Not so fast…


imagesFRPH7TZ8Hallelujah!! The last jobs report indicated around 288,000 jobs created, thus lowering the unemployment number to 6.3%. Good news, right?

Context – 806,000 folks gave up looking for work and left the job market, lowering the labor participation rate to 62.8%, the lowest in more than 35 years. Oh, and GDP grew at an anemic 0.1%, awful even considering the really bad winter.

The absolute worst “recovery” ever? Yup…

Listen people. Taking a picture of an obviously smaller and shrinking pie, and then using that information to promote yet another “false narrative” is lying. Believing the lie at the expense of your children just because you want to fit in with the Obama coffee-shop apologists, is pathetic and frankly sad.

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, China, Economy, Fred Comella, Jobs, National Debt, Political Correctnness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment, Unions | Tagged | Leave a comment

Press Corps punch lines…


Obama_s640x427The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is entertaining if nothing else, although there is a coziness if you will, which clearly puts this POTUS at ease among a majority in the press. It was certainly a “nerd prom” nevertheless.

I did pick up on one theme the president seemed to focus on, that being the work ethic of the 113th Congress. At one point he joked, “If you want to get paid for not working, you should have to run for Congress just like everyone else.” I thought to myself, is he kidding? His nickname should be President Titleist, or “Back 9 Barry” for that matter. To his credit, Mr. Obama did apply his press punch lines equally, poking fun at CNN’s lack of “real news”, as well as warning FOX, “You will miss me when I’m gone. It is going to be harder to convince the American people that Hillary was brought up in Kenya,”

All in all it was the usual “wink and nod” kind of evening, with all the press folks coming out to get a pic with “the man”, and maybe even kiss the ring. For my part, the obvious “relationship” this president has with many in the press corps is troubling to say the least. Anyway, I’m sure the bar tab was a hefty one…

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Fallen Journalism…


untitledCommon sense dictates, that if you don’t believe the President and his re-election team intentionally misled the American people on Benghazi for political gain, then you’re probably a staunch partisan sycophant willing to swallow any and all ideological poison fed to you. Truth be told, the last five years have fostered such ignorance in our great nation. Nevertheless, the bigger story is the “main stream media’s” culpability on the matter of what any (good) journalist would tell you is a monumentally consequential story.

Literally everything we stand for and everything that makes America click, economically, culturally and otherwise, is compromised when the press fails to act responsibly and impartially. Consequently, as we look back on Watergate and remember the stick-to-itiveness and diligence of an unrelenting press, supposedly operating under the banner of the “people’s right to know”, it’s difficult to grasp how far those standards have fallen. Maybe they were never standards at all. Worse yet, maybe those standards only apply to one side of an argument.

“Freedom of the press” can obviously be defined in constitutional ways. But ours is unique in that it’s unhindered by government, or at least it’s supposed to be. Unfortunately, today’s high-tech press has largely become a political animal, run and financed by the 60’s flower generation and willfully blind to the history which guarantees its voice. Common decency and trueness to a code of neutrality when reporting the news to “We the People”, has been replaced by a more slanted and ideological version of that news. Of course the causality in this case is often the truth. Suffice it to say, that in the age of “breaking news”, the influence of “the main stream media” is certainly palpable.

The good news my fellow Americans, is that same modern media now gives us choices and information en masse by way of the World Wide Web. It’s simply up to us to seek the truth, all the while listening to that little voice in our head folks like Chris Matthews hope we’ll ignore…

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Racism realty…


untitledUltimately, whether it’s Cliven Bundy, Donald Sterling, or any other idiot whose mouth is going before his/her brain is in gear, the damage they do will certainly be exploited to its maximum, albeit regrettable potential by those of less than honorable intent. Evil charlatans like Al Sharpton and Calvin “Snoop Dogg” Broadus Jr. are like a pack of drooling hyenas prowling for opportunities to extract whatever legitimacy they can from controversy so they may apply it to their own illegitimate adventures. With that said, it’s even more frustrating when our president slips the boundaries of sensibility and protocol and comments on issues requiring in-depth historical and factual context. When asked by reporters in Malaysia recently about LA Clippers owner Sterling’s comments, President Obama immediately morphed into Community Organizer Obama, sounding more like an opportunistic NAACP attorney with a speech impediment than the “leader of the free world”.

The sins of slavery and bigotry are grievous and littered with the lessons of history to be sure. But those sins weren’t born in this country and they won’t die here. They are sins of men’s hearts. Thus to sacrifice our first Amendment rights for the comments and miscues of uneducated fools like Bundy and Sterling, accomplishes little but to embolden equally uneducated bigots like Al and Snoop-Dogg. In fact, the United States of America and the vast majority of “We the People” have sacrificed more to advance the causes of liberty, equality, and freedom than any nation in all of human history, (and done so in a far shorter period of time). One would think our “brilliant” president would understand and build on that truth, instead of fanning the smoldering embers of racism in order to advance his personal and ideological agenda.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, Racism, Rhode Island Local, Socioeconomic, The Border, The United States, Womens Issues | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Time is short…

Notice the very top of the page...

Notice the very top of the page…

As we look back through the ages, we always discover the evil ones attempting to re-write history. In extreme cases we’ve witnessed unimaginable genocide as a “final solution” to the propagandized threat of a dictatorial regime. Subsequently, bloody and costly wars were fought to right those wrongs. Yet as real and tangible as this history is, human-kind remains slow to recognize the threat. In the case of our own great republic, the enemies of freedom have been patient, quietly chipping away at the stone of truth and reason for decades, simply waiting for their time. Some might suggest that time is now.

