rhody” voters is simple. Is this what you wish to leave your children, really? If the answer is no, then step up and be part of real change for a change, and to heck with that failed and not as advertised “hope and change”. For my part, give me a fresh look and new ideas that’ll turn Rhode Island away from the iceberg of politics as usual with all the usual suspects. Go and sign this young combat vet’s voter sheet and let us begin again. Oh, and a message to the Rhode Island Republican Party; get your collective heads out of your backsides and make sure you’re supporting this young man’s efforts!

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Immigration flyby…

The extremely difficult job of the border agents and their support staff cannot be underestimated.

The extremely difficult job of the border agents and their support staff cannot be emphasized enough.

First and foremost, it’s understood that what we now have at the southern border is a humanitarian crisis, ironically born out of the president’s own policies. Moreover, it’s nothing short of heart breaking to see these children being used as pawns by their own governments, and by the White House. Now to the conundrum:

President Obama during a recent naturalization ceremony – “If we want to keep attracting the best and the brightest, the smartest and the most selfless the world has to offer, then we have to keep this in mind:  The value of our immigrants to our way of life is central to who we are. It’s in our DNA.  It’s part of our creed.”

Now was the president talking to those folks who had just paid their dues and fees, and labored through what can be a tedious and bureaucratic process to earn their citizenship according to the rule of law, or was he talking about those crossing the border illegally in places like Texas and Arizona every day, many of whom are convicted drug offenders and human traffickers, and gang members. Or maybe he was speaking of the nearly 52,000 unaccompanied children taken into custody at the southern border since October, many suffering from mal-nutrition and carrying a host of diseases requiring hospitalization and even proper vaccination. I mean does the man think we‘re stupid, or is this simply part of a more nefarious effort on Mr. Obama’s part.

Look, those of us who know our history know the difference between legal immigration and a surge of illegal refugees, who will ultimately tax service systems beyond the breaking point in many of the Border States. So why isn’t our president using the same Latin-American media now promoting his policies of amnesty to the masses, to instead promote and encourage the downtrodden of those same nations to fight for their freedom and wellbeing? Why isn’t he holding these nations, (including the criminal nation of Mexico), accountable for their human rights violations and their “look the other way” mentalities when it comes to South American transients using their countries as pathways to the U.S. Border? And why in the heck is he gonna fly right by the hot zone en-route to his next fundraiser? I’ll tell you why, because he could care less about their freedom and wellbeing, or their human rights for that matter. Barack Obama cares only about forcing his vision of a United States far removed from its place in the world as a bastion of liberty and opportunity for those seeking a better way of life, and re-painted if you will, with the bland and hopeless colors of mediocrity and re-distribution.

Do not be fooled my fellow Americans. This president is not a man driven by any lofty compassion or for that matter any real understanding of the ideals which have made this nation great. No, the president is a man driven only by a cold ideology of intolerance to anything that resembles the greatness of individual achievement based on diligence and hard work, as well as any success born of the liberty and opportunity so many have died to defend.

Comprehensive immigration reform??  Doubtful Mr. President, not on your watch…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Elections, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, Health Care, Immigration, International, Jobs, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, Socioeconomic, The Border, The United States | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Independence Day 2014…


Independence-DayOn this Independence Day 2014, I’m a bit reflective and wondering how those folks I watched take the citizenship oath on TV yesterday, feel about those other folks invading this country without opposition down on the Southern border. Politics aside, the simple truth of the matter is that the generational need to assimilate to the American culture is dying with the “greatest generation”. It has been replaced by a twisted and alternate-America if you will, created and nurtured by the revisionists who’ve been hiding in plain sight right here in our own American universities since the 60’s.

What can never be denied however, is that back in the late 18th century, a bloody war for American independence was fought with a simple maxim at its center, that being the idea that should the English colonists actually succeed in their efforts to shed the yoke of Georges tyranny, the resulting nation would have to be exclusive to anything else ever attempted in human history, a government of, by and for the people, period. The road has not been without the bumps one should expect on such a consequential journey, but the results are undeniably the greatest arrangement for mankind under God! An arrangement that once shined as a beacon of hope to those who would cross oceans to bask in its wealth of freedom and opportunity.

So as we take stock of a clearly wounded and flailing republic this 4th, let us as a people and culture, not ignore the simple cause of our trials. Make no mistake my fellow Americans, ignorance of true history will bring about consequences of a greater magnitude than anything we’ve seen. Moreover, depriving our children of a lesson in the exceptionalism of this country, and instead feeding them only a steady stream of ideological BS in order to indoctrinate instead of educate, is tantamount to robbing them of their greatest potential in this greatest of places.

