Whitehouse’s clever memory lapse…

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D) Rhode Island

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D) Rhode Island

It seems one of the Obama Administrations biggest cheerleaders thinks Republicans want to “punish” the long term unemployed. Well someone should remind Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, how it is that unemployment in his tiny state has come to be the highest in the nation. Moreover, someone should ask this poor excuse for the people’s representative, what specifically he has done to try and change that horrible label besides scream for more benefit extensions.

The simple truth is, “Limousine Liberals” like Whitehouse understand little of the people’s condition or what the government’s role should be in improving it. All they truly understand is how to pander and placate by way of class warfare and misinformation so they may further their political longevity at our expense. Regrettably, the numbers reflect well how Rhode Islanders continue to be their own worst enemies in terms of who they choose to send to Washington. Shameful…

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A year of “executive” action…


untitledPresident Obama made his weekly address this weekend and announced once again, his intention to trample the very document he swore an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend”. The irony of course, is that circumventing our founding principles and laws has always been part of his overall strategy to “fundamentally transform the country”.

Now despite how my critics have endeavored feverishly to label me, I have actually resisted those who would “overreact” to what are the obvious party, baseline and political motivations to many of the president’s policy initiatives. However it is now painfully obvious that Barack Obama intends to hold back nothing of his ideology and intentions through the remainder of his second term. His unapologetic willingness to substitute his own reality for the rule of law is truly unlike any president in modern history, and when coupled with his unwillingness to engage even members of his own party at the Congressional level, makes for a less than optimistic outlook concerning the future of this great Republic.

Consequently, and in full view of the totality of his Constitutional missteps and/or purposeful actions, I too am now calling on members of the House of Representatives to draft and pass articles of impeachment, should the president make good on his threats to use executive action, and where/when that action in any way violates the laws he is sworn to uphold. It has come to this…

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The Playbook…



Jason Furman

Jason Furman

Listening to “School Boy” Jay Carney and Chairman of the CEA Jason Furman spin the CBO’s recent cost projections for Obamacare, was both disheartening and infuriating at the same time. I suppose this was actually a good thing however, in that there should now be no doubt whatsoever about who’s running this country.

In the simplest of terms, Obamacare is just another dividing line whereby hard-working Americans will subsidize the lives of those who may now choose to do less, simply because they can. Make no mistake my fellow patriots, this stuff is straight out of Saul Alinski’s “Rules for Radicals”. The slow but calculated demise of the spirit of {hard work equals success}, is a key component of their war on this nations founding principles, along with the construction of a wholly dependent entitlement class that will ultimately influence future elections.

Some of us have always known this was the Left’s playbook if and when they ever had a shot at real power. However watching it and listening to it play out in real time can take a freedom loving patriots breath away. God save the United States of America.

Sent from Patriot64’s iPhone

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“It’s not resonating”…

What if it were your relative?

What if it were your relative?

FOX’s O’Reilly was asked why he thought “Benghazi” has not gotten any “traction”. His answer was simple. “It’s not resonating“. Translation, President Obama, (and Hillary for that matter), are counting on the fact the American people don’t care enough to make a difference, hence the now infamous: “What difference at this point, does it make?” Now there are plenty of other theories as to why this horrific act of terrorism committed against our Ambassador and his team has failed to generate the outrage many believe it should, not the least of which is a “mainstream media” that simply refuses to do its job when it comes to this president. I would say it’s a combination of both a complacent “We the People”, and a media which fosters that complacency by way of ideologically specific journalism.

I suppose if it were their family member who was tortured to death or blown up, they would be a bit more outraged. But the truth is, many Americans are not tuned in to anything but their own personal lives and fortunes. It’s almost as if the generation that cared about such things is now largely gone away, replaced with a kind of selfish apathy, devoid of any national pride.

I’m not suggesting this is indicative of all Americans, but it’s certainly enough to thwart justice for the Benghazi murderers. And apparently, it’s enough to facilitate a pass for this president that would never have been afforded his predecessors…

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“Not a smidgen of truth” to his presidency…


ObamaSuperBowl__140202224238Apparently, the President didn’t feel he was arrogant and smug enough during the SOTU. Nevertheless O’Reilly hung in there, though Bill is always quick to give this president the benefit of the doubt on matters of motive. That said, the POTUS pretty much dodged and blamed and deflected during their entire pre-Super Bowl one-on-one. Worse, he outright lied when asked about the possibility of “corruption” in the case of the IRS targeting Conservative groups. Knowing what we know today about that unfortunate abuse of power, it was nothing short of disrespectful for Mr. Obama to look into that camera and deny it.

Watching the president’s mannerisms, and considering his open collar approach to such a wide audience, made me feel both ashamed and concerned for our children’s America. His seemingly predisposed and regular attacks on FOX News, when simply asked to clarify and answer questions about missteps, as well as a troubling lack of transparency during his time as leader of the free world, sounded indicative of the quintessential ideologue lost for a way to explain away abject failure to lead.

Overall, I thought O’Reilly did a good job pushing the President to step up and accept responsibility for his station and actions. Per usual however, and much like Denver was doing a lot of last night, Mr. Obama “punted”. This is truly the part I have a hard time explaining to my 12 year-old.

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Dangerous double speak…


imagesCAUTSL65September 21, 2011 – “America’s commitment to Israel’s security is unshakeable, and our friendship with Israel is deep and enduring.” (President Barack Obama)

February 1, 2014 – “You see for Israel there’s an increasing de-legitimization campaign that has been building up. People are very sensitive to it. There are talk of boycotts and other kinds of things,” Kerry said. “Today’s status quo absolutely, to a certainty, I promise you 100 percent, cannot be maintained. It’s not sustainable. It’s illusionary. There’s a momentary prosperity, there’s a momentary peace.” (Secretary John Kerry)

As we watch the President’s foreign policy go much the same road as his domestic initiatives, one has to wonder if he might have a vested interest in the demise of our great nation. From the famous “red line” in Syria, to the Egyptian debacle, to Benghazi, to the fact that if Iran doesn’t already have “the bomb”, they will in what some are suggesting is just weeks, I’m not sure what to make of Kerry’s latest snub to our last best hope in the region. I mean, is the Administration actually looking to tank Israel and give the region over to the Islamofascists?

It would be much easier to suggest they are once again in over their political heads. The alternative would almost seem too sinister to contemplate, and with unimaginable consequences to be sure.

Considering this President makes it all so easy, I’ll leave you with this as a point of reference… >

“We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it’s unacceptable. And I will do everything that’s required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,”

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The Politics of “Keystone”…


Keystone1_20140201_103111Once again President Obama is caught between ideology and reality. President Clinton was masterful at navigating these kinds of pitfalls, because he was always a politician first. Barack Obama however, is a second term ideologue who actually believes his own talking points. The problem is he’s now coming under pressure from “politicians” in his own party who are about ready to jump this economic “Titanic” he’s put them on. The more positives we hear about the “Keystone Pipeline” and things like “fracking”, the harder it becomes for Democrats in a growing number of states to explain the President’s ideology to their constituents. Folks are just feeling more and more like Mr. Obama has a serious aversion to prioritizing what’s best for the country right now.

So as we push into the next election cycle there seems a consensus among Democrats with tough campaigns ahead, or who come from states where energy development and resource procurement account for the bulk of the labor force, and that is there is a time for ideology and a time for real world application. Consequently, if the President and his far Left sycophants continue to pander to the base while defending a failed domestic agenda, 2014 may very well be historic for Republicans.