With that said, the U.S. is a different animal to be sure, cultivated and ultimately founded in ways that give Liberal Progressives the shakes. Not perfect to be sure, but the greatest arrangement for mankind “under God” nevertheless. The problem for “We the People” however, is the last generation or so, whether by way of apathy or design, have done an absolutely awful job of passing on the truth and greatness of this nation to their children. Instead, and from the lofty halls of government to the classrooms of so-called higher education, those who seek a “different kind of freedom”, unhindered by the necessary qualifiers of responsibility and accountability, have painted a very different portrait of liberty’s beacon to the world. A caustic and steady stream of revisionism, complete with the intention to obliterate any consideration of the documented Judeo/Christian foundation of America, and cloaked in a phony garment of political correctness, are the calling cards of these alleged “representatives” and “professors”.

Frankly, I don’t believe there’s ever been a time when our problems as a nation and a people have been more recognizable. One might argue the issues of civil rights were obvious by way of man’s conscience, and that would be true enough. But I’m talking about any 21st Century person’s ability to Google up the moral decay permeating the fabric of the American culture and destroying our children’s birthright from the inside out.

Time is short my fellow Americans. Your country is wounded and in need of the strength written into the founding documents by men who’d cringe if they could see how their words have been misrepresented and manipulated to suit the vocal minority. It is high time we right this ship…

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He is risen..!



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Good Friday 2014…


He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities. By his wounds we are healed… Isaiah – 53


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Can’t see it from my house, yet…

Get used to that view Lois.

Get used to that view Lois.

Ultimately, the level of voter apathy and ignorance dictates the level of freedoms decay. This is evidenced by the degree of outrage we see over things like the IRS and Benghazi scandals, as well as any poll showing Hillary Clinton with support besides Bill and Chelsea.

In the age of the “Obama-boomers”, many have been lulled into a dangerous indifference to all matters not directly affecting them (at the moment), and with the exception of those which they benefit from exclusively. As an example, Lois Lerner was part of a larger attempt to impose the power of the most feared agency in this country to affect an outcome outside what the law prescribes. To be sure, if it were you who were affected negatively as a result, you’d be screaming into the ear of anyone who’d listen about how you were wronged and demanding recourse. The problem as I see it is, “We the People” have become politically selfish. We’re so engrossed in our own self-serving minute that we’ve lost sight of the bigger picture, that being the very Liberty entrusted to us to pass on to our kids.

Consequently, the elections of 2014/16 will say much about the next quarter century in America…

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We have the government we elected…


The Bundy Ranch incident is symptomatic of a broader issue, and frankly something I’ve been predicting for quite a while.

safe_imageYou see my fellow Americans, our system of government was never intended to function as such, and is collapsing under the weight of excessive political manipulation. Federal overreach was exactly what the Founders feared, and was a focus of intense debate at the penning of our constitution. To be sure, the debate over states rights is as old as the republic, and no less contentious today. With that said, our constitutional liberties undoubtedly hinge on this often delicate balance of power between the states and the federal government. Politicians understand and exploit this regularly, usually by means of misinformation, scare tactics and outright “bullying”. The Nevada matter reflects a simmering resentment of the federal government, as Washington politicians seek to exert the full weight of their seats of power on average Americans in ever-broadening and intrusive ways, and “for their own good” no less. The problem is, “for their own good” is a phrase (hard-working) Americans understand to be of our own doing and responsibility. That is government “of, by, and for the people”, and something folks like Harry Reid have made a career of trying to destroy.

Nevertheless, as I look around in 2014, I see more than just a jobless recovery, crumbling infrastructure, and crippling debt. I see a nation in search of itself. I see good people waking up to the truth of this republic and all that it stands for. Regrettably, this “awakening” will certainly put “We the People” at odds with the revisionist/entitlement Socialists. In the end, our children’s future as a truly free people hangs in the balance.

As a side note: The way to Liberty’s victory is through the legal process and by the rule of law. This is what makes the United States different, and what separates us from Putin’s Russia. Good people must stand and be counted at the polling places, and politicians who trample our rights must be voted from office. And while I feel the same passion for freedom burning in the hearts of patriotic Americans across this country, and I would die to preserve their right to assemble in defense of that freedom, violence is not the answer. Many have already given their last full measure to afford us the system of recourse we enjoy today, and we should not attempt to undo the mistakes of free elections with armed confrontation. Votes are what do that. Organize, mobilize, educate and reflect inward on what we wish to leave posterity. Restore our nation the proper way, and while there’s still time…

Qualifier for the above: BLM and it’s overseers must do the same.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Congress, Constitutionality, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, Media, National Debt, Politics, Right vs. Left, Russia, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The Border, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

One year later…


BostonRemembering those we lost, Krystle Campbell 29, Martin William Richard 8, Lingzi Lu 23, and Sean Collier 26, and their families, as well as the many who were wounded, on this one year anniversary of the bombings at the 2013 Boston Marathon. And to the law enforcement professionals and civilians, who saw to it the two terrorist murderers did not escape justice, Boston (and America) are in your debt. God bless you all…

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This “Top Cop” is nothing of the sort…

Att. General Eric Holder

Att. General Eric Holder

The recent dust-up between Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Attorney General Eric Holder, is just another indicator of how bush-league the Obama bunch appears on any given day. Not only do they use our beloved Constitution as a punch-line in secret smoke-filled WH hide-a-ways, but when they’re called to account, they respond in full out campus cry baby fashion, even going so far as to somehow try and appear tough.

Notwithstanding the fact there is simply nothing imposing about this bunch, (less of course the fact that they currently wield the immense power of the federal government like their own personal wrecking machine), when a man in a position such as that of Mr. Holder’s, descends into a childish tirade when asked to answer to the people who pay him by the people who represent them, it’s time for Americans to think carefully about who they trust to enforce the law of the land. And to those who would whine about the “adversarial culture which exists Washington these days”, I would direct them to another time when then Attorney’s General Gonzales and Reno sat in front of the microphone, that is if they truly want to understand political brawling 101…

Lighten up Eric “Buddy”. You have neither the common vernacular depth nor the political gravitas to operate outside the Obama bubble. You serve only as an example of voter apathy.

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Rhode Island politics as usual…

Birds of a feather...