Think about that…

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Executive overreach…


Barack ObamaIndeed the number of executive orders issued by President Obama is less than those of the previous two presidents. However the number is not the issue, but rather it’s the ever broadening scope of the president’s executive actions which is troubling. You see he’s using his “pen and phone” to re-wright the very laws he’s sworn to faithfully execute.

In context, and when we look back at the origins of the executive order, we see the intent had no real constitutional foundation, but rather drew its authority from Article II and its description of the president’s “executive power”. The early 1900’s saw little mention of executive orders and it wasn’t until 1952 when President Truman’s attempt to place all steel mills in the U.S. under federal control was shot down by the SCOTUS that the process began to come under greater scrutiny.

The reality here is obvious though, for anyone of an objective mind. #44 has little if any respect for the document which thankfully sets this nation apart from the rest of the world, and his ilk will defend his trampling it to the bitter end. Nevertheless, interpretation can be a tricky word. This is why the United States Constitution is powerful by simplistic but implicit design, written in such a way so as to discourage ideological freedom haters from manipulating it for the sole purpose of changing or abolishing it. To be clear, the President of the United States has abandoned his oath of office, and many, (including me), have concluded he’s also broken the law. It’s hard to know however, if enough of “We the People” yet understand how damaging events such as these are to our beloved Republic, and if the prescribed remedies would make a difference.

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Over in six years…


untitledAs I watch the president’s poll numbers plummet, and I see much of what I feared would occur now come to pass, gloating would almost be too easy. But much to the chagrin of my Liberal Progressive detractors, I feel only sadness and disappointment at the failure of the POTUS. To be clear, his policies were doomed on the merits, and even more so by his experience as chief executive of absolutely nothing before becoming president. But there are two things which stand out for me and that I believe are truly detrimental to our posterity.

First and foremost, this president (with a lot of help from a complicit and irresponsible main stream press), has exploited the “low information voter” like none before him, aligning him/her with the drop dead progressive sycophant who would follow him over a cliff regardless. In doing this, he’s created a new and dangerous demographic if you will, unconcerned with and unhindered by our founding principles, stated values and/or the heavy price paid for their right to be ignorant.

Second, he’s garnered unto the executive branch, illegal powers and privileges which were and are to be purposely held in check by the other co-equal branches of government. So dangerous could these precedents be as future POTUS’s come and go, that our very system of government might be rendered incapable of finding a way through to actually govern.

Regardless, and while his presidency is essentially over in year six, President Barack Obama’s ideological mission has cost our nation dearly, and repairing the damage he’s done will be a challenge over the long haul to be sure. The question is, do “We the People” have what it takes to be informed and capable of nursing our republic back from the brink for our children’s sake? Well do you?

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Emails of consequence…


Lois_LernerIn the tech world, the loss of emails as permanent records is almost impossible these days. So it’s no wonder those in the know are chuckling at the latest IRS excuse regarding Lois Lerner’s (and others) emails. For the committee investigating the scandal, one would think this amounts to a whole different crime to be investigated. Astonishingly, the fact that most of the press doesn’t see this as a story to be pursued with vigilance, only reinforces the notion that the “main stream media” are basically propagandists for the Obama Administrator.

The good news is, folks are waking up and wondering what the heck is going on in Washington. They’re suddenly awash with empathy and thinking of themselves under the “political” thumb of the IRS, or worse yet having to reconcile another terrorist attack on the homeland.

It has taken six long years, but “We the People” are finally coming to the realization that this is a failed presidency and reckless and unqualified administration. The last two elections were huge politically correct mistakes with painful consequences which will surely linger for a generation at least.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Congress, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Home and Family, IRS, Law Enforcement, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

To be a father…


IMAG0006He was from a different time as his father before him. He worked hard and defended freedom, made no excuses, and died too young. Only these past twelve years do I finally know what he tried to teach me about this life, and I’m better for the lesson. There is more to being a father than simply being party to a child’s life, and thanks to him, I embrace that awesome responsibility every single day.

On this Father’s Day Dad, I can see you in him…

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Dr. James Hansen

Dr. James Hansen

As we ponder the President’s war on fossil fuels and the catastrophic effect his recent (executive) efforts at regulation will have on the broader economy and jobs, I seem to remember a certain Mr. James Hansen speaking before Congress, and in particular, one politician looking for an ideological launching pad to bigger and better things. When in 1988, then head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies Jim Hansen predicted the end of the world as we know it by the early 2000’s, the ambitious and somewhat unstable Albert Arnold “Al” Gore, Jr. signed on with gusto, and has been making millions on the ambiguous science ever since.

