The issue of free speech has been a topic of debate at unprecedented levels throughout the era of Obama. Consequently, the very self-proclaimed spokespeople for freedom of expression and tolerance have demonstrated clearly thus far, and by way of an embarrassingly complicit “Lame Stream Media” I might add, that these maxims only apply if your thought process is in line with theirs. For the record, my conversations with those who have been emboldened by the election of this President, cause me great trepidation and concern that there may be a reckoning of sorts in our national future, and soon.

Phil Robertson
Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” fame is a product of his time. And he would be the first to tell you that. A man whose early life took him down many questionable roads, but who would eventually find his salvation in the Bible, makes no bones about his faith or what he feels is his “mission” regarding that faith. One could logically surmise then, that the A&E Network would have had at least some idea who this man was prior to engaging him and his family for a reality TV program, emphasis on “reality”. Well it turns out that while Phil is everything they may have quietly embraced for the sake of ratings (controversial or otherwise), his recent comments regarding homosexuals to an unrelated media outlet, now have them “quacking” in their UGGs.
Truth be told, I was dragged kicking and screaming to the show as I’ve never been much of a reality TV person. My wife however knew that Phil and his family would be right in line with my life’s philosophy, that being, work hard, hunt hard, and love your God and family unconditionally. She was right. The show is disarming and funny, and speaks to the stereotypical notions we have about people from all walks of life. It’s always tempered and reconciled however, with a show ending prayer which, “reunites” if you will, spirit and equality in the eyes of God almighty. So when I hear the hypocritical, hate mongering, validation seekers of Glaad, LGBT, and every other disrespectful bunch masquerading as a legitimate and inclusive organization, come gunning for these hard working, hard fought and self-made Christians, I finally have to say enough is enough, damn it!
“To be clear”, I’m not Phil Robertson. I am what one might call a “Christian in training”, that person who is trying to be Godly in all manner, but not quite there yet. This means very simply, that if you are a lying, low accountability, hypocrite antagonist, there will be no cheek turning here. Be prepared for truth, and the consequences which may accompany it. I think what I’m saying here people, is that the “silent majority” is about done with the “vocal minority”. And while we cherish your right to free speech and expression, you had better start affording us the same consideration. As Robertson himself has said, “I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.” But this type of tolerance is not a two-way street for the Liberal Progressive Socialists, whose mission is simply to silence all opinions out of step with their own anti-Christian, anti-Constitution, and anti-Capitalist themes. (The dreaded “3 C’s”)
In the end, it’s unlikely the Patriarch of the Duck Commander Empire is overly fazed by all the flap. His faith seems secure and his wallet will likely be as well. Nevertheless, the discussion over free speech, while not in question per se, is not going away. A&E may be a private company making a business decision they feel is in the best interest of their network, but they have also ignited WHAT IS THE ACTUAL AND MUCH BROADER issue of hypocrisy. It is this author’s opinion that the fever pitch and often irresponsible lambasting which occurs every time someone proclaims what the Left “perceives” as bigotry or out of step with what they would have you believe is “mainstream thought”, must now be met by an equally enthusiastic and straight forward defense. Whether you subscribe to Robertson’s view, or ANY view for that matter, the notion that he must be silenced is simply not in keeping with our foundational tenets. (And you know it!) Whose rights might they come for next? Whose opinions will be seen as out of the “main stream” next, yours??? This is truly a slippery slope our founding principles were debated, memorialized and adopted to avoid.
As for the “Jack Wagons” over at A&E specifically, they should have a good long reading of the US Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and follow-up with the definitions of freedom, hypocrisy, pandering, character and greed.
For my part and God willing, I will move to meet the enemies of liberty on any field they take, all the while using the pillars of “truth and reason” for strength. Good luck Robertson. I hope I might catch you on another network. Really enjoyed the show…