Birds of a feather…

With an approval rating just shy of 27%, it’s hard to believe there’s not a viable candidate out there running against Congressman David Cicilline, (D) Rhode Island. I mean what does it say about the “Ocean State” when a man with a track record like this guy has a seat at the national table uncontested?

Now I heard he intends to plaster his office door in Washington with the faces of those who’ve lost their extended unemployment benefits, undoubtedly in an attempt to shame Republicans into voting for yet another extension. My question to this political charlatan would be a simple one. What the heck have you done since being elected, to address the larger issue of actually putting Rhode Islanders back to work!? To borrow a line from the movie (Animal House), the answer would be, “0.0”…

You see Rhode Island is truly unique. Not only do they elect candidates with obviously pathetic and shameful records, and on the ever-expanding promise of more free stuff, but then they re-elect them time and again in spite of the fact they do absolutely nothing of “We the People’s” business. I suppose that in the end, Rhode Islanders get the representation they deserve…

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Term limits anyone???


I heard Congressman Steny Hoyer on FOX trying to defend “Obamacare” this morning. Same old talking points. “College kids on their parents insurance, no exclusion for pre-existing conditions, blah, blah”. Bipartisan stuff from day-one. Oh, and don’t forget we reached 7.(1) million enrollees the other day. Pathetic…

ryan_hoyer_061211_FTNTo her credit, FOX’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck went right after the 16 term Congressman, and jabbed him with the fact that in his own state of Maryland more than 60, 000 had gained insurance but more than 70,000 had lost it. Hoyer was clearly off balance and smiling a lot, hoping to dismiss this little Conservative tot who was making him look like an ass. Hasselbeck wasn’t backing off though. She continued hammering him on the sketchy ACA enrollment numbers, and skyrocketing premiums and deductibles nation-wide, (as documented by over 140 independent insurance broker analysts to date). Old Steny looked about ready to jump through the camera. Nevertheless, Little Elizabeth wrapped up by inviting the veteran spend-thrift to come on FOX and debate Paul Ryan on Ryan’s budget proposal, rather than simply propagandizing. Hoyer sort of accepted, but was clearly too rattled to process the moment.

I’m pretty confident this election cycle is shaping up to be a very different animal. As expected, the president’s policies are now affecting real Americans in real ways, which will certainly influence the mid-terms.

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Community Organizer in Chief…


untitledWatching this POTUS on any given day makes one yearn for an earlier time. Yesterday’s touchy-feely exposition with my Boston Red Sox, along with his self-righteous, gloating, and arrogant victory lap over the “Obamacare” enrollment numbers, demonstrate once again that this community organizer has no business being “the leader of the free world”.

The man who Democrats touted as academically and professionally head and shoulders above the rest, a political deity if you will, has made us the laughingstock of the world. Not only does he appear confused and scripted off teleprompter, but the president makes matters even worse when he starts snapping (#selfie’s) and getting all folksy for the camera. Nearly six years in, and he still doesn’t understand the national and international complexity of the office, nor does he grasp the perception of that office as seen through the eyes of “We the People” and the rest of the world.

One thing the self-proclaimed bringer of “hope and change” has mastered however, is the art of condescending demagoguery on a level unprecedented in American political history. President Obama’s namesake healthcare law has failed on nearly every level to do anything he promised it would. The enrollment numbers are so heavily skewed, they’re almost criminal as stated, with many industry analysts suggesting there are actually less than one million enrollees who were previously uninsured. On its face, that statistic alone would make the ACA an abysmal, unprecedented, and atrociously expensive failure. When taken in the context of higher premiums nationwide, higher deductibles, mass policy cancellations, and a public weary of all the lies and delays, it’s hard to watch a self-aggrandizing display such as that on display in the Rose-Garden yesterday. It was truly a national embarrassment.

When all is said and done in 2016, President Barack Hussein Obama will indeed have succeeded in “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”, and “We the People” will have learned a painful lesson that will haunt generations to come.

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Free will to win or lose…


first-amendmentOne need only read the letters and papers of the Framers to understand that our founding documents were written to empower individuals, not government. That premise frightens Liberal Progressives right out of their noggins. The raging debate over the Second Amendment is a good example of how unhinged they become when we start talking up the “Bill of Rights”, and (why) it was written. You see, great care was taken over two centuries ago, to vet the myriad of challenges and proposals that swirled around many a secret hideaway during the time of our nation’s founding. In the end, our Declaration of Independence and eventual Constitution, set a bar for government of, by, and for the people, which no nation on earth has yet matched. Nevertheless, it seems that as unique and unprecedented as those documents were, they have been pummeled and buckled over time and under the weight of revisionism and relentless attacks by freedoms enemies.

That very freedom, so eloquently laid out on the parchment of the day, has been continually mischaracterized and even assaulted by many a political and/or judicial academic. “Original intent”, so easily defined with a simple keystroke or a trip to the local library for those of a nostalgic enterprise, has been discarded as outdated and even “imbecilic” by fools who can’t even recognize the hard fought avenue of their free speech.

In my time writing about modern political events, it has occurred to me that those interested in legitimate debate for the purpose of bettering our nation for our children and grandchildren, are actually few and far between. On the other hand, the aforementioned “enemies of liberty” are interested only in “fundamentally transforming America”. Wake up folks! Your country is dying!

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, America, Civil Rights, Congress, Constitutionality, Education, Elections, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Judiciary, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , | Leave a comment

World War III…


untitledIn 1933, debates at Brown and Oxford University’s yielded surprising opinions and polls for the time. With Hitler making waves in Europe, more than half of those queried identified themselves as pacifists, with less than a third declaring they would fight a war if necessary. Truth be told, I was not surprised to read the numbers. If history tells us anything, it’s that many folks are inclined to ignore that history until it comes knocking at their door. Well, we all know how things turned out in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. Tyrants were appeased, a continent nearly destroyed, and over 80 million lay dead before all was said and done.

Throughout WWII, and frankly the annals of history, there have been those who’ve embraced reality, and those who chose to ignore it. The cost of the latter, in terms of blood and treasure, has been egregious. Unfortunately, it appears we may be setting up to relive yet another period when reality rears its ugly head and slaps “We the People” square in our collective faces.

When Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, many, including myself, raised an eyebrow at the thought of this inexperienced community organizer about to enter onto the world stage. It wasn’t because of any party affiliation, or as “some” have suggested, “his skin color”. No, it was because the world is a very dangerous place, and growing more so by the hour. Moreover, it was because we understood that fancy academic language read from a teleprompter, was no substitute for a U.S. President’s resolute and steadfast support of liberty anywhere in the world.

Vladimir Putin’s invasion, and subsequent annexation of Crimea, was clearly the strategic and well thought out plan of a KGB tyrant/Cold War era Communist with visions of a new and more powerful Soviet style empire. And our president’s response is as much a futile exercise as anything he’s done thus far, in terms of overall foreign policy since being elected to the Oval Office. Mind you, this is not a political post intended to generate debate or discussion between opposing viewpoints, but rather a warning to “We the People”. Disengage from reality TV and put down your smart phone for just a moment. Stop scouring the empty Indian Ocean on your laptop, for remnants of Flight 370, (RIP), and take those damn ear buds out of your ears. This is very serious stuff folks. And if our leaders don’t get off their collective behinds and acknowledge the truth of the matter post-haste, your children may yet fight and die in a war unlike the world has ever known…

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An exercise in ideology, at any cost…


imagesI seem to recall the Obamabots screaming from the rafters that nearly 50 million Americans had no health insurance. Since then however, the facts have classified the difference between those who can’t afford insurance, illegals, and those, who for whatever reason, just don’t want it. Nevertheless, the number has kind of hung around as a rallying cry for the “main stream” press, to plug into every interview with any who oppose the ACA.

To date, the Administration is claiming an enrollment number of about five million, two million shy of the (original) seven million claimed to be the target number necessary to make this nightmare fly by March 31. Moreover, the Obama misrepresentation department refuses to say who these people are, or whether any have actually paid their first premium. Now it’s not a stretch to assume the reasons for this truth black-out are simple. A) The vast majority of enrollees are folks who will be utilizing the system almost immediately. B) The enrollment number includes many of the over six million who lost their insurance back in October. C) Industry folks are estimating close to half haven’t paid dime one for their coverage as yet. And D), they’re running for cover as just about every credible analyst is now predicting, that when all is said and done, thirty million of those who truly needed or desired health insurance won’t have it. Biden was right. “This is a big fxxxxxg deal”…!

I suppose my question for the remaining Obama faithful would be this. Are you finally prepared to call the ACA what it always was, a premeditated pathway to the economically devastating single payer system? I’ve said right along that debate on the issue of healthcare in this country was and is necessary. I’ve also said, that intellectual and ideological honesty would be essential tenets to the formation of any “legitimate” way forward. I think if we look at the ACA thus far, and consider all the Presidents lies and attempts to manipulate the law to protect both his legacy and his base, one could reasonably assume that honesty has never been part of this equation.

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Who are the real haters???

Thrin and sister Joan Short

Thrin and sister Joan Short

There is something to be said for the 24 hour news cycle, in terms of exposure to stories which might otherwise be obscured or intentionally buried. In the case of two young sisters who were part of a “Pro-Life” demonstration at the University of California-Santa Barbara recently, it seems one associate professor at the school doesn’t think much of their 1st Amendment rights. As a matter of fact, Associate Professor Mireille Miller-Young was so incensed that these two citizens actually had a different point of view than that which she espouses, and/or that they were exercising their Constitutional right to voice those opinions, that she decided to steal their sign and allegedly berate and assault them.

These are the stories that fuel my passion for context and truth when it comes to the ideological arguments of our time. They make it so easy to frame the Liberal Progressive belief system as that which promotes free speech and expression, so long as it’s Liberal/Progressive free speech and expression. Everything else, and I do mean everything, is automatically labeled as hate speech and bigotry, thus making any legitimate debate almost impossible. This is the strategy to be sure, as legitimate debate is the means by which Liberal arguments die a quick and embarrassing death. Moreover, many of these cases involve outright abuse and even violence, as we’ve witnessed in places like Wisconsin, during Governor Scott Walkers attempts to empower tax-payers over the public-sector unions.

Make no mistake my fellow Americans, this is an evil bunch, who would strip you of your rights forthrightly, and in favor of their own revisionist and twisted version of the truth. Thankfully, there can be only one truth, and the frustration born of that recognition, will plague Leftist fools like Miller-Young relentlessly, thus forcing their own hatred and bigotry into the light, and onto many a cell phone camera…

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Journalistic Integrity, a dying attribute…


Sharyl-AttkissonIt is regrettable to note Sharyl Attkissons departure from CBS. Not because this good investigative reporter will have any problem finding work, (attention FOX), but rather because it speaks to the obvious decline in the integrity of “The Big Three”. I mean really folks, these Liberal apologists don’t even try and hide it any longer. For all intents and purposes, when you throw in their cable affiliates and sprinkle on some CNN, you might as well call the collection the LBN (Liberal Broadcasting Network). Consequently, it’s “We the People” who are cheated out of a fair and objective press, and thus forced to wade through a slew of one-sided misinformation and propaganda in order to find the truth.

History teaches us many things my fellow Americans, not the least of which is “We the People” have a duty and responsibility to our posterity to seek and promote the truth. It also teaches us there will always be those who fear the truth as it makes them accountable. Sadly, our “main stream” press appears to have been hijacked by this group. Nevertheless, the truth is still the truth, and we ignore it at our peril… Good luck Sharyl…

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Fred Comella, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Sheldon’s sleepover…

Could someone get me some hot cocoa???

Could someone get me some hot cocoa???