All these years later however, and much to the chagrin of the “environmentalist whacko’s”, most Americans understand that while abusing our God given planet unnecessarily is reckless and selfish at best, the ideological and broad brush pursuit of green tech as a cure-all for the otherwise fatal disease of so-called “man caused global warming” is largely a bunch of BS.

Nevertheless, it bears pointing out that back in the early 1970’s Mr. Hansen and a bunch of his scientist/activists buddies swore up and down the earth was actually cooling, so rapidly in fact that the end was, you guessed it, just around the corner. Wake up my fellow Americans. The modern environmental movement is merely another political wing of the Liberal Democratic Party, and we have true game changing decisions to make as a nation.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, Economy, Environment, Fred Comella, Jobs, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Right vs. Left, The United States, Unemployment, Unions, United Nations | Tagged | Leave a comment

Style over substance…

Major Eric Stahl, Air Force Ret.

Major Eric Stahl, Air Force Ret.

Bret Baier’s recent interview with Retired Air Force Major Eric Stahl, (the pilot of the C-17 used to evacuate the injured consulate staff and the four bodies from Libya on 9/11/12), was stunning for many reasons, not the least of which was his on the ground perspective during the immediate aftermath, and how the president and Mrs. Clinton’s versions lacked much of the actual truth. However when we examine his account in the context of an Obama foreign policy which appears to be disintegrating before our very eyes, it takes on a whole new urgency if you will.

For the life of me, be it Benghazi, Crimea, Syria, the Bergdahl debacle, and now the imploding security situation in Iraq, it’s hard to imagine things getting any worse in terms of this president’s international approach. Nevertheless, and in the face of overwhelming evidence, we continue to see and hear the faithful sycophants defend and deflect with a political zeal that could only make a Clinton jealous.

I’ve always expected President Obama’s policies would come back to haunt him. But quite frankly I didn’t think it would happen so quickly and with such a thunderous roar. In the end, I predict his approval ratings will set a new low mark in American presidential history, with only those whole heartedly committed (as he is) to the “transformation” of our great nation, hanging on to the rails of an obviously sinking ship. Moreover, he will likely take his place aside Jimmy Carter as an even more poignant example of style over substance when we could least have afforded it…

Posted in "Patriot64", Benghazi, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, International, Military, Politics, President Obama, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment



I’m getting a bunch of e-mail requests on this one, so I’m reposting it out front and in favorites. Folks can also go to archives and search for older articles as well as the old site,

Remaking the “American Dream”…

americandreamThe next step for liberals is to lower the bar and frame the new expectations. In full view of the CBO’s recent “Obamacare” projections, folks like Congressman Keith Ellison (D) MN, are actually out there hyping the wholly unrealistic and un-American concept of, less effort more reward. Many progressives are even going so far as to say that Americans work harder for less than other industrialized nations. Even if this were true, (and it’s not), and accepting that no economic system is without trial and consequence, Americans of all economic categories and stripes have and do enjoy a quality of life unequalled around the globe. What is truly astounding however, is that as we witness Europe’s economic failures in glaring high-definition, there are still fool’s like Ellison, who insist freebies and de-incentivizing the American worker are the way to go. The truth of the matter, is that in order for all Americans to excel in their own endeavors, the government must indeed do its part, that being promote and encourage, by way of unobtrusive but effective legislation, an economic climate which has liberty and free market competition at its core. Oh and essentially, GET OUT OF THE DAMN WAY!

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No running from these “consequences of elections”…


MW-AW062_obama3_20121107021122_MGThe question of the president’s ideology and governing platform is surly no longer a matter for debate. With every manner of tactical avoidance, misstep, scandal, or just plain disregard for the checks and balances written into our founding documents, Mr. Obama has indeed succeeded, at least to some degree, in “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”. That said, it will probably come as a surprise to the rabid Left, that while I did not support the president in either of his bids for the White House, I’ve actually endeavored these nearly six years to find a single intent layered in any of his policy’s or causes, that would indicate he is a patriot with any sort of grasp on the foundational tenets of this great nation. To the contrary, President Obama has become increasingly candid about his disdain, not only for those who simply disagree with him on the issues, but for the very constitutional processes he is sworn to uphold.

Consequently, it will be a good day for our posterity when this president’s second term ends in January of 2017, and a newly elected chief executive may go about the business of bringing a country, more divided than at any time since the middle 19th century, back together again.