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The State of the Obama Presidency…

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama

I know I’m late to the party on this one. But truthfully, I’ve been a bit stymied on how to respond to the arrogance and elitism displayed by our President on Tuesday evening. Frankly, he sounded almost angry, and in spite of the very process that placed him at that podium. Frustrated by the separation of power in the audience before him, Barack Obama basically told “We the People” that he intended to exceed his authority and circumvent the legislative process. Now it’s understood the Chief Executive does enjoy some latitude in the form of the much talked about “Executive Order”. With that said, it’s also understood there is much in the way of precedent, both legal and otherwise, which suggests that “latitude” is not to be used for major policy initiatives and/or to unilaterally Amend the Constitution at will.

Not unlike many in the modern Democrat party, President Obama projected himself as a champion of the poor and middle class during the SOTU address. The problem for him remains the fact that the poor and middle class are now suffering under the policies of his administration. Real unemployment numbers that only highlight the smallest work force in 40 years, a signature healthcare law which has left more in healthcare limbo than it has helped, and at a higher cost, a median income level thousands less than when he took office, the highest number of Americans on government assistance in a generation, and a web of lies and scandals that would have toppled another president but for the political correctness which has shielded this man from the day he was sworn in, are just a sampling of the failure that is the Obama Presidency.

Regrettably, the only highlight for me was the recognition of Cory Remsburg, an Army Ranger severely injured in Afghanistan, and who personifies the true American spirit. But even after this moving tribute to a hero of the highest order, an NBC sycophant could not resist the temptation to tweet and compare this man’s struggles with “a story about Obama”. Pathetic…

In the end, the “story” of this President can be summed up pretty easily. He was clearly out of his league from day one. And going forward, a combination of ideological arrogance and aversion to any legitimate accountability by the POTUS and his Administration have placed our children in generational jeopardy. Ever the optimist though, I’m confident that in 2016, we may yet turn away from the iceberg of revisionism and Socialist ideology this president has so unapologetically thrust upon our great nation.

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A changing nation…

Dennis McGuire

Dennis McGuire

It appears the son of Killer Dennis McGuire was upset about the manner in which his father was executed this past week, even going so far as to suggest that McGuire’s victim was somehow better off because her murder was not witnessed by her children. I’m sorry?

I would remind Mr. McGuire that newlywed (Joy Stewart) did not have any children present at her kidnapping, brutal rape and murder, because her only child had been inside her for eight months at the time of her demise. I would also remind McGuire, that Stewart’s distraught husband took his own life in grief, during the investigation. I do understand to some degree, the pain of watching a loved one die and not having any control over the outcome. But McGuire’s analogy speaks to his grasp of reality, (or lack of it), and his understanding of the value of human life as it relates to his fathers crimes.

The issue of the death penalty is worthy of debate to be sure. Even I’m not necessarily a proponent, as much as someone who understands by way of my work experience, that our prisons are no longer representative of punishment and rehabilitation, but rather are “growing rooms” for criminals. With that said, I believe most Americans will continue to support capital punishment until they are comfortable that justice may be served without it.

This brings me to a few of today’s headlines. I ask that you ponder the above and below, then tell me where “you” think we’re headed as a nation.

–          A federal appeals court in Boston on Friday, upheld a judge’s ruling granting a taxpayer-funded sex change operation for transgender inmate “Michelle” Kosilek, who’s serving a life sentence for a murder conviction, saying receiving “medically necessary” treatment is a constitutional right that must be protected “even if that treatment strikes some as odd or unorthodox.”


–          A North Carolina law requiring women who want an abortion to have an ultrasound and then have a medical provider describe the image to them, is a violation of constitutional free-speech rights, a federal judge ruled Friday.


–          Pennsylvania judge on Friday, struck down a requirement that nearly all of the state’s 8.2 million voters show photo identification at the polls, saying it imposes an unreasonable burden on the right to vote.


–          And finally, some Patriots fans are running to marijuana stores in Denver to get a “mile high” before the game… Just threw that one in… Go Pats!


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A little of both…


obama-executive-order-doj-pen-thumb-640xauto-4742Understanding our Constitution is easy if you make an effort. Truth be told, if the “Affordable” Care Act were written in the way the Constitution was, Congress might have passed a law not doomed to failure. Nevertheless, it’s nothing short of alarming to hear Barack Obama, who has been referred to as some sort of “scholar” and study of Constitutional law, and who was twice elected to the highest office in the land, make the statement he made recently regarding the use of his “pen” and “phone” as a default means of governing. Accordingly, I think it’s reasonable to conclude one of the following are true:

1. The President’s understanding and knowledge of our founding principles, as well as those documents and history which support them, is fundamentally flawed, thereby dramatically handicapping his ability to develop and execute sensible and prudent policy initiatives for the good of “We the People”.

2. The President is a total ideologue, entirely comfortable with a pre-determined strategy of remaking the American political landscape, by way of centralizing clearly un-constitutional power within the Oval Office, and demonizing a Congressional body as simply obstructionist, rather than the Constitutional check and balance it is intended to be.

Personally, I think it’s a little of both. Either way, I believe history will remember this President as the most divisive and irresponsible politician to ever hold the office.

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“Lone Survivor”…


140109_BB_LoneSurvivorTeam6_jpg_CROP_promovar-mediumlargeLooking into the eyes of Marcus Luttrell, one can see both emptiness and fire, the emptiness of a team player who lost his team, and the fire of a Navy Seal who relishes what all Navy Seals do, the chance to fight. Luttrell’s book “Lone Survivor” tells the story of his part in “Operation Red Wings”, and of those who died fighting with him on Sawtalo Sar mountain, west of Kunar’s provincial capital of Asadabad, Afghanistan. The story was widely reported in the media for its gruesome details, but never truly “vetted” until Luttrell’s book. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend you do. I plan to see “Lone Survivor” this coming week, though I know it will be difficult to watch. Nevertheless, I think all Americans should know this story of brotherhood and the American spirit. “Never Quit!”

I won’t spoil the book or the movie for you, though I do want to make one point. Both make a strong case for what separates us from our Islamic terrorist enemy. You see, while war is, was, and always will be at its core, about killing people and breaking things, the American Soldier fights with peace as the end-game and freedom as a banner. Team 10’s decision not to kill who they perceived as civilian, may actually have cost them their lives. But in the end, it validated their mission and the mission of the U.S. military and our country.

There will always be revisionist fools who seek to portray American ideals as something they are not and have never been. Mistakes will be made and policies will fail. That said, our military and our people, possess an inherent and fundamental respect for human life that our enemy does not. And I believe it is that difference that will ultimately be insurmountable to al-Qaeda, and any associated murdering criminal enterprise, masquerading as a religious faith.

God please bless all our Navy Seals, and every American Soldier who goes in harm’s way to defend liberty.

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Healthcare for all???

Before & after... AP/Getty

Before & after…

So “School Boy Jay Carney”, (who’s trying desperately to look like a man with that beard), tells the WH Press Corps there are 2.1 million Americans enrolled in “Obamacare”. Really? Let’s take an honest look.

1. Insurance industry insiders are reporting there have been 6.1 million policy cancellations, (not including families members associated with those policies), since the “roll out”. This tells us the fundamental premise of “Obamacare” is flawed. Less folks have healthcare today, than when they started this experiment.

2. It appears as though upwards of 40% of “enrollees” have not yet paid their premiums, and thus are not actually covered, bringing the number to a more realistic 1.2 million actual customers receiving benefits. And of those, it’s estimated that at least half are subsidized/Medicaid/older enrollees and not the young healthy folks needed to foot the bill.

3. Insurance analysts are predicting that small business with 50 or less employees, (18-24 million Americans and their families), will cancel their health insurance, reduce work weeks, and lay off workers to meet payroll as the “employer mandate” comes on-line. And the same will go for companies with 100 or less employees, (40 million Americans and their families), totaling nearly 80% of all small group plans in the united States. Sobering, isn’t it?

4. And lastly, those plans or plan extensions not meeting the “ten (lobbyist approved) benefits” as spelled out in the PPACA, will eventually be terminated as well, putting the final nail in the coffin of the American healthcare system as we know it, and paving the way for the always intended “single-payer” as a final solution.

I interacted on social media with a fairly well-to-do Liberal recently, who seemed to personify the “head in the sand” attitude of many in our country today. His take on “Obamacare” was simply, “let it play out and see what happens, then vote accordingly”. Thinking back on that Facebook conversation, I have to wonder. What would our country look like today had that been the attitude of so many who sacrificed everything for this great ideal. Would there even be a United States? Buckle up…

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Not in vain…


imagesCADPVUWRWe have heard it said time and again, “elections have consequences”. Admittedly, I’ve written many pages on that topic since Barack Obama announced his candidacy. All argument aside however, there comes a moment when reality hits you right between the eyes.

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates is without question a man of character. His experience and service to his country have been revered by his colleagues as well as many in the media. So why then, was he compelled to break the unwritten rule which says, a former cabinet member shall not write a (tell-all) book about his president boss until after that president leaves office? Simply put, Gates knows damn well that we are swimming in unchartered and dangerous waters. For all intents and purposes, his book “Duty” tells us what we already knew. The President of the United States is an ideological warrior, who loathes the U.S. military application as a necessary evil. Moreover, Gates willingness to put that fact out there, speaks to his recognition of the consequences of substituting style and demagoguery for experience and ability in such a high office.

Say what you will about Gates and his motives, but I think it’s safe to say he’s written what many have been afraid to acknowledge for five years now. When viewed through the prism of so many lies and broken promises, Barack Obama’s Presidency appears to be an ideological/academic exercise, applied to real world events, with far reaching and even generational consequences.

On a personal note, my connection to the wars in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan is cemented in the memories of family and friends who fought, and in the legacy of some who returned in flag draped metal boxes in the belly of a military transport. You see, being Commander in Chief is so much more than photo-ops and words read from a teleprompter in the security of a White House briefing room. It’s something we must consider carefully before placing that trust and confidence in just any community organizer. So as we look on Benghazi and now Fallujah, and we take stock of a “decimated and on-the-run” al-Qaeda, now expanding in rapid fashion across the Mideast and Africa, it’s painfully obvious. Elections most certainly do have consequences.

God please give peace of mind and comfort to the families of those killed and injured during the “Iraqi Freedom” and “Enduring Freedom” campaigns, so they may know and understand their loved ones sacrifice was not in vain. Remember all of the words, “and a grateful nation”,,,

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OMG, it’s really happened…


untitledI was listening to the POTUS speak about the economy and his expectations for 2014 recently, and it finally hit me. If Barack Obama and his cohorts have achieved one thing, it has been to establish a foothold on the beaches of “the American Dream”, in the form of a frightening “new norm”. Stubborn unemployment, job creation predominantly of a lower wage and skill set, the lowest labor participation rate in more than forty years, a crippling new and unfunded entitlement, and nearly $7 trillion dollars in additional debt laid at the feet of our great-grandchildren, are just some of the statistics which would have thwarted the second term ambitions of most any other incumbent, but for the color of this president’s skin.

When you lump in a “stimulus” package of more than $850 billion dollars, which has been completely wiped from the media’s databanks in terms of accountability for that money, and an administration setting new benchmarks when it comes to assaulting “The Bill of Rights”, one has to wonder how this man, elected under a banner of hope, can even show his face in public, never mind boast of success with brighter days to come.

To be sure, the opposition should be in awe, and take note of this “mastery of message”, utilized to perpetrate the greatest hoax ever, upon “We the People”.

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The Gift of Christmas is Christ…


the_nativity_story_08I think if I could have one Christmas present this year, I would ask for truth. I won’t bother to explain except to say I think “We the People” must stop running from who we are. It’s not so much about worshiping at the same alter, so much as it is adhering to a set of foundational principles rooted in the freedom to pursue the best way forward for you and yours.

The birth of Christ was significant in that “He is for all mankind”. He did not come into the world to save a particular group, but to save humanity from itself. We do ourselves a great disservice when we make excuses and revise what we know to be the truth, for the sake of validating our own self interests.

As I look around the country today, (and the world for that matter), it’s easy to see the need for Christmas and its message of hope and giving. I do suspect however, the time is short when we may able to grab hold of that message for the greater good of all God’s people.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night…

“And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in

the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the

angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone

round about them, and they were sore afraid. And the angel said

unto them, ‘fear not, for behold, I bring you tidings of great

joy which will be to all people. For unto you is born this day in

the city of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this

shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in

swaddling clothes lying in the manger.’ And suddenly, there was

with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and

saying, ‘glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good

will toward men.’”


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Change the channel…


The issue of free speech has been a topic of debate at unprecedented levels throughout the era of Obama. Consequently, the very self-proclaimed spokespeople for freedom of expression and tolerance have demonstrated clearly thus far, and by way of an embarrassingly complicit “Lame Stream Media” I might add, that these maxims only apply if your thought process is in line with theirs. For the record, my conversations with those who have been emboldened by the election of this President, cause me great trepidation and concern that there may be a reckoning of sorts in our national future, and soon.

Phil Robertson

Phil Robertson

Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” fame is a product of his time. And he would be the first to tell you that. A man whose early life took him down many questionable roads, but who would eventually find his salvation in the Bible, makes no bones about his faith or what he feels is his “mission” regarding that faith. One could logically surmise then, that the A&E Network would have had at least some idea who this man was prior to engaging him and his family for a reality TV program, emphasis on “reality”. Well it turns out that while Phil is everything they may have quietly embraced for the sake of ratings (controversial or otherwise), his recent comments regarding homosexuals to an unrelated media outlet, now have them “quacking” in their UGGs.

Truth be told, I was dragged kicking and screaming to the show as I’ve never been much of a reality TV person. My wife however knew that Phil and his family would be right in line with my life’s philosophy, that being, work hard, hunt hard, and love your God and family unconditionally. She was right. The show is disarming and funny, and speaks to the stereotypical notions we have about people from all walks of life. It’s always tempered and reconciled however, with a show ending prayer which, “reunites” if you will, spirit and equality in the eyes of God almighty. So when I hear the hypocritical, hate mongering, validation seekers of Glaad, LGBT, and every other disrespectful bunch masquerading as a legitimate and inclusive organization, come gunning for these hard working, hard fought  and self-made Christians, I finally have to say enough is enough, damn it!

“To be clear”, I’m not Phil Robertson. I am what one might call a “Christian in training”, that person who is trying to be Godly in all manner, but not quite there yet. This means very simply, that if you are a lying, low accountability, hypocrite antagonist, there will be no cheek turning here. Be prepared for truth, and the consequences which may accompany it. I think what I’m saying here people, is that the “silent majority” is about done with the “vocal minority”. And while we cherish your right to free speech and expression, you had better start affording us the same consideration. As Robertson himself has said, “I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.” But this type of tolerance is not a two-way street for the Liberal Progressive Socialists, whose mission is simply to silence all opinions out of step with their own anti-Christian, anti-Constitution, and anti-Capitalist themes. (The dreaded “3 C’s”)

In the end, it’s unlikely the Patriarch of the Duck Commander Empire is overly fazed by all the flap. His faith seems secure and his wallet will likely be as well. Nevertheless, the discussion over free speech, while not in question per se, is not going away. A&E may be a private company making a business decision they feel is in the best interest of their network, but they have also ignited WHAT IS THE ACTUAL AND MUCH BROADER issue of hypocrisy. It is this author’s opinion that the fever pitch and often irresponsible lambasting which occurs every time someone proclaims what the Left “perceives” as bigotry or out of step with what they would have you believe is “mainstream thought”, must now be met by an equally enthusiastic  and straight forward defense.  Whether you subscribe to Robertson’s view, or ANY view for that matter, the notion that he must be silenced is simply not in keeping with our foundational tenets. (And you know it!) Whose rights might they come for next? Whose opinions will be seen as out of the “main stream” next, yours??? This is truly a slippery slope our founding principles were debated, memorialized and adopted to avoid.

As for the “Jack Wagons” over at A&E specifically, they should have a good long reading of the US Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and follow-up with the definitions of freedom, hypocrisy, pandering, character and greed.

For my part and God willing, I will move to meet the enemies of liberty on any field they take, all the while using the pillars of “truth and reason” for strength. Good luck Robertson. I hope I might catch you on another network. Really enjoyed the show…

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Some RI local stuff catching on…


Food for thought, sent from “Patriot64’s” iPhone…

Bishop Thomas Tobin

Bishop Thomas Tobin

The story of Nelson Mandela must include his time in a South African prison, as well as how that horrible period shaped his future. The destroyer of Apartheid will rightfully be remembered as a pivotal and influential figure in world history. With that said, the totality of his life and all that he believed and advocated for, must not be dismissed simply for the sake of his legacy, but rather must be included in the reading in order to reconcile that legacy for history’s sake.

So while the timing of Bishop Tobin’s remarks may or may not be debatable, they were indeed factual and important. For far too long, many Catholics have had it easy, bending the rules, and promoting a false “tolerance”, born of every manipulation of the faith and self-proclaimed victim of a manufactured intolerance, or “selfie” snapping opportunist politician. No rules, no accountability, “it’s all good”, as Jesus would want it that way. Not so much… Regrettably, it is this very hypocrisy among its followers which drove me from the Catholic Church.

For good or bad, Nelson Mandela’s legacy and contributions to humankind may very well be forever connected to the words equality and freedom. However his early life and beliefs, along with his stances on the issues of our time, were far from always oriented to “life”, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To know this, you must do your homework, and rely not so much on a simple and agenda driven news stories as propagandized by the likes of Brian Williams.

For my part, I believe Bishop Tobin did his flock a good service. He reminded them that all is not necessarily as it seems. And that before we heap praise and glory, we should examine and reconcile the message so as to be true to our faith and our posterity. I can’t think of a more applicable quote from one of my heroes, simple and wholly accurate, which defines the controversy…

“The promotion of the culture of life should be the highest priority in our societies…If the right to life is not defended decisively as a condition for all other rights of the person, all other references to human rights remain deceitful and illusory.”

Pope John Paul II


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One year later…


nf-sandy-hook-victims-1217“So I heard someone on local radio this morning lamenting a statistic which indicated 200 children under the age of 13 have died by “gun violence” in the year since Sandy Hook. That same person claimed 8 die every day, which would obviously suggest a completely different total, and there was no statistical breakdown as to how those deaths occurred.”

December 14, 2012 is a date which will always hold bitter and awful memories. The magnitude of the events of that day will forever make it difficult to reconcile in any format. Nevertheless, but with the deepest sympathy and respect for the families of those taken too soon, I feel it’s necessary to set the record straight, so we may honor the dead and finally extract some lesson from that horrible day.

The confusion, misinformation and irrational commentary which often follows such an emotional story, seems a sad but unavoidable consequence of the 24 hour news cycle. Pundits and politicians seize the moment (and the argument), for ratings and their own personal/political gain. The flames of rightful grief are fanned by the false rage of selfish ideologues. Facts are cast aside and the truth is often obscured or even ignored. In contrast, and speaking to statistics like those in the first paragraph, nearly 150 children died in home drowning incidents last year, and roughly 2 children were unbelted and subsequently killed every day in car crashes across the country. Mind you, this is not to minimize or diminish the deaths of Sandy Hook, or for that matter the death of any child for any reason. My point is simply this. It has become far too easy to blame without substantiation as a means to a yet undefinable end, than to root out the real causes of these monstrous and seemingly unexplainable acts of violence.

Reading the final law enforcement “Sandy Hook after-action reports” recently released, (with objection from that same law enforcement I would add), was both enlightening and frustrating. What infuriated me most however, was that law enforcement appeared to lean heavily on Adam Lanza’s access to the weapons he used to commit his heinous crime, yet seemed almost indifferent to the dozens of red flags waving throughout the report in terms of his mental and social faculties. Truth be told, Lanza should have been committed for treatment long before he ever laid hands on those firearms.

In fact, there is most certainly room for discussion and compromise when addressing the issue of mental illness and firearms, as there may also be for mental illness and a host of other potentially dangerous applications. However, when we look objectively at the individuals who commit these crimes, we see glaring instances of ignorance, procedural inconsistency, missed opportunities at intervention on multiple levels, societal cues and breakdowns, and yes, simply bad and even negligent parenting. But let’s be truthful here, no one wants to admit we’ve lost our way when it comes to our children. For instance, how do political and pundit types condone the murder of nearly 18,000 in the womb every year at 5 months, as well as travesties like partial birth abortion, yet claim to speak for the children? Is this hypocrisy or something else? The reality is, political correctness and the degradation of our generational and core value systems are corrupting the minds of our young people. When our children are unable to differentiate between a video game and the value of human life, “We the People” have failed them. The further “we” drift from these simple truths, the less they will mean to those in our charge.

Sandy Hook will forever be etched in our minds as a day when evil visited 20 innocents and the 6 adults who tried to save them. If I might promote one thought on that day one year later, it would be that we should not do the memories of the loved and lost, the injustice of smothering what we know are problems of the heart, with political, ideological and agenda driven solutions of the mind.

For now, and on this cold and snowy day of remembrance, I pray the souls of those little angels and their protectors continue to rest in peace, ever so tightly in the arms of almighty God.

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“Obamacare” charade continues…


untitledSo the President’s going to try and sell this thing once again. Apparently, endless rhetoric and campaigning in place of any successful application continues unabated. Let’s take a look at what we’re seeing to date.

The ACA was to include a “state of the art” web portal designed and built for around 70 million dollars. In reality, and even if you add otherwise unrelated costs having to do with the inner “tech” of the site making the figure more like 340 million dollars, the now estimated 700+ million dollar cost bears out the lunacy of this kind of government intrusion. Adding insult to injury, the “Obamacare” site is still plagued with glitches, and looks nothing like an online gateway to one sixth of the U.S. economy. Frankly, most on-line shopping venues make the ACA page look more like my web site… 🙂

The ACA was supposed to provide a pathway to lower cost insurance for those with little or no coverage. What we’re seeing instead is that the true number of folks who actually need or even desire this coverage is far below the 40 million figure the President loves to bandy about at his pep rallies. Moreover, the majority of registrations thus far, are those people who will utilize the system far in excessive of their contributions to it, if any. And those healthier, younger people necessary as a primary funding mechanism for the law, are opting to pay the fine and simply walk away.

And finally, the number of policy cancellations resulting from the ACA roll-out continue to rise, (and will skyrocket when the mandates kick in). Also, the stories of those adversely affected by “Obamacare” far outnumber any small good the huge entitlement law can claim at present, and this is most certainly scaring the daylights out of the (2010) Dems in Congress. So with premiums are actually on the rise, and not declining as the POTUS promised they would, the ACA is looking more and more like what it was always intended to be, a redistribution of healthcare as a path to the European style “single payer” system.

So you tell me Mr. President, is this the Republican’s fault, or is the hard reality you simply refuse to acknowledge as it is not conducive to your intentions or endgame.  Buckle up people…

PS: It appears largely unnoticed (or ignored) to this point, that the POTUS is revising his own law as he goes along, a clear violation of the Constitutional process, but completely in keeping with his approach to governing thus far.

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Economy, Elections, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Jobs, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Socioeconomic, Terrorism, The United States, Unemployment, Unions | Tagged , | Leave a comment

“Black Friday” observations…


blackfridaybt_20131129_053221I’m still keeping my Thanksgiving cover photo up on Facebook for the weekend. I absolutely refuse to bend to the “Black Friday” ways…!

Nevertheless, it’s always worth watching and pondering the motives of some in this crowd. I do believe there are truly bargain hunters mixed in there, who seek the best deals as they prepare to give presents this Christmas. With that said, I counted no less than thirty flat screen televisions sticking precariously out of shopping carts, and within a period of about ten minutes while scanning my news stations this morning. Every time I flipped the channel, there were 32, 40, 50 and even 60 inch behemoths as far as Rudolph’s eye could see. Looking at those endless lines and reconciling them against the coverage, whereby I heard not a single interviewee comment on that wonderful “Tablet” they snagged for Junior or Sally, I would have to say that “Black Friday does foster a certain greed factor. I also suspect there were probably a few “less than employed” folks in line at 0300, who had they put as much effort into finding a job, really wouldn’t need to wrestle a grotesquely overweight stranger for the last “PlayStation”.  Just sayin’…

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“Obamacare” is symptomatic of a larger ailment…


obamacare8So now your tax dollars are being spent, (to the tune of a million or so dollars), to seek out “Obamacare” success stories? And if that isn’t bad enough, we have to listen to sycophants like Juan Williams bashing anyone who criticizes the law, claiming all they want is for “Obamacare” to fail or worse yet, calling them simply racist. Well, let me start in the reverse and tell Williams he’s correct, I do want the law to fail, though I could care less what color the President is this week. “Obamacare” was ill-conceived, poorly written and slammed through Congress without a single opposition party member voting in the affirmative. Additionally, “the good things in the law” Juan points out, such as (students being able to stay on their parent’s plans, no consideration of pre-existing conditions, and premium caps), were always on the table, though no one knew exactly how to pay for them. Being an apologist for this president is one thing Juan, but promoting denial as a way off the sinking ship is just reckless. So once again AND FOR THE RECORD, I DO WANT THIS LAW TO FAIL! IT’S WRONG FOR OUR COUNTRY, AND IN THE END, IT’S WRONG FOR THE FOLKS WHO ACTUALLY NEED HEALTH INSURANCE!

Now backing up to the “Obamacare” success stories: Incidentally, if you all are wondering why I keep quoting “Obamacare”, it’s because the POTUS was so happy to have his name affixed to his signature law that at one point he was even using the title himself, hence the presidential quotation marks. Oddly however, he has gone back to calling it the “ACA” or the “Affordable” Care Act. Hmmm… Nevertheless, there is this whining from the Left about how the Right just wants to sabotage the ACA, and how Democrats should be promoting the successes of this unprecedented entitlement. Well, here’s the difference between the two efforts.

Firstly, the response from opponents of the ACA is predicated on some simple facts. The President was shall we say, less than truthful with “We the People” about what the law would mean for most Americans. = (He lied!)  Just some examples:

1. There are NOT 40 million uninsured Americans who can’t afford coverage, there are approximately 15 million. The rest choose not to have coverage for whatever the reason and will likely pay the penalty and walk away. (This bankrupts the system as designed).

2. You may NOT necessarily keep your current plan if you like it.

3. You may NOT necessarily keep your doctor if you like him/her.

4. The average family plan will NOT go down in cost by $2500.00. (Not even close. As a matter of fact most will go up).

5. Healthcare exchanges have NOT streamlined and/or made the process of buying health insurance easier for the average American.

6. “Obamacare” is NOT “Romneycare”… Etc. Etc. Etc….

So now the Left would like for “We the People” to ignore these facts, as well as the abysmal roll out and enrollment numbers, and accept some tax-payer funded “re-branding” operation as a reason to be patient and have faith the law will “eventually” succeed. What an absolute insult!

Look, the truth is this president had no business being president in the first place. For a variety of reasons, pertaining mostly to a disgruntled and misinformed electorate, he was able to parlay zero executive experience, very limited political experience, and a community organizer’s resume, into two winning campaigns for the highest office in the land. Still not sure what that says about “We the People” in 2013, nevertheless I think folks are finally becoming more comfortable criticizing his efforts thus far. They are beginning to understand that this criticism has nothing to do with race, but rather everything to do with results. President Obama’s track record to date is one of missteps and failure which are clearly a manifestation of his inexperience and academic/ideological arrogance. The bigger problem however, is that these issues are monstrous and will have lasting effects far beyond the president’s last term in office. Putting aside an economy shrinking to fit a smaller and less skilled work force for a moment, “Obamacare” specifically, will adversely affect the quality and cost of healthcare for generations to come if allowed to roll out unchecked. The reality is the next ten years may not even be enough to undo the damage this president and his administration have done to our economy as well as our standing in the world. Consequently, the American people will have to decide what kind of country they want to live in going forward, and vote accordingly in the future. We will have to overcome much in terms of bias media misinformation. And a healthy understanding of what makes this nation special and necessary as the world’s dominant power would be a good starting point for the journey back to “truth and reason”. Recognizing and rejecting any revisionist ideologue who has only contempt for the nation which provided the formula for his/her success would be next…


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Thanksgiving, 2013…


Please take a moment and pray this Thanksgiving, for the helpless and homeless, for the sick and the dying, for those of weakened body and spirit, and for our Armed Forces who go in harm’s way for us, today and every day. May God Bless and keep them… Happy Thanksgiving everyone…


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There is but one to thank on “Thanksgiving”…


arkmayflowercompact1Listening to my son explain how when he told one of his teachers of the “Separatists” and the reason they journeyed to the America’s, she essentially told him, “that’s debatable”, really gives me a sense of the efforts to revise and/or even erase historical fact, by those who claim to “educate” our young ones. Nevertheless, I will refrain from my usual assault on the revisionists for this Thanksgiving, choosing instead to simply post the intentions of those brave souls who sacrificed much for their cause, in the form of the document from which our nation would derive its unequaled and principled posture.

In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are under-written, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc.              Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine our selves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod, the eleventh of November [New Style, November 21], in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Dom. 1620.

John Carver, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, Isaac Allerton,  Myles Standish, John Alden, Samuel Fuller, Christopher Martin, William Mullins, William White, Richard Warren, John Howland, Stephen Hopkins, Edward Tilley, John Tilley, Francis Cooke, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Tinker, John Rigsdale, Edward Fuller, John Turner, Francis Eaton, James Chilton, John Crackstone, John Billington, Moses Fletcher, John Goodman, Degory Priest, Thomas Williams, Gilbert Winslow, Edmund Margesson, Peter Browne, Richard Britteridge, George Soule, Richard Clarke, Richard Gardiner, John Allerton, Thomas English, Edward Doty, Edward Leister

It’s easy to take for granted that which we have to be thankful for my friends. If you pause and think long enough however, it will come to you.

God Bless you all, and Happy Thanksgiving…


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U.S. deterrence on the ropes…


It’s never surprising when I have to take something which by all appearances seems a positive action on the part of the Obama Administration, and qualify it with something else that basically cancels that action out. The recent military fly by over the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East b52-981974cChina Sea, was most certainly an “in your face” to Beijing, and turns out wholly appropriate response to the People’s Republic of China’s declaration that it would now include the area in its air-defense grid application. But here’s the problem.

Recently the Chinese government boasted of a submarine fleet that could park off the coast of California and kill 10’s of millions of Americans without warning, and the Obama gang didn’t say boo. Now maybe yesterday’s action was a belated “in your face”. Or could it be respect for the United States has declined to a point that the president who would bring about unprecedented change for the better in terms of our international relationships, has screwed up so badly that he doesn’t even know where to begin addressing the critical matter of American deterrence around the globe.

To be sure, China and United States are, to a degree at least, dependent upon one another. But make no mistake, as has been the case throughout history, totalitarian regimes will seize on every opportunity and perceived weakness to move the pendulum in their direction. Listening to one Chinese student (on state-run T.V. of course), talk about how they should have shot down one of our B-52’s as a warning, was nothing short of chilling.

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Democrats now own the “nuclear option”…


Harry-ReidIn the end, it was Democrats who elected to use the so-called “nuclear option”. There is a certain irony to this as they were so openly critical when Republicans were in the majority and there was talk of such an action. The difference was Republicans thought better of compromising the process. Now whether that was because they feared their re-elections might be jeopardized, or rather because they actually feared how it might affect this great Republic, we may never know. That aside, this recent action by Harry Reid clearly demonstrates an ideological power grab of the most deliberate and despicable kind.

Obviously fearful for his party’s 2014 prospects as the President’s numbers continue to plummet, Reid has decided all bets are off when it comes to the Liberal Progressive agenda. And he’s prepared to forward that agenda in spite of any opposition, and while he still can.

These are truly desperate political times in our country, and our children’s futures hang in the balance. For this reason, I think it imperative we take special note of the hypocrisy and downright lies put forth by Liberal Democrats on Capitol Hill and at the White House of recent. In doing so we may finally (begin) to return “truth and reason” to our system of government.

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November 22, 1963


kennedyfaceNine months almost to the day after John F. Kennedy was murdered, I was born. Understandably, my youth was shadowed by the memory of the martyred President, and I would come to study his life and death in great detail over the years. Now closing in on 50, I find myself reminiscing about all I’ve learned. From the often mind-boggling conspiracy theories surrounding the events of November 22, 1963, to the endless stories of playboy antics and infidelity, the life journey of the handsome Massachusetts socialite son of a bootlegger, turned war-hero/Cold-Warrior President, truly does read like a story book.

With all of that said, I will not muddy the waters today by offering opinions except to say, that a wife lost a husband, two children lost a father, and a stunned nation was left to wonder, what if…

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“The Gettysburg Address”…


I have been accused and I’m probably guilty of being a bit long “written” if you will. Accordingly, I would tell you that as someone who writes primarily about politics, one should get to the point as expeditiously as possible while taking care to make a compelling but truthful argument. This is why I was so infuriated by the article/analysis in the “Harrisburg’s Patriot & Union” newspaper about “The Gettysburg Address”. Regrettably, the article bashed President Lincoln for achieving what so many of us strive for and rarely ever accomplish, that being the efficient penning of a thoughtful and wholly consequential statement of the truth, which profoundly affects the thought process of “We the People”, and facilitates the understanding and historical context necessary to preserve this government, of, by and for the people.

Nevertheless, it is with great admiration and appreciation that I present the remarks of the 16th President, given this day in 1863 on that hallowed ground…



Bliss Copy

Ever since Lincoln wrote it in 1864, this version has been the most often reproduced, notably on the walls of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. It is named after Colonel Alexander Bliss, stepson of historian George Bancroft. Bancroft asked President Lincoln for a copy to use as a fundraiser for soldiers (see “Bancroft Copy” below). However, because Lincoln wrote on both sides of the paper, the speech could not be reprinted, so Lincoln made another copy at Bliss’s request. It is the last known copy written by Lincoln and the only one signed and dated by him. Today it is on display at the Lincoln Room of the White House.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863

Credit abrahamlincolnonline.org

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The shrinking Obama approval rating…


As Democrats struggle to find a way to reconcile “Obamacare” heading into the 2014 election cycle, it’s been entertaining as all get out to watch their standard-bearer roll them under the proverbial bus. It’s also amusing watching and listening to the main stream press back pedal and attempt to gain their own footing, as the President’s signature achievement, and one they were all so heavily invested in, goes down in flames. Truthfully, it’s actually kind of sad. What’s happening is not the exception but rather the rule when politicians use the all too common “leverage” of promise, which is ultimately followed by a hard dose of mathematical reality.

The fact that our community organizer/president appears to be fresh out of political rhetoric in the face of legitimate questions concerning the ACA, and is obviously having trouble coming to grips with the “legalities” of his own law, now seem small measure to the real and egregious harm this ideological and poorly thought out experiment is doing to real Americans. So when the next sycophant fool scoffs at me and says “you just want the law to fail”, I will reply with zeal: “You’re damn right I do”…

Polling Data







RCP Average

10/30 – 11/15





11/13 – 11/15

1500 A




Rasmussen Reports

11/13 – 11/15

1500 LV




FOX News

11/10 – 11/12

1006 RV




The Economist/YouGov

11/9 – 11/11

710 RV





11/6 – 11/11

2545 RV




Pew Research

10/30 – 11/6

1605 RV




All President Obama Job Approval Polling Data

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Veterans Day 2013. Understanding freedom…


111-SC-422077I’ve probably heard “it” as many times as I’ve said “it”. And having family and friends who’ve fought and even died for “it”, makes “it” all the more precious to me. Indeed my fellow Americans, “freedom is not free”. Nevertheless, it is God given but must be defended and ultimately paid for with the blood and toil of those who understand it. So when I read news snippets about the “Common Core Curriculum”, and how its work sheets are written with the stated intent to “educate” the next generation, you can imagine my confusion.

“(The president) makes sure the laws of the country are fair,” “The wants of an individual are less important than the well-being of the nation” and “the commands of government officials must be obeyed by all.”

Is this what so many American Soldiers fought for? Is this representative of the values and principles on which this great nation was founded? Is this how those who oversee our embarrassing public education system understand the three branches of government and their functions? Or is this the “indoctrination” of our children as opposed to their education? Regrettably, I believe it is the latter.

Some of you may remember my earlier writing and how I envisioned a crossroads in our future, a time when Americans would either accept the truth and pass a greater and stronger nation to our posterity, or fold in the face of revisionism and “the free ride”. May I have your attention please? We are their…

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Presidential Press…


100112_al_caddel_640As we are witnessing great social and economic turmoil in our country, many of us look to the news as a source of unbiased information regarding the events of the day. This is not unusual in a free society, and we should have every expectation of impartiality on the part of those who bring us that news. Unfortunately, it appears we are now seeing the long rumored Liberal/Progressivism of the main stream press charging out unfettered from the Journalistic “closet”. In fact listening to softball questions presented to the President by the likes of Steve Croft of “60 Minutes” and Sam Stein of “The Huffington Post”, only reinforces the notion that it’s unlikely 44 will ever have to fully explain his Presidency until after it’s concluded, and maybe not even then.

Truth be told, the relationship between many so-called journalists and Mr. Obama, is about as annoying as those two kids next to you on “the T” who won’t stop mugging it up. It seems they are hell bent on the manifestation of that anti-establishment dream they cultivated as pimple faced, socially challenged sophomores in college. The problem is they are being manipulated by the very source of Chris Matthew’s leg “tingling”, and played for the sycophant fools by a master community organizer and Socialist puppeteer. Inevitably, it is “We the People” who must go far beyond the remote control in order to get to the truth. For some this is a jumping off point and for others a call to action on behalf of our kids. Nevertheless, the ideological war is heating up and folks are choosing sides. I just never envisioned the main stream media on one side or the other.

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Benghazi, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Health Care, Immigration, Jobs, Media, National Debt, Political Correctnness, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged | Leave a comment

“Moral authority”???


Time To Pay BackWhen Chris Matthews starts talking about “moral authority” I think to myself, this idiot wouldn’t know “moral authority” if it ran over him. Nevertheless, he was referring to Republicans and how (he) felt they lacked any moral authority on the matter of healthcare. This made me think of all the lies and misrepresentations the President and his ilk have propagated since he was elected. Where’s the “moral authority” in that? Then I thought about the young people I interact with every day who are beginning to question President Obama’s actual qualifications, and for that matter his intentions when it comes to their future. The sought after jobs for which they are preparing themselves at great financial peril are simply not there. Moreover, it seems as if the POTUS intends to rest his utopian dream of universal healthcare squarely on their shoulders.

I must admit, my patience for the Left as political opponents of a different viewpoint is fast drying up. The argument is no longer framed by facts and ideas as they may relate to the well-being of our children’s America, but rather it seems a bloody winner-take-all contest with Liberal/Progressives struggling mightily to paint themselves as anything but what they are, a bunch of disingenuous political hoodlums who’ve decimated the “moral authority” of the Democrat Party.

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120817_kathleen_sebelius_mahaskey_605Listening to HHS Secretary Sebelius attempt to explain “Obamacare” was almost as painful as listening to the President at Boston’s Faneuil Hall today, try and compare the law which bears his nickname to that of “Romneycare”.

Two things did jump out at me though. Firstly, it’s nothing short of awe inspiring to witness the level of loyalty afforded this President by his underlings. One must assume they would go to their graves professing Mr. Obama knew absolutely nothing about most anything having to do with his presidency. And second, I would have so much more respect for the man if he would just dispense with the lies and manipulation. The jig is up Mr. President. There are no more elections to be won. Go ahead and ride that Socialist wave, would ya…?

All kidding aside, President Obama took great pains to compare the roll out of “Obamacare” to that of “Romneycare”, and nothing could be further from reality. The Massachusetts law was a “bi-partisan” effort, predicated at the state level with built-in funding mechanisms and no tax increases.  And while there were start-up miscues, even Mitt Romney released a statement today basically saying the two could not have been more different.

Now many have said these matters should in fact be left to the states, and they are correct. But I would direct you to the dozen or so instances throughout this President’s abbreviated political career where he clearly calls for a “transition” from a partial entitlement for those without insurance to a completely nationalized single-payer system. It is and has been the stated goal of Barack Obama in his own words.

Truth be told, you will hear no panic in this POTUS’s voice. All is going according to plan.

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The “language” of ideology…

Let me add this up again...

Let me add this up again…

As expected “The Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act” is imploding before our very eyes. The stories of folks being dropped from their existing plans or receiving radical premium increases can no longer be ignored or explained away by “School Boy Jay Carney“. Adding insult to injury, the web site designed to bring it all to you for the bargain price of nearly $650 million dollars, (paid to a company with one of the worst track records in the tech industry), has crashed for the second time in just two weeks. Now I know there will be the sycophant naysayers who choose to go down with this flooding ship, but I would direct you to the President and his own propagandizing apologists Axelrod and Emanuel, as the language they are now using sounds absolutely nothing like “You can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan, and your premiums will go down.“. I think it’s more than fair to say, these were lies of epic proportions.

Inevitably “Obamacare” will fail. Not because I want it to, but rather because it was and is an academic and ideological attempt to usurp nearly one sixth of a free market economy, for use within an entrenched and growing entitlement state, and for which there was never/ever a tangible funding mechanism. It is simple second grade math people. Make no mistake however, what is obviously a monumental failure today, was actually meant to be just that. In his remaining time in office, the President of the United States will reframe the argument and use every last bit of his political capital to bring about “single payer” as a “final solution” to the very healthcare issues his own signature law exacerbated to their current levels. This was always and remains a war of ideologies with no end in sight. Buckle up…

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Jobs, Media, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment, Unions | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Some “bullet proof” politics in “Little Rhody”…


AX245_796E_9I have no doubt that General Treasurer Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island is a reformer at heart, and a smart one to be sure. As a matter of fact, she “was” firmly on my list of candidates who might pass the Constitutional litmus test necessary to earn my vote. Well, that was until she decided to play a little politics with the people’s cash.

Look, my views on gun control are no secret. “To be clear” however, a person in Treasurer Raimondo’s position should be very careful as she tests the gubernatorial waters here in the “Ocean State”. Sound bites and seemingly righteous assertions must be backed by fact and reason. Without those things, they simply become unnecessary targets placed precariously on ones political backside…


Posted in "Patriot64", Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Taxes, Unions | Tagged | Leave a comment

“Why don’t they try winning an election.”???


131011_JURIS_ObamaDebtCeiling_jpg_CROP_promovar-mediumlarge“Why don’t they try winning an election”? Maybe the President was out of town, or possibly playing the back nine at Camp David when Republicans cleaned his political clock in the 2010. Once again we see Barack Obama as whole heartedly supporting the tenets of our founding documents, but only as they apply to those who support him and his policies. I remain disheartened over the fact our national electorate has twice voted to put in the seat of power, a man so obviously opposed to most everything we are as a representative republic.

Consequently, I am both hopeful and anxious history will lament this “experiment” for the failure it has been. Not for the color of the 44th President’s skin, as ideological misfits like Robert Redford might suggest, nor even for our political differences on the issues of the day, but rather for the mean-spirited and “un-presidential” manner in which he has comported himself in time of crises and as our Chief Executive. “To be clear”, I believe the president’s failure to lead by example, choosing instead the path of rhetoric and partisan sniping at the most inopportune times, has been anything but helpful in resolving this nation’s mounting difficulties.

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“Wins and losses”…

Rep. Trey Gowdy

Rep. Trey Gowdy

One day after the President and Harry Reid won their battle against House Republicans and successfully kicked the budget can down the road once again, we’re still left with the lowest labor participation rate in 40 years, the most lopsided part-time to full-time job creation ratio in a generation, around 90 trillion dollars in debt / “unfunded liabilities”, and a new healthcare law in which not even 1 percent of those visiting the “exchanges” are actually enrolling. So I guess my question for you folks with the Obama blinders on is, if you-all won, then who lost? Well I’ll tell you, “We the People” lost, and that means you too…

Honestly, I took no pleasure in watching the Washington elite battle over who would “win or lose” the most politically. I do understood what was actually at stake however, and it ended pretty much as I had predicted. The Republicans are left fractured and licking their wounds, while Democrats stumble back to their camp not unscathed to be sure, and the President will record his lowest favorability rating to date. With all that said, there is still some take-away if you will, for those of us who value our children’s nation.

Many will see the following as “that Patriot64 guy dumping on Obama again“, and that may very well be how it sounds. But after listening to the raw Washington ensemble for the past two weeks, I did manage to hear what I believe was a courageous voice in the background. SC Congressman Trey Gowdy’s questioning of National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis was something to be politically savored. His command of the facts and relentless pursuit of the truth gave me hope there were still honorable men on Capitol Hill. Moreover, and as I recalled of the utter “snarkyness” of our president today, as well as his lack of honor and leadership during what many are calling “this unnecessary episode”, I wondered what it might have been like had Gowdy been in the White House. How would this former federal persecutor of such obvious character, conviction and Constitutional sense of duty have handled the situation… Maybe there is hope for this great republic after all…

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Judiciary, Media, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged | Leave a comment

“Glitch” or prelude to catastrophe…


1007-obamacare-online-glitches_full_380One thing can be said for President Obama, and that is he continually provides fodder for the feast…

I chuckled recently when I heard the POTUS compare what media sycophants are calling “glitches”, to roll out issues with “Apple Corporation’s iPhone”. Now putting aside the tech giant has more cash on hand than the United States Government, (even in the absence of any shut-down), the notion that a cell phone operating system patch or an antenna problem somehow equates to the massive failure of the “Affordable” Care Act on-line enrollment debacle would be completely laughable if it weren’t so damn serious.

Being right about something can be a burden, and in this case I have a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. If the initial start-up of “Obamacare” is this plagued by huge cost over-runs and software collapses which won’t even allow the few who want to participate access to the system, then what can we expect from the rest of this nightmare when the funding mechanisms aren’t there as advertised and the IRS comes a knockin’.


Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, Health Care, Home and Family, Media, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment, Unions, Womens Issues | Tagged | Leave a comment

More “Froaming” from Froma…

Froma Harrop

Froma Harrop

Froma Harrop continues her non-sensical assault on certain members of the Republican Party. Truthfully, she’s almost hard to follow at times through all the hypocrisy. Now “before I go on”, let me say Harrop apparently still doesn’t grasp the reality of our “Republic”, nor can she seem to comprehend the function of “representative government”. Consequently, it’s always harder to reason with someone who is, well, unreasonable…

Anyhow, Harrop continues to deflect legitimate criticism of a partisan President and his policies, by simply heaping insults and misinformation on opposition party members as they exercise their Constitutional duties. This is not new and people like her are a dime a dozen. However the problem for Democrats is, they much more closely resemble much of the mud Harrop is slinging. I suppose when you’re that far off base, hysterical ranting and a “devil may care” attitude concerning the truth must makes sense.

“Tea Party congressional districts tend to be poor.” Really? Tell that to the “Duck Dynasty” Folks. All kidding aside, Harrop ought put down that Progressive think tank garbage, and take a look at states and municipalities with Republican Governors and Mayors in comparison to those with Democratic leadership, and then tell me who’s a “burden to society”. Take a drive through downtown Detroit Froma, and get back to me if you make it through alive… Cherry picking stats is a favorite of (the Froma crowd), and ultimately does little to facilitate legitimate debate.

In the end, ignoring our nation’s crushing debt is callous and irresponsible on every level. If the shut down has done anything, it has opened the eyes of Americans to the truth of our broken and nearly bankrupt government and how it’s destroying our children’s future. Moreover, when Liberal media types like Froma Harrop are left to align themselves with unprincipled and opportunistic politicians on the right, against those who would not run from the truth, then you know frustration on the Left is peaking in ways we haven’t yet seen. Oh and Froma, the only real “bomb throwers” out there are firmly entrenched in your camp, and take their cues from the most divisive, contemptuous and reckless President in American history.

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Gut check time…


With only seventeen percent of government actually shut down, it’s hard to find the calamity Harry Reid and the Libs are speaking of. This is not to diminish the trials of those needing appropriate satisfaction, in terms of legitimate government services, who cannot get them. The problem I see is many folks in some of these polls just don’t understand what’s in play. Well, let’s take a look.

untitled 2Federal government spending is up 25% in five years. As of September 2013, the national debt placed an approximately $139,000.00 share of that debt on every American family, which equates to about $53,000.00 for every living person in this country, 100% of GDP, and 526% of annual revenues. I would remind everyone this is on top of the slowest economic recovery in U.S. history, with well under 3% growth and the smallest labor participation rate in 40 years. To this obvious and dangerous financial instability, the President and Democrats in Congress have now added four + trillion dollars over the next twenty years with “Obamacare”.

In the end, much of the current situation is politically driven to be sure. The numbers however, cannot and must not be denied. This “shutdown” may be the perfect opportunity for our nation to step back and think about where we’re going. When “Mr.” Obama was campaigning for his current job, he spoke of how “irresponsible  and un-patriotic” it was to continually raise the country’s debt limit. Our national debt was about nine trillion dollars at that time, (just five years ago)… I give you Barack Obama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydZTHPkOnvE

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To capitulate or not to capitulate…

Notice the word "SHUTDOWN"!

Notice the word “SHUTDOWN”!

A local radio personality was talking about how Republicans need to “learn to lose” and step away from this government shut down. Initially I agreed, more so because of what I understand both parties have become over the last century or so. But after thinking about it, Republican capitulation might actually be the worst avenue at this juncture. Now I’m not going to reiterate the collapse of Obamacare happening before our eyes, and I’m not going to talk about the state of our stagnant and gasping economy. These things are obvious to anyone not blinded by rhetoric. No, the answers are much more fundamental.

Quite frankly and over literally generations, Republicans have backed themselves into the proverbial corner, by allowing the very Conservative pillars on which our Republic was built, to be torn away by a reckless Democrat party of revision. On the other hand, Liberal Progressives, with the help of a sympathetic and irresponsible media, have hijacked and restructured the Party of JFK to more closely resemble the accountability free zone of a Social “Justice” experiment. Moreover, while Republicans battle amongst themselves over the direction and platform of their own party, demonizing Liberals are seizing the Presidency of Barack Obama as their best opportunity to promote the division and false racism which are dissolving the very spirit of E-Pluribus-Unum.

So I would just ask that radio talk show host; “when will be the right time to re-embrace our Constitutional principles, and defend this dying Republic? Or are we all “capitulating” for good?”

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", Class Warfare, Congress, Constitutionality, Economy, Elections, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Jobs, Judiciary, Media, National Debt, Politics, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged | Leave a comment