We have the highest unemployment numbers in the nation and a small business climate that alienates small business. We have one of the highest per state cost of living indexes, scaring our college graduates away as if Rhode Island were Chernobyl. And what pray tell is our Junior Senator from the “Ocean State”, Sheldon Whitehouse, doing about it? He’s hosting a sleepover at the Capitol to talk about “climate change” (aka, “global warming”) on one of the coldest nights of the year, that’s what. If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought this was a really bad dream. Problem is, it’s SOP for this limousine Liberal with a “Tea Party” chip on his shoulder the size of a quarry boulder.

Appropriately, I’d like for you Lil’ Rhody folk to please take a look in the mirror. Did you vote for this person? If not, get back to work. Senator Whitehouse and the POTUS desperately need more of your tax dollars to “fundamentally change the nation”. If you did, the rest of us would appreciate dinner and movie next time, thank ya’ kindly…

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America in decline…


untitledI read an article this morning out of the AP which highlighted the rise in Russian patriotism, and I thought to myself, ironic isn’t it. While the United States is foundering in a roiling sea of national dilemmas, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Carter Administration, the Russians have actually seized the moment, and are riding a wave of unprecedented national pride. Adding insult to injury, Washington seems almost impotent in the face of this critical challenge to our children’s future. Revisionist politics and the ever-growing entitlement class, are draining the life’s blood from the “American Dream”, all while the enemies of freedom celebrate our weakness and indecision. Consequently, and based on their response to just about everything that ails our Republic, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to dismiss the notion that the Obama Administration is somehow pleased with both our economic and international posture. Moreover, it’s nothing short of alarming to hear diehard “Obamabots” insisting this ideological Titanic is “unsinkable”.

Make no mistake my fellow Americans, whether it’s Putin, Jinping, Rouhani, Jong-un, or any other despot on the national stage, a weakened United States in the eyes of our enemies is part of the plan. Do not be lulled into the utopian mindset of diplomacy as a cure-all for what’s wrong in the world. A strong and free America was, is, and must be that cure. To ignore the history which bears out this truth, is to condemn our children to a life answering for our ignorance.

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Now, if it were Susan Rice…


imagesCA9P0Y3HFree speech on the modern American Campus is not so free as one would think. Moreover, it usually only applies to “Liberal” free speech. That said, the recent flap over former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaking at Rutgers University, is even more troubling than the usual revisionist and statist pablum shoveled onto our nations young people daily at these institutions of “higher learning”. I’m just trying to figure out exactly what they hate so much about this highly accomplished African American women, who defied every stereotypical label thrust upon her by the pandering Left. Oh, that’s right, she’s not a “Liberal” African American woman.

I have a message for the “nutty professors” and misguided students of Rutgers who started the petition to rescind the invitation for Rice to speak. Your opinions on the policies of the Bush Administration are noted, and typical to say the least. But take a good look around that bubble you live in, and thank your lucky stars for clear thinking patriots like Condi Rice. Remember also, that you don’t get to pick and choose your history, (and facts for that matter), then propagandize to our children who seem so easily manipulated these days.

Sadly, it’s hateful and disingenuous fools like yourselves, who must ultimately be rescued from the grasp of the tyrants you so willingly embrace.

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Wrong Commander in Chief for the job…


untitledUnderstanding the actual role of this nation’s armed forces has proven difficult for the Obama Administration. It causes them to think about the potential for conflict, and this is outside the lines for the utopian crowd. You see, there would be no conflict in their view, if everyone would simply adhere to the “appropriate” ideology. It’s ironic almost, that this has never happened in all of human history.

All sarcasm aside, any idiot can tell you we face very different threats than were at our door just a generation ago. And that same idiot could tell you the American Military must be able to adapt to an ever changing world dynamic. Fair enough. But just how does that translate into pension cuts and reductions in payroll raises for the men and women who volunteer and sacrifice life and limb in our stead? Moreover, do events like those in Ukraine give the administration pause as they slash our military readiness to pre-WWII levels?

Look, I refuse to enter into a justification argument with fools who harbor a negative view of our military and war fighters out of the gate, and who will ignore the train until it actually rolls over them. In fact history is pockmarked with the graves of these misguided intellectual types. What I’m saying here, is any (realignment) of our military, must be well thought out by those who understand that “readiness” means just that. And any “readiness”, as it is applied in the modern world, must be reconciled against enemies and alignments with real and tangible (and expressed) interests in the demise of this great nation. I’m of the opinion at present, that this type of historical discipline and forward thinking, does not exist in the Obama WH. Buckle up my fellow Americans…

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Romney and Palin have last laugh…


untitledAs the European Union waivers on punishing Putin because of economic fears, it appears Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin are getting the last laugh on the Ukraine crisis. This is what happens when you attempt to apply feel-good, college ideology to the real world. Unfortunately, the signature indecision and  almost unapologetic miscues of this administration, are having very real consequences for the entire world.

Meanwhile, Comrade Putin continues to tighten the screws in Crimea, knowing full well he’s played his cards to a very strong hand. He’s exploited the intense “nationalistic pride” of the Russian people, while simultaneously using the inexperience and weakness of his “geopolitical foes“, Barack Obama and John “reporting for duty” Kerry, to his full advantage. Putin has also calculated accurately, the economic ramifications weighing heavily on the minds of the European Union folks, which will make it much easier for them to thwart any meaningful sanctions going forward.

Every time I think our frail economic condition will be the torpedo that finally sinks our misguided presidents legacy, I am reminded of my prediction back in September of 2012, that it would be “Benghazi”, and the Obama Administration’s ineptitude in terms of foreign policy, that would ultimately write the Obama page into history.

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“Common Core”…


CCSS1When my young son wanted to do some extra credit work for his middle school “social studies” class, I was obviously happy to help. Regrettably however, that assignment, and the eventual discussion it generated, confirmed for me what many have been saying about the new “Common Core Curriculum”, and for that matter, the state of our public education system as a whole.

Now I would like to preface the rest of this article by stating for the record, that I hold the profession of teaching in the highest regard. I believe there can be no greater responsibility than to educate our children, so they may have the tools necessary to succeed in this changing world. Moreover, I’m wholly confident the majority of educators are well intentioned and have a true passion for what they do. With that said, union influence, combined with an ideological push to embrace revisionism and mediocrity, as well as quell individual exceptionalism in our schools, is thwarting the efforts of good teachers across this great nation, while empowering those who would indoctrinate instead of educate. What started out as a simple request for a small paragraph, offered either in support of, or a critique of, any modern political event, has now caused me to become a “Common Core” vigilante if you will. I am now taking the numerous historical misrepresentations, grammatical errors, and mathematical inaccuracies in the assignments given as “homework” to my boy, much more seriously. And I’m now laser focused on making sure his efforts are not compromised by any of these errors, or worse yet, by any educator(s) confused about their job description.

Make no mistake, I’m a huge proponent of parents taking a proactive role in terms of their child’s education. Parental involvement in a child’s life efforts on every level, always benefits the child. But tell me, as that role appears to be growing far beyond what has always been seen as the traditional responsibilities of the parents, who incidentally must also feed, clothe and otherwise support the child, as well as work and pay the taxes necessary to facilitate paychecks for our “municipal employees”, what exactly will be the role of the “teacher” in this new “Common Core” dynamic? In my conversation at my son’s middle school, it seemed obvious to me that my responsibilities were growing while the teachers were shrinking. Much to the credit of his guidance counselor however, I thought I heard some “old-school” concerns in her voice as well.

Appropriately, I don’t want to engage in a debate over salary and benefits, or any of the other personal and political influences at this juncture. However test scores and evaluations of students of all ages, and from all across the United States, continue to show we continue to fall behind in the world.

At the end of the day, and as we see “Common Core” begin to have an effect on our kids and how they are learning, a couple of things come to mind. Firstly, teachers need to step back and re-think their role in a young person’s life, taking into consideration the lasting effects their actions (or inactions) will ultimately have on those young people. And secondly, we as parents are going to have to step up and do a better job policing this “Common Core” thing, because if they can’t spell, how in the hell are they going to teach our kids to???

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Special Counsel please…


022614_otr_irs_640It is certainly curious that Lois Lerner’s attorney has included immunity as a condition of her testimony. One could assume she has something to hide. (Really?) One could also reasonably assume she’s protecting someone else. (Really??) So far as I can see, these are understatements to be sure. And in view of the evidence to date, a sixth grader could connect the dots on this one.

Nevertheless, Liberal apologists for this administration had better smarten up, and understand there are very clear and constitutional lines which cannot and must never be overstepped. For there will certainly come a time when the balance of political power shifts, and they might find themselves on the receiving end of this type of undue and unwarranted scrutiny. In either case, what happened over at the IRS is a blatant example of government gone wrong, and the party(s) ultimately responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Special Counsel please…

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God’s Work???


untitledSo let me understand this. We can no longer talk about God in the classroom, and our government legislates businesses owners must set aside their religious convictions. Those same elected officials facilitate and promote an entitlement society, devoid of personal responsibility and free from any accountability. They are taking down His symbols and banners, and forcing all references of Him from public life in order to appease the Humanist fools, and they celebrate destroying His greatest creation in the womb. And now we must accept those who would promote this president’s healthcare agenda are somehow “doing God’s work”??

Now I have heard, and frankly critiqued many of President Obama’s statements and misstatements over the years. Along the way however, I have always given him the benefit of the doubt in terms of his decency. But this hypocrisy speaks to more than just a misrepresentation, or simply words spoken out of context. No my fellow Americans, today Mr. Obama removed any doubt about his ideological intentions, or for that matter, how far he is willing to go to see them realized. Considering all the arguments over religious freedom in this country, as well as this administrations relentless and revisionist assault on our nation’s historical and founding principles, President Barack Obama’s statements to the OFA Volunteers on Wednesday, proved he is as much or more a shameless demagogue, as has ever been elected to high office.

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Doing one’s part…

Commissioner Ajit Pai

Commissioner Ajit Pai

Commissioner Ajit Pai of the FCC is one of those people you’re always thankful is in a position to act when it comes to safeguarding our Constitutional liberty. You see it turns out he understands the Constitution, and was not about to watch the government agency which employees him use it for a door mat.

The assault on our founding principles is nothing new in the age of Obama to be sure, but what is truly frightening is the relentless manner in which the enemies of freedom continue to probe and test for weakness. The evidence to date tells us these are surely efforts rooted in more than simple partisan politics. Moreover, the deafening silence of the “big three” news agencies on the matter of FCC monitors in newsrooms, as well as a host of critical news stories which might suggest less than honorable intent on the part of some in the White House, only reinforces the belief they are and have been in bed with the Administration since 2008.

So when folks ask me why I write what I do, I simply point to stories like this one and tell them, it is my solemn duty as a beneficiary of the aforementioned freedom, passed to me and stained with the blood of every American Soldier who died defending it, to do my part and ensure its longevity. Thank you Commissioner Pai, for doing your part…!

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Comrade of opportunity…


Putin Inspects Russia's Northern FleetIs anyone surprised Comrade Putin is flexing his muscle a bit more lately? If you are, then you need to pay closer attention to world events. I know this stuff tends to get your eyes glazing over, but make no mistake, the “diplomatic approach” to events that will likely shape your children’s world, is failing miserably. Personally, I’ve always believed there’s a balance between diplomacy and action as we engage in the day to day global gamesmanship. With that said, balance must be wielded by the hand of decision, and with a fundamental understanding of America’s critical role in a free world.

Barack Obama came to office with a promise of a “new world order”, born of diplomacy and humility. He apologized for everything he could think of in an attempt to diminish this nations “super power” status in the eyes of a world made freer by its enormous sacrifices. Moreover, from an artificial “red line” in Syria, to the miscalculations in Libya, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine, the Presidents image has morphed into one of indecisive and weak in the eyes of a Soviet era KGB agent, who understands full well the power of image and perception.

Truth be told, the break-up of the Soviet Union would always be temporary if not for the diligence and stewardship of those who understand freedom’s history, and President Obama clearly does not. For his part, the President of Russia has every intention to revisit a time when the “evil empire” ruled by way of brute force and intimidation, and we are now seeing a re-testing of the international waters if you will, a sort of quiet and masked effort, reminiscent of a not long past “cold war”.

Consequently, and very much like on the domestic front, the Obama Administration continues to stumble, grasping aimlessly at any way forward, all the while digging a hole that will take years if not decades to fill in.

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#3 returns to Daytona 500…

Dillon takes the pole...

Dillon takes the pole…

This Sunday I’ll be watching the Daytona 500 as I always do. I will be watching as I was back in 2001, when my hero was killed on the final lap of the “Great American Race”. Dale Earnhardt represented so much of the “American Dream” to so many. His life was an exercise in uncompromising ambition, and his success was a product of the freedom necessary to pursue ones happiness. So when his car owner and best friend Richard Childress, decided to finally return his famed #3 Chevrolet to Cup Series competition this season, and with his grandson at the wheel, there were those who questioned the wisdom of such a move.

What made Dale so loved by those of us who watched him perform racing miracles as the legendary “Intimidator”, was the fact that he was an “average Joe” who just loved racing and made it big. We also know he loved NASCAR, and was a huge part of bringing the sport out of the stereotypical South and into most every living room in America in the 1980’s and 90’s. He would have wanted Childress to put that car number back out there, for all he knew it represented to the sport. A huge bear hug and hair tussle, and he would have told his friend, “put that boy in the car Richard, and lets win this thing”.

So when the famed #3 takes to the race track this weekend, I will be cheering,,,, reminiscing,,,, and tearfully albeit quietly missing my hero. But I will also be happy to see that number again, and relive all those very special memories, knowing this is surely what Dale would have wanted…

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Presidents’ Day 2014…


presidents-dayThe American Presidency is truly a product of liberty. From Washington’s refusal of royal title and the manipulations of Jefferson and Jackson, to the moral fortitude of Lincoln and Reagan’s “shining city on a hill”, and to the often divisive applications of Clinton and Obama, the men we’ve sent to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue have all left their mark on the office. In the end however, the “leader of the free world” will always be a reflection of how we see ourselves in any given generation, and our adherence to the lessons of history will ultimately determine the impact of his or her term(s) in office.

Consequently, there has probably never been a better time for “We the People” to return to the foundational principles of “original intent”. This is not to suggest we ignore the “evolution” if you will, of the three branches of government, but rather that we simply be better students of the true history of this great nation and its providential beginnings. Then and only then may we (vote accordingly) to ensure the long-term benefits of its Constitutional influence on our posterity.

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“A pen and a phone”…


Follow-My-Vote-Telephone-and-NotepadI’m not even sure who the Congressman was on the FOX Network defending the Obama executive order issue, but it was pathetic nonetheless. He even compared the “tension” between the White House and Congress to the struggles and differences of the Founders. Now while I would admit the “checks and balances” of our government allow for righteous and ideological debate of the issues, and even for vehement and often times downright nasty disagreement, comparing this Presidents end-run around a co-equal branch of government without so much as a sit down, to the life changing and critical interactions between the Framers, is nothing short of ridiculous.

This has essentially been the problem with the current Administration and their ilk, that being the uneven comparison of governmental application, to deflect away accusation, criticism, and failure. For the record, and “comparatively” speaking, the executive orders of Bush were of greater overall substance considering the period in which he served, and certainly had far less to do with any “inability” to govern. Additionally, while President Obama may not have amassed the numbers of previous presidents, he still has over two years left to catch up.

In the end, we are not talking about homeland security or matters of state having to do with the safety of “We the People”, but rather a frustrated ideologue who means to do as he intended, and “fundamentally change the country”. Moreover, he has basically projected in his own words, his intention to do exactly that, with or without Congress.

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Remaking the “American Dream”…


americandreamThe next step for liberals is to lower the bar and frame the new expectations. In full view of the CBO’s recent “Obamacare” projections, folks like Congressman Keith Ellison (D) MN, are actually out there hyping the wholly unrealistic and un-American concept of, less effort more reward. Many progressives are even going so far as to say that Americans work harder for less than other industrialized nations. Even if this were true, (and it’s not), and accepting that no economic system is without trial and consequence, Americans of all economic categories and stripes have and do enjoy a quality of life unequalled around the globe. What is truly astounding however, is that as we witness Europe’s economic failures in glaring high-definition, there are still fool’s like Ellison, who insist freebies and de-incentivizing the American worker are the way to go. The truth of the matter, is that in order for all Americans to excel in their own endeavors, the government must indeed do its part, that being promote and encourage, by way of unobtrusive but effective legislation, an economic climate which has liberty and free market competition at its core. Oh and essentially, GET OUT OF THE DAMN WAY!

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Losing that lovin’ feeling…


imagesLOF8Z0ZTAnd so we are treated to more HHS Secretary Sebelius conference call audio, where we hear her talking about an “encouraging and holistic” outlook in terms of the “Obamacare” enrollment numbers. “Holistic”? I’m sorry, but this nightmare is getting more and more frightening by the day.

The White House is still one million short of “their” anticipated numbers to date, and four million shy overall, of the seven million mark projected for the month of March. And, we still have no logistical breakdown of the actual enrollees, how many have paid their first premium, and whether they’re actually covered or not. Unfortunately for President Obama, this smoke and mirrors game will only work for so long. Insurance companies are finally beginning to wade through the mess created by the worst website roll out in modern technology times, and it looks pretty scary by any measure.

Percentage wise, young folks have little interest in the expensive policies necessary to balance the “Obamacare” budget, no matter how many “meet and greets” with the POTUS, Jokin’ Joe Biden is handing out. Moreover, people are starting to take a hard look at this “more bang for the buck” thing, and realizing their deductibles vs. care ratios are a lot less bang, and a whole lot more buck.

When we look at this collectively people, even the most optimistic “Obamabot” has to be “losing that lovin’ feeling”. The numbers simply don’t, and won’t ever add up.

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Elections, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Jobs, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Yet another delay…


imagesURCW9CHUPolitics trumps “We the People” once again, as we navigate the remainder of the Obama era – “error”. It seems now just in time for the next election(s), corporations and businesses will be allowed yet another reprieve, while individuals continue to be herded into the American healthcare systems eventual demise.

Why is it do you think, the President doesn’t even want to be around when the final curtain opens on his signature law? No, I mean really. Politics aside, think for yourself for a minute and use common sense.

Simply put, Mr. Obama understands completely what full implementation of Obamacare means, and he is more than comfortable with the ideological legacy which will surely be affixed to his name for the history books. He will in fact have fundamentally changed this nation as he intended. The question remains, what if anything may we do to clean up the generational mess this wholly unqualified academic leaves behind in 2016.

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Whitehouse’s clever memory lapse…

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D) Rhode Island

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D) Rhode Island

It seems one of the Obama Administrations biggest cheerleaders thinks Republicans want to “punish” the long term unemployed. Well someone should remind Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, how it is that unemployment in his tiny state has come to be the highest in the nation. Moreover, someone should ask this poor excuse for the people’s representative, what specifically he has done to try and change that horrible label besides scream for more benefit extensions.

The simple truth is, “Limousine Liberals” like Whitehouse understand little of the people’s condition or what the government’s role should be in improving it. All they truly understand is how to pander and placate by way of class warfare and misinformation so they may further their political longevity at our expense. Regrettably, the numbers reflect well how Rhode Islanders continue to be their own worst enemies in terms of who they choose to send to Washington. Shameful…

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A year of “executive” action…


untitledPresident Obama made his weekly address this weekend and announced once again, his intention to trample the very document he swore an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend”. The irony of course, is that circumventing our founding principles and laws has always been part of his overall strategy to “fundamentally transform the country”.

Now despite how my critics have endeavored feverishly to label me, I have actually resisted those who would “overreact” to what are the obvious party, baseline and political motivations to many of the president’s policy initiatives. However it is now painfully obvious that Barack Obama intends to hold back nothing of his ideology and intentions through the remainder of his second term. His unapologetic willingness to substitute his own reality for the rule of law is truly unlike any president in modern history, and when coupled with his unwillingness to engage even members of his own party at the Congressional level, makes for a less than optimistic outlook concerning the future of this great Republic.

Consequently, and in full view of the totality of his Constitutional missteps and/or purposeful actions, I too am now calling on members of the House of Representatives to draft and pass articles of impeachment, should the president make good on his threats to use executive action, and where/when that action in any way violates the laws he is sworn to uphold. It has come to this…

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The Playbook…



Jason Furman

Jason Furman

Listening to “School Boy” Jay Carney and Chairman of the CEA Jason Furman spin the CBO’s recent cost projections for Obamacare, was both disheartening and infuriating at the same time. I suppose this was actually a good thing however, in that there should now be no doubt whatsoever about who’s running this country.

In the simplest of terms, Obamacare is just another dividing line whereby hard-working Americans will subsidize the lives of those who may now choose to do less, simply because they can. Make no mistake my fellow patriots, this stuff is straight out of Saul Alinski’s “Rules for Radicals”. The slow but calculated demise of the spirit of {hard work equals success}, is a key component of their war on this nations founding principles, along with the construction of a wholly dependent entitlement class that will ultimately influence future elections.

Some of us have always known this was the Left’s playbook if and when they ever had a shot at real power. However watching it and listening to it play out in real time can take a freedom loving patriots breath away. God save the United States of America.

Sent from Patriot64’s iPhone

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“It’s not resonating”…

What if it were your relative?

What if it were your relative?

FOX’s O’Reilly was asked why he thought “Benghazi” has not gotten any “traction”. His answer was simple. “It’s not resonating“. Translation, President Obama, (and Hillary for that matter), are counting on the fact the American people don’t care enough to make a difference, hence the now infamous: “What difference at this point, does it make?” Now there are plenty of other theories as to why this horrific act of terrorism committed against our Ambassador and his team has failed to generate the outrage many believe it should, not the least of which is a “mainstream media” that simply refuses to do its job when it comes to this president. I would say it’s a combination of both a complacent “We the People”, and a media which fosters that complacency by way of ideologically specific journalism.

I suppose if it were their family member who was tortured to death or blown up, they would be a bit more outraged. But the truth is, many Americans are not tuned in to anything but their own personal lives and fortunes. It’s almost as if the generation that cared about such things is now largely gone away, replaced with a kind of selfish apathy, devoid of any national pride.

I’m not suggesting this is indicative of all Americans, but it’s certainly enough to thwart justice for the Benghazi murderers. And apparently, it’s enough to facilitate a pass for this president that would never have been afforded his predecessors…

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“Not a smidgen of truth” to his presidency…


ObamaSuperBowl__140202224238Apparently, the President didn’t feel he was arrogant and smug enough during the SOTU. Nevertheless O’Reilly hung in there, though Bill is always quick to give this president the benefit of the doubt on matters of motive. That said, the POTUS pretty much dodged and blamed and deflected during their entire pre-Super Bowl one-on-one. Worse, he outright lied when asked about the possibility of “corruption” in the case of the IRS targeting Conservative groups. Knowing what we know today about that unfortunate abuse of power, it was nothing short of disrespectful for Mr. Obama to look into that camera and deny it.

Watching the president’s mannerisms, and considering his open collar approach to such a wide audience, made me feel both ashamed and concerned for our children’s America. His seemingly predisposed and regular attacks on FOX News, when simply asked to clarify and answer questions about missteps, as well as a troubling lack of transparency during his time as leader of the free world, sounded indicative of the quintessential ideologue lost for a way to explain away abject failure to lead.

Overall, I thought O’Reilly did a good job pushing the President to step up and accept responsibility for his station and actions. Per usual however, and much like Denver was doing a lot of last night, Mr. Obama “punted”. This is truly the part I have a hard time explaining to my 12 year-old.

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