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Elections, Fred Comella, Politics, President Obama, Right vs. Left, The United States | Leave a comment

0630 on the beaches of Normandy, 70 years ago today,


the battle shifted in favor of freedom…

Teach your children, of the sacrifices made in their name…

Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are about to embark upon a great crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers in arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened, he will fight savagely.

But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man to man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our home fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to victory!

I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!

Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower


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What’s next???


140601-bergdahl-jms-1627_b4ceb69bb5eb1b9b97aea6cab23fcc9dPutting aside the obvious question of why are we now negotiating with terrorists, I think this latest White House stunt could very well cement the Obama Administration’s place in U.S. history as the most inept and corrupt ever. Moreover, if I weren’t so convinced President Obama is actually laser focused on the ideological ramifications of his executive decisions, I’d have to say the man was just plain ignorant.

Bypassing Congress and then concocting some allegedly pressing illness as the reason when questioned, along with releasing five notorious “Gitmo” extremist/murderers back to the field of battle so they can kill more American soldiers and civilians, would have to be the work of a “less than focused” Commander-in-Chief, wouldn’t you say?

Just when you think you’ve seen it all from this bunch, it gets worse. If it wouldn’t be an unacceptable distraction at a time when our nation can ill-afford one, I would support immediate impeachment of this president. Nevertheless, a resounding Congressional victory in November will have to suffice.

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Congress, Constitutionality, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, International, Middle East, Politics, President Obama, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Leave a comment

The Rebranding of America…


AP080908020714I’ve taken a lot of heat for my criticism of the POTUS, albeit mostly from the constitutionally challenged and/or hypocrites filled with the very hate and intolerance they claim to abhor. Nevertheless, and as the president navigates an endless stream of scandals and missteps, I ‘m more inclined to believe he should never have been elected in the first place. But there’s a caveat, something much more disconcerting than just an unqualified and “packaged candidate” for higher office and the damage they might do if elected. Plainly said, it all comes back to “We the People”.

To be sure, one doesn’t have to look much further than our public schools to behold the myriad of revisionism and outright misinformation being shoved down our children’s throats, as at least a partial indication of how our young people view the presidency and the nation. No, the election and subsequent re-election of our nation’s first (bi-racial) president is all on (we the current generation). Whether it was his extremely thin resume, or ability to utilize a teleprompter like no politician in recent memory, or maybe it was his uncanny ability to govern from a position of indifference and political isolationism. Regardless, Barack Hussein Obama and his ilk have succeeded in forcing the reality of “American Exceptionalism” right out of the “American Dream”, replacing it instead with big government ideology and an entitlement mentality the likes of which has destroyed and is destroying nations around the globe even today. Make no mistake; I’ve always said we’re not a nation without flaws. But it is our people and their historical and exceptional use of liberty for the betterment of themselves, their families and their country, which make the United States the last best hope for mankind.

So how then does one man and his ideology convince enough folks to invest in his version of the aforementioned American Dream you ask? Well, say what you will about “free stuff” and the promise of legislative validation for whatever, and I do mean whatever you believe or engage in, because that kind of divisive politics does have its victories, albeit mostly on the backs of those fat and willfully uniformed. I’m actually speaking of the “ten percenter” though. That person who for whatever reason is willing to compromise their children’s future for the sake of a continuing PC acceptance down at the local Starbucks Wi-Fi lounge. These are the voters who elect presidents. Unwilling to engage the relentless sycophants for fear of being labeled politically incorrect, or worse yet a “racist” who hates our (bi-racial) president just because he’s black, these status oriented individuals seem almost paralyzed by what can only be described as a media propagated alternate reality…

Regrettably I’m stumped for a cure to the cancer overtaking the American culture in the 21st Century, and I’m not even sure if President Obama bears any culpability as he’s obviously a product of that culture, elected twice by a majority of free people. With that said, I believe with all my soul that the road back for America begins and ends with education. And not just an education in terms of any perceived financial success it might bring, (as most of our college youth singularly embrace), but rather a historical education that does not necessarily sugarcoat a nation’s growing pains, and does embrace the foundational reality of its many successes.

In the end, our kids may never know the origins of this hard fought freedom we enjoy today, if we make no effort to counter the ideological revisionism being thrust upon them by a disgruntled and mal-adjusted minority. Parents must toil every day to ensure their kids truly understand America and what it means to a world changing, and not necessarily for the better. With the wisdom and experience of the “Greatest Generation” all but gone, and as we’re now watching the systematic undoing of everything which sets us apart from the failed and Socialistic efforts of other industrialized nations, I ask you all, what greater responsibility could you have in this life?

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Education, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, Media, Political Correctnness, President Obama, Race, Racism, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment