“Froaming” at the mouth…


foaming_at_the_mouth_guy0I guess it only takes (some) folks exercising their Constitutional rights to get sycophants like Froma Harrop “froaming” at the mouth. And I always find it interesting when Liberals label all free speech but their own as “extremist”. Admittedly I rather like it this way, as it’s much easier to see these phonies coming. They simply have little regard for the very founding principles which facilitate their ideological argument. Throw in the “Tea Party” and they will eventually show there teeth.

With that said, Harrop’s recent editorial in the Providence Journal brushes right past the economically crippling reality of “ObamaScare”, and how it came to be the focus of the current government shut down. However there may be a silver lining for Harrop’s nemesis the (Tea Party folks), many of whom have spoken out against this nightmare from day one. You see unlike Social Security and Medicare, the votes to approve The “Affordable” Care Act were cast wholly along party lines and without a single opposition party vote in the affirmative. Historically speaking, this means all credit (or failure) will rest squarely on the party of passage. Moreover, I would remind Harrop that the only thing Chief Justice Roberts did was confirm the mandate was a tax after the POTUS lied and said it wasn’t, though I think she understands this and only hopes for collective ignorance on the part of we freedom loving peasants.

In the end, what an elitist like Harrop needs is a lesson in the co-equal branches of government and their responsibilities to “We the People”. I’m sorry Froma, but your desire that “Tea Party Tyrants” suck it up and sit idly by while their Republic crumbles under the weight of this president’s utopian experiment, is simply unacceptable and un-American. Have a nice day… 🙂


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Of slings and arrows and shut downs…


1_photoThe government shutdown is certainly politics in its rawest form, with both sides vying for a toehold on the issue of a continuing resolution that would only fund the government until November 15 (Senate) or December 15 (House). That aside, the President and ole’ Harry Reid have been masterful if you will, at demonizing Republicans for asking that what Mr. Obama has already granted to larger businesses be so granted to the average American.

look, I’ve been consistent in that I believe Republicans should have done a much better job defending against the nightmare that is “Obamacare” back in 2009. Nevertheless, there are a number of Conservative Senators and Congress people who campaigned on a simple pledge to do all in their power to derail the President’s signature contribution to our nation’s massive debt. At present they are simply making good on those promises as it is their Constitutional right and responsibility. Moreover, the President himself may even have violated his oath as well as the law, by unilaterally manipulating and amending the “law of the land”, as he affectionately terms the “Affordable” Care Act. (Section 3 article II of the U.S. Constitution)

Ultimately, both sides look pretty desperate right now and it’s hard to see a clear winner. It certainly won’t be the America People, that’s for sure. For my part, I reluctantly come down on the Republican side for two simple reasons. Firstly, and no matter what the POTUS says, his law was/is very unpopular. Most Americans would be happier if it just went away. And secondly, the President, by word and deed, has shown himself to be the most arrogant, divisive and irresponsible Chief Executive in U.S. Presidential history. He has failed on every level to lead. In doing so he’s allowed an atmosphere of ideological impenetrability to take hold in a way unlike at any time in recent memory. Barack Obama, a wholly unqualified community organizer from Illinois, was swept into office on a wave of voter discontent for which he promised “hope and change”. He has since squandered what many believe was a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring about the kind of change that makes history for all the right reasons. Instead, it appears he too is incapable of rising above the Washington fray to the good we all know this country desperately needs and deserves.

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Denial, the enemy of our children…


denialI am challenged daily on what I write. And yet when I ask for specifics, there is a deafening silence. During a recent political “exchange” in which I supplied some simple “truth and reason”,  a friend told me that while he understands there is “still work to be done”, he sees the glass as half full. This is an admirable quality in terms of one’s personal journey, but when we look at the facts of our national dilemma, it’s difficult to see our country as anything but in decline. 96 percent of all new hires are part time. The labor participation rate is at its lowest point in nearly forty years, (and declining still). Poverty is at its highest level since the 60’s and rising, and we shoulder a $17 trillion (and growing) national debt. Is this “still work to be done” or evidence of ideological failure?

Now while I applaud optimism as a worthy attribute, it must be accompanied by truth, reason and sound  judgment. We were sold a lofty bill of goods, much of which has failed or is yet to be realized. Respectfully my friend, denial is the enemy of our children’s future.

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The Death of Principle…


The Constitutionally challenged duo…

Liberals in Congress are referring to the people’s elected representatives as “Legislative arsonists”, “anarchists”, “black mailers” and “terrorists”. The Left Wing ideology of hypocrisy has always been easy to see if you’re looking.

Ultimately, one need only consider President Obama’s phone conversation today with the leader of a country which defies everything America stands for, to understand the idiom of “glass houses”…

Headline – President Obama negotiates with Terrorist sponsor nation and Putin, but not Congress…

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Not too big to fail…


Barack ObamaIt’s unlikely Obamacare will be de-funded. This reality is born of voter apathy and ignorance as well as an utterly confusing counter message from Republicans. “A house divided” comes to mind when I listen to recent statements coming from the “Grand Old Party”. Unfortunately it doesn’t change the fact the President’s defining achievement is doomed to fail.

You must understand this means nothing to Liberal Progressives as the blame will always lie elsewhere, and the cause of this nations posterity has never been and never will be an issue for them. But for those of us struggling to snatch American Exceptionalism from the jaws of 44’s ideological experiment, the cost is much higher. You see we hear a lot of talk about the top and bottom brackets these days, but not much about the middle. No, not the whiny “Obamafied and failing middle class”, but those of us who embrace the freedom to excel and improve absent the walls of quasi Socialism, or at least the opportunity to tee it up for our children.

In the end, Obamacare “the cause” overshadowed Obamacare “the debate”. Emotion and misinformation trumped truth and reason, and the payment plan will be heavy with a diminished level of care to be sure. Moreover, the irresponsible politics of division which framed (The “Affordable” Care Act) discussion, have doomed the law to the annals of crippling entitlements and all but condemned our children to a nation less than what was passed to us…

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Obamacare “Bait and Switch”…


obamacare-cartoon-2-aThe POTUS continues his “Obamacare” Campaign, running around touting the 2010 Congressional vote on the PPACA, the SCOTUS decision, and his second term, as proof his signature achievement is somehow the people’s will. It’s truly amazing how Liberals can manipulate reality, and even astounding how this guy in particular lives decidedly inside some parallel universe. Regardless, I think someone should help him with the facts…

Fact #1: The President lied repeatedly to the American people regarding everything from insurance premiums, to Medicare, to whether or not one could keep their own doctor. This classic Liberal “bait and switch” tactic served him well, and essentially frightened Congress into cooperation by creating a healthcare mirage.

Fact #2: Chief Justice Roberts only affirmed what he knew the mandate to be, a tax, thereby forcing the White House to admit that’s exactly what it is.

And Fact #3: The polls have consistently shown the legislation/law to be unpopular to varying degrees throughout the process, and actually a political albatross around the President’s neck. Consequently, Obama more likely won re-election because of his skin color, and the fact the GOP simply couldn’t find a candidate appropriately committed to beating him.


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We the “exceptional” people…


Putin_KGB“We” are exceptional because of our founding documents and the human truths contained therein. “We” are exceptional because of the men and women who have died defending those truths, not just for our good, but for the good of oppressed peoples around the globe. “We” are exceptional because of the freedom which gave birth to an economy that has fueled and fed the world for the better part of a century. And “We” are exceptional because of what we stand for and are opposed to, and the price we are willing to pay to validate those principles.

Regrettably, President Vladimir Putin’s recent choice of argument has its roots in our president’s beliefs about his own country. His years as a Communist operative have obviously served him well in the game of political one-upmanship. Moreover, his opponent is badly handicapped by inexperience and historical ignorance.

Nevertheless Mr. Putin, “we” do not use the word “exceptional” as individuals, or even as a nation, but rather as “We the People”, so we may reconcile principle and purpose, and aspire to the high ground no matter our faults or challenges. Clearly this is something “you” would not understand, and God knows it…

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What would “they” think???


Twelve years later the lessons of 9/11 appear to have faded. Notwithstanding the heroic and sacrificial efforts of our brave military who remain at the gate, the incoherent approach of our current government to the international issues of our time, gives me no measure of confidence we are any better off than we were on 9/10/01. But today’s write is not necessarily about the political lessons so much as the personal ones.

I was raised to be proud of my country. Mindful of its imperfections but acutely aware of the hard-fought freedom which makes the United States of America the greatest arrangement for mankind under God. You see I have always believed that as an American, if you cannot or will not accept that simple fact first, then there is no debate to be had on anything else.

US-GreatSeal-Obverse600px9/11 showed us our vulnerabilities to be sure. But it also gave us an opportunity to revisit some of those very special attributes the terrorists hate so much about us. For a few short years it seemed, we had gone back in time and were able to unite around our commonalities, those integral qualities of community and of “We the people” and E Pluribus Unum which always make us stronger. Regrettably however, it appears we have now forsaken the “self-evident” truths of our founding documents for the hollow promises of a false security. In the days that followed the attacks, I saw black and white, Jew and Muslim, join hands on human terms like I did not and do not remember. There was a quiet but palpable acknowledgement, that the blood flowing in the rubble of 1 World Trade and the Pentagon, as well as that spilled on a “field of honor” in Shanksville PA, was all “red”, white and blue.

So as my eyes always well up when I focus on the lost souls of  9/11 and beyond, I wonder what we should memorialize on this 12th anniversary of that horrible day. Putting aside shiny new buildings and the star-studded tributes we will likely see in the months ahead as the new World Trade comes on-line, what do you think “they” think of us and our current efforts on behalf of “their” posterity? In the end, what can we say we took away from “Ground Zero” 2001, and how has it made us better as a country in 2013?

I wonder…

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“Under God”…


bible-over-flag-blog-pictureThe fight over “God in the pledge” in the Bay State isn’t surprising. Massachusetts has long been a bastion of Progressive thought. But it reminded me of the bigger fight over freedom of religion in this country. You see, the so-called “separation” of church and state has been “misrepresented” over time. Most folks haven’t even read the amendment or its supporting documentation, and therefore don’t understand the intent was actually to keep “state out of religion”, and not the other way around. Nevertheless, the “Lame Stream Media” has been highly effective in painting religion, more specifically Christianity, as the root of all evil. Our children are being indoctrinated and used as pawns in this political chess match, with many Washington politicians playing along. The cause of destroying our factual founding and creed is now job number one for the “Statists”. For it is only by way of re-writing that history that they will realize their dream of a truly accountability free zone.

As I indicated, it’s only fitting we engage the revisionists in Massachusetts. In fact, this particular battle may finally bring about a factual debate over this nations origins dating back 400 + years, as well as the real how and why “under God” came to be in the Pledge. But remember, Left Wing Ideologues will stop at nothing to keep that debate from happening. You see, the less “We the People” know, the better…

Live and let live is a worthy code, but it does not negate truth and reason… “Patriot64”

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America then and now…


WWII-NormandyAs events in Syria continue to shape the news, I thought it interesting how the conversation has shifted somewhat to whether or not the U.S. has a “moral responsibility” to act. Additionally, the question of how America sees things in relation to other historical snapshots taken before military action is also up for debate. As part of that debate, I would offer this.

The last five years have seen great “change” in our country. Our government is attempting to douse the flames of a devastating economic downturn with the gasoline of fiscal irresponsibility. Our children are bombarded by violent media daily, and are falling behind the world. They’re spoon fed the Founder’s faults as opposed to the greatness of their achievements, all while mediocrity is embraced and 2+2 no longer necessarily = 4 in the classroom. And finally our culture, once the envy of the world, is being relentlessly diluted by an ideological pursuit of a false utopia of collectivism.

So I think the message to President Obama and the John McCain types in their respective briefing rooms and town halls is a simple one. By and large, American resolve in the face of obvious evil around the globe has never been in doubt. But it has also been reinforced by the successes and strengths born of liberty and freedom, those beacons necessary to light the way. When these things are in question right here at home, “We the People” understand clearly that any success abroad will depend on the example set at home.

(Note: I am not an “isolationist” by any means, but history demonstrates there are indeed times when we must look inward first.)

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The President’s Conundrum…


Bill O’Reilly’s commentary on Tuesday was nearly spot on, nearly…

693252-130822-syria-gas-attackHe spoke of the nobility of the United States. He spoke of how our great nation has righted many wrongs, and of the literally hundreds of millions of people we have freed from the bonds of tyranny. But Bill went off the rails when he attempted to draw a comparative line between “Conservatives” who oppose potential military action in Syria, to the Liberals who opposed the Bush Doctrine in Iraq. This is a convoluted observation at best, and I’ll tell you why.

Firstly, Saddam was not actively “at war” with his own people at the time of “Operation Iraqi Freedom”. President Bush applied what he believed was the correct action, in that striking before a rogue nation strikes at you is always the better choice. This would come to be known as “The Bush Doctrine” of preemptive warfare. Right or wrong, Bush’s actions followed a clear and definitive line after 9/11 and he made no secret of his intentions. He mustered the support of a shakey international coalition and of “We the People” and Congress. The results are mixed at best, and now sadly colored by the political rhetoric. Syria however, is another matter all together.

President Obama was swept into office partly on the idea he would be as far left of the “Bush Doctrine” as was humanly possible. He campaigned on that premise and preached mightily about the benefits of “diplomacy” in place of, well, everything else. Now however, with his political back to the wall, and having sat on the sidelines in Syria for far too long, he appears to be searching for political as well as personal redemption.

To be clear, what has happened in Syria is nothing short of war crimes, and Bashar al-Assad is a madman who deserves the business end of cruise missile up his backside at the earliest possible juncture. The problem for the POTUS is that he didn’t lead when he should have, (which may even have prevented the gas attack), and now faces what many see as a losing proposition jumping in now. Regrettably, O’Reilly is right when he says the United States must still act, or run the risk of opening the floodgates of evil around the globe. He is flat-out wrong however, to compare supporters of the “Bush doctrine”, Conservative or otherwise, to the Anti-American John Kerry types who are now trying to hide their cowardice and disdain for  America’s “nobility”, behind the courage and exceptionalism of the U.S. Military and all they/we stand for.

We must right this wrong to be sure. But Barack Obama and his ideology of “lead from behind” has made it virtually impossible for us to look right doing so.

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“Labor Day” 2013, a contradiction in terms…


obama-trumka-new-1-550x275The POTUS commented in his weekly radio address that so long as he is president he will continue to fight for the hard for working men and women of the “middle class”. I thought this ironic coming from a Chief Executive who has probably done more to hurt the middle class than any in recent memory.

Putting aside the environmental, entitlement and tax policies of this administration as obvious job crushers, one only has to read the second half of the “Affordable” Care Act to understand, this President represents the complete opposite of anything having to do with the promotion and/or sustainability of “labor” in our country. It’s no secret that fluctuations in applications for unemployment benefits have been overshadowed by the reality of a steadily shrinking workforce and the degradation of the traditional 40 hour work week, brought to you in part by huge increases in the cost of company healthcare administration. Companies like UPS have already read the writing on the wall and moved to cut costs. Even Teamster thug Trumka admits, the Obamacare “vision has come back to haunt us”, sighting the “unforeseen circumstances” of the President’s signature law which he helped write. “Unforeseen”??? Really???

With all due respect Mr. President, I think Labor Day is one you should skip and go do what you do best, the back nine at Camp David…

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Timing is everything…


bashar3I remain conflicted about the road forward in Syria, and frustrated to say the least with the lack of leadership our President has shown on matters of an international nature. Indecision born of ideological theory and inexperience has left Mr. Obama, (and the United States), with few options in the Middle East. In the face of Bashar al-Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons, we would have an obligation to act in defense of international law. Moreover, the U.S. has a historical and moral obligation to defend the innocent against the tyrants and despots of the world. That said, our government also has a constitutional responsibility to “We the People” to explain its actions, then proceed as expeditiously and safely as possible.

As a side note, I would disagree with Bill O’Reilly when he “bloviates” about the “conspiratorial” opinions of some on the right, as I have yet to hear the Administration provide (solid) evidence/intelligence beyond a single intercepted phone call as to the origin of the gas attack. Once again, the time wasted talking about “red lines” and the like, has actually blurred those lines and made it virtually impossible to find a “prudent” way forward. I simply can’t help but feel that no good will come of this political exercise in place of true leadership.

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“All red lines have been crossed”…


082113_an_vittert2_640The President is off on yet another campaign bus trip. So pre-occupied with damage control as his “college try” domestic agenda collapses around him, the POTUS has now completely backed himself into a corner on foreign policy. Egypt’s al-Sisi is telling the U.S. you’re either with us or against us, and he has the Saudi’s as backup. Iran continues its march toward nuclear weapons at a pace far more aggressive than when Mr. Obama was sworn in. Israel has pretty much accepted that all bets are off until 2016. And most disturbing of all, the pictures now emerging out of Syria clearly demonstrate the very real consequences of indecision and inexperience as opposed to common sense and a fundamental understanding of America’s critical role in the world.

I must warn all of you, the video attached to this post is difficult to watch, but should serve as a wakeup call to Americans of all political stripes. The President of the United States has badly miscalculated on so many fronts. His callous and unshakable adherence to ideology over truth and reason can now officially be measured in the loss of human life. Innocent children are gasping for air and reaching for help as America stands idly by, paralyzed by a lack of firm leadership and the steady hand of freedoms confidence.

I have always tempered my opinions in a political sense in order to foster the kind of debate I believe the founders would have been proud of. But it is becoming increasingly difficult to view this President’s application of his sacred office as anything but the efforts of a man clearly out of his league.

Oh God, please help these little ones….


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Blood Brotherhood…


MuslimBrotherhood-NoDemocracyJustIslamI don’t often re-post on a topic unless there is new information and/or factors which justify the additional ink. In the case of my last article however, there seems to be some confusion regarding my position on the power struggle going on in Egypt. Judging by some of my email, a few folks apparently feel as though I’m coming down on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact I have studied the Egyptian terrorist organization in detail for many years now and could probably enlighten many of my readers as to the origins and intent of this group, which basically gave birth to the modern al-Qaeda doctrine and is now active in 70 countries.

The only point I was attempting to make was that it’s unlikely we will ever have true friends in the Islamic world, as even someone of General al-Sisi’s presumed military position of objectivity, views the U.S. as not in line with their foundational “Caliphate” belief system. Moreover, this ideology is sacred ground for these people and should never be lost on our own leadership when and wherever international “diplomacy” is concerned. But “let me be clear”, I believe without reservation that Morsi and his band of freedom haters and murderers belong in prison or dead, and absolutely nowhere close to any seat of power. Consequently, I support the “present” efforts of General al-Sisi in the hope he will hold elections at the earliest possible juncture, so the people of Egypt may take another swing at representative government, (having now tasted the true Morsi doctrine)…

It should be noted that my observations for the earlier post were based primarily on our Presidents propensity to speak regularly out of both sides of his mouth, thus leaving our nation with little in the way of options, internationally and/or domestically. Only by way of steadfast leadership and consistency on the issues could we have hoped to keep a financial stake in this critical Middle East chess game. Sadly, Saudi Arabia has already moved to checkmate, and to the tune of about $11-billion dollars more than we are giving (or not giving).

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The New Egyptian Strong Man…



(“Whereas Americans believe in “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” Islamic cultures cling to principles of “fairness, justice, equality, unity, and charity,” he argued. Americans look to their republic’s Founding Fathers for guidance; Muslims cherish the memory of the ancient caliphate. However, “this does not mean a theocracy will be established.”)

Outside his very official, and dare I say impeccable uniform, Egyptian Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is a very unassuming character. Selected to attend the U.S. Army War College in 2006, al-Sisi was described by his classmates as non-confrontational but always ready to debate. It’s unlikely even one of them would have predicted he would become Egypt’s new leader. Well that is the reality and I think it’s important to take note of who he is, not just because of his ascension to power in the vacuum of the ousted Morsi, but rather because of the clues which are now giving us insight into al-Sisi the man. The passage above, taken from a thesis paper he submitted at the War College, only reaffirms my belief that there will never be a stable and lasting peace between our country and nations which frame their governments in the “caliphate” model. The contradiction in the quote reflects what, in one form or another, you will here in every statement made by Islamic leaders the world over. (Individual human freedom is bad, and supreme religious/political leadership/oversight is altogether necessary and good.) Do not be fooled people. The “mindset” remains whether it’s channeled through an Imam or a military General. “It is our way or no way.”

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out for the Obama Administration, and who they eventually support. That said, the best “We the People” may hope for is an uncomfortable relationship, fostered for the purpose of maintaining what remains a precarious at best status-quo peace in the Middle-East. In the interim, and in view of the escalating violence, all U.S. aid to Egypt must stop now.

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Derisive is as derisive does…


When the President set out on his apology tour back in 08, many of us warned about the pitfalls of “college diplomacy” as I’ve come to call it. College or classroom diplomacy is the premature application of untried and ideological foreign and domestic policy initiatives, which end up creating dangerous and unstable conditions, (intended and unintended). It is one thing to have an opinion on the issues of our time, but “We the People” are now learning what happens when partisan ideologues are given the keys to the store.

Diplomacy in action...

Diplomacy in action…

President Obama has gotten himself about as jammed up as he could possibly be, continuing to ride the middle rail on just about every problematic issue he faces abroad. His lack of commitment to the fundamental principles of liberty which have stood as the cornerstone of American foreign policy for generations, has diminished not only his own international standing, but that of our country as a whole. This couldn’t have come at a worse time, as we face a global enemy with many faces and zero regard for human life. Consequently, friends and enemies are difficult to distinguish and shooting from the hip while jet-setting on Martha’s Vineyard simply won’t do.

There is a certain irony to the events unfolding in Egypt however. We all remember Mr. Obama speaking early and often in his presidency about American arrogance and “derisiveness”, basically reaffirming his revisionist view of American influence overseas. The problem comes when many of the nations who were listening to the POTUS, whether wishing us well or ill, have examined our current posture and now view the United States as both financially and diplomatically impotent in every way, a vacuum the Chinese and Russians are happy to fill I would add. Worse yet, reports are coming in that Muslim Brotherhood radicals in Egypt are using the “Morsi” chaos as cover to burn churches and kill Christians. I’d say it’s time to turn the page on Obama diplomacy, and fast…

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Officer “Liesalot”…



Not sure I like the question...

Not sure I like the question…

It’s pretty clear the Justice Department is spending much of its time these days creating situations which portray the Attorney General as engaged and effective, while simultaneously diverting attention away for his incompetent and even illegal action while in office. Unfortunately these new guidelines for low-level drug offenders he’s been touting recently, are as superficial and misguided as the numbers he’s using to justify them. Not only did Eric Holder completely misrepresent and basically bungle the drug use stats for the last fifty years, but he did so under the guise that this latest “44 hippie initiative” would somehow improve conditions created by the cancer that is illegal drugs in our country today.

Putting aside the AG’s inaccurate numbers for just a minute, this sort of foolishness wouldn’t be half as hard to take if the man proposing the solutions actually served one day in uniform as a police officer. I mean, does it bother anyone else that the “chief law enforcement officer in the land” was never even a law enforcement officer???

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The Crown President of the United States…


obama01_16773717I think it’s fair to say the founding documents spell out the separation of powers within the branches of government, and highlight the checks and balances necessary to make sure “We the People” are fairly represented. I think it’s also fair to say the President doesn’t think much of that arrangement.

Opining on the issues can be exhilarating and challenging at times. Debating the politics of those issues is one of the special occurrences which make this country unique. The conversation goes astray however, when someone demonstrates a lack of understanding for even the most fundamental tenets of our national heritage. This can make bipartisan cooperation difficult, as I have always believed patriotism to be a necessary component of the American political system. Moreover, a healthy respect and appreciation for the reasons we may freely engage in such activity, is paramount to any suitable outcome.

So when I hear the President of the United States tell an audience about how anxious and even happy he is to sidestep Congress at every possible juncture, it concerns me. Now we understand there will always be some party posturing at the White house as well as on Capitol Hill. But it’s altogether disconcerting how often this President speaks of Congress as nothing but an impediment to him “personally”, as if anointed with some powers outside of those granted him constitutionally. Even his tone is confrontational and not what one would expect from a politician whose approval ratings appear to be sliding with ever-increasing speed.

Regrettably, I believe that for all his supposed scholarly aptitude, President Barack Obama either doesn’t get it, or simply doesn’t like it. Five years in, I think it’s both…

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Forbidden Fruit…


apple-company-productsMy son’s iPhone landed in a bucket of water recently, and please don’t ask how… Nevertheless, I wound up at my local “Apple Store” for the first time and was stunned by the size of the crowd. It looked like they were giving away Springsteen tickets, (not that I would want any). After being afforded a place in line even though I bungled the reservation portion of my visit, the representatives were exceedingly professional and the service unequaled. I left a very satisfied customer and with a peculiar sense of pride in the story of this great company. Admittedly I was not always a fan. But the synergy and compatibility factors I’ve enjoyed using Apple products have made me a believer. This is almost an oddity it seems as most Apple users identify as Liberal and Android users as Conservative. That night I began to think about Apple Inc. in terms of recent financial news concerning the computer and cell-phone giant.

Steve Jobs was not a Conservative to be sure. But he was a masterful businessman who understood his trade and the free market economy which clearly facilitated his company’s meteoric rise. I’ve watched “Apple” in one form or another from its inception in the 1970’s, and even argued the case for PC over MAC when I was younger and “less practical”. But it wasn’t until the interaction between Jobs and President Obama, as well as Jobs’ passing that I began to understand the “politics of Apple”.

Inevitably, a business started in the family garage and which now boasts 73 percent of every profit dollar as capital in the form of spendable cash, definitely has the government’s full attention. In the case of the current Administration, they could certainly take a page from that success and apply it to their own failures, sort of like economic penicillin to the infection of ideological stupidity. Apple clearly represents everything a true Liberal/Progressive hates, namely the entrepreneurial spirit and hard work which often results in the realization of one’s dreams and success in the private sector. Consequently, this has to explain recent Wall Street analysts cloak and dagger approach to Apple’s perceived market shakiness. Frankly, the idea that companies like Amazon are seen as good investment opportunities in spite of their lack luster profit performance is somewhat puzzling to me. It’s understood that a good investor is looking for growth potential as a reason to buy longer term, but it seems a company which repeatedly breaks profit margin records, and holds at least a 16-17 percent market share of a cell-phone product dominated in numbers by their competitors, wouldn’t be a bad choice either.

While this may not seem a post you would expect from someone who can’t even afford Apple stock, I believe it speaks to the bigger picture of what some see as the job killing/anti-business climate of the Obama Presidency. When a rock solid and truly profitable company doesn’t meet the overblown and manipulated issuances/speculations of some fast-talking office analyst, seeking only to validate a market propped up by tax payer “stimulus” and worthless government paper, it makes me wonder if some folks might not actually be rooting for Apple’s demise, worse yet the demise of individual success itself…

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Mission accomplished???


Nidal Hasan

I’m sure even the President’s most committed critics could not have imagined some of what has transpired over the past five years. Notably, I think Mr. Obama’s legacy in terms of the economy is striking, as his policies are now rightfully associated with what is being described as “the new norm”. Mediocrity is the word for the times, and a diminished sense of ones aspirations and expectations seems in lock-step with an overall national mood of pessimism and uncertainty. That said it’s important we not forget the many promises bandied about by candidate and ultimately President Barack Obama regarding U.S. foreign policy as well.

Having been highly critical of what Liberals branded the “cowboy diplomacy” of Bush 43, President Obama enthusiastically promoted a more “head bowed” approach to dealing with America’s enemies, while simultaneously sidestepping her allies. Consequently, those who wish us ill will are emboldened as they haven’t been in decades. The 2012 Presidential contest saw Incumbent Obama boasting of a mortally wounded al-Qaeda and room temperature bin Laden, when in fact what we actually have is an inspired al-Qaeda networking internationally in ways that would make Wall Street envious. Numerous close calls, a successful home-grown effort, and a murdered American diplomat who may have been facilitating arms deals with rebels, leaves one wondering exactly WTH is going on over at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Throw in the Justice Department’s disturbing propensity to inject civilian criminal applications into crystal clear acts of terror such as the Fort Hood Massacre, and I’m further convinced of either the Obama Administration’s gross incompetence or worse yet, purposeful intent to undermine this great nation…

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Fire up those drones…


Ayman al-Zawahiri

In what may be an effort to politicize/portray their response to the latest terror threat in a favorable light, it appears there’s been yet another “leak” of highly classified information. FOX News is now confirming NSA surveillance operations picked up and monitored a cell call between al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and his counterpart in Yemen. Now why in the world would we want that out there? Could it be someone is trying to make the case for NSA spying even though this was an overseas call? Is the Administration attempting to highlight their “amended” policies in the wake of the Benghazi nightmare? Or worse yet, is this terror alert being used as one big distraction away from a spiraling “second term”?

Look, you will not find a more ardent defender of our government’s efforts to protect “We the People” from our enemies. In fact, this is one of the fundamental and Constitutional responsibilities of our elected government. With that said, I find it peculiar as all get out, that when “the most significant threat analysis since 9/11” was made public, it was apparently being handled by Administration underlings while the POTUS was on the “back nine”.

So as I wait and observe what looks like another self-serving/college thesis approach to critical matters of governing, I must admit it’s a bit unsettling to know these folks are in charge…

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us-bureau-of-labor-statisticsI was chatting with a Liberal friend recently who chuckled and reminded me how the stock market was “roaring” under Obama, at which point I promptly schooled him on what that really meant. Unfortunately, I couldn’t just stop at unsustainably low fed rates, grossly overvalued paper without tangible collateral/capital to back it up, and a propped up housing market. So I quickly moved on to the true measure of any economic recovery, jobs…

Context: If we assume a labor participation rate of about 67.5 percent (It’s actually more like 63.4 percent, but those figures aren’t official yet.), the American economy needs to create around 125,000 jobs per month simply to keep up with population growth. The Obama economy created approximately 162,000 jobs last month. This is anemic at best. Now let’s have a look at those jobs. As a result of new taxes, regulations, the uncertainty of Obamacare, and massive federal debt, nearly 60 percent of those jobs were part-time. Additionally, the civilian labor force declined by 37,000 while 240,000 joined the ranks of those “not in the labor force” collective, a number now just shy of 90 million. How may we ever expect a better future for our children when our economy is generating third world numbers like these. Could this be the new norm? Will this President’s legacy be to accomplish by way of economic ruination, what history’s most diabolical tyrants were unable to accomplish by force?

During the Reagan recovery, the country saw job creation reaching 340,000 per month at one point, and all on the foundation of a (growing not declining labor participation rate). This meant that companies had the confidence to expand operations and hire full-time workers who in turn fed the tax rolls accordingly. Reagan made mistakes as any president does, but he understood and applied free market economic principles to get the country moving in the right direction. Moreover, he brought us together in that effort and made Americans proud again.

Anyway, I asked my Liberal friend if this is the United States he wants for his little girl. He shrugged off my question and launched into yet another one of his tirades about how, “if it weren’t for Bush”…… Sigh…… Maybe next time….


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That’s fifty more than Solyndra Mr. President…


Barack Obama, Joe Manchin IIIWhen the President of the United States jokes about the creation of sorely needed jobs in this country, it speaks to an almost palpable, albeit foolish reluctance to engage in any meaningful debate on the matter. In the case of the “Keystone XL Pipeline” initiative, he’s clearly more than just uniformed. More specifically, it appears that in an effort to pump up his Lefty green fringe, Mr. Obama is just plain lying…

Listening to the rhetoric of a POTUS obviously very comfortable in his second term skin, is like hearing the sound of a jumbo jet landing in your back yard, and with Barack Obama at the yoke. This can only mean that reasonable debate concerning the accurate cost/benefit ratios of Keystone overall is simply no longer possible. Moreover, the only way folks will be able to take advantage of this wide-ranging opportunity, is if the political opposition backs the President into the proverbial time-out corner.

I must admit though, watching the likes of Coal Country Senator Joe Manchin navigate being a Democrat in the Obama green years is entertaining to say the least.


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Hillary The Movie…

"What does it matter?!"

“What does it matter?!”

I think it was “Healthcare 93” when I first started paying attention to the notion Hillary Rodham Clinton had bigger plans than just being married to Bill. It concerned me then as the politically ambitious First Lady was already demonstrating an aggressive “take no prisoners” approach to Liberal and modern progressive politics.

From the “Whitewater”, “Travel-gate”, “Cattle Futures-gate” and “File-gate” era, on through the monetary sanctions eventually leveled against the Clinton Administration in 97 for attempting to conceal her “Healthcare Task Forces” efforts, and finally to the list of her mishaps and manipulations regarding sexual harassment rank within her own department and the blood spattered lies of Benghazi, this women has to be the poster child for government run-amok, and the quintessential example of someone “We the People” shouldn’t consider for dog catcher, never mind high political office. (All due respect to the necessary efforts of decent and law abiding animal control officers around the country).

Considering the facts as they are, and the track record of the “Big Three” when it comes to the Clintons, I think it highly unlikely we may expect a “fair and balanced” critique of Mrs. Clinton’s political life from the folks at NBC. Nevertheless, countering their inevitable end-run around the reality of Hillary’s shady past will be almost effortless. The question between now and Hillary possibly realizing her lifelong ambition to be our first woman President is, will “We the People” once again be duped and punished by media-packaged propaganda at the expense of “truth and reason”.

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My future for yours…


Marine Lance Corporal Chance Russell Phelps

I absolutely love watching movies on my iPhone. So last night I decided to watch “Taking Chance”- again. The movie is a poignant and true account of the journey home for Marine Lance Corporal Chance Russell Phelps, killed in action during Operation Iraqi Freedom on Good Friday in 2004. I’m sure I’ve written of the story before, but it begs restating the cost of freedom every time I see it. Moreover, it’s one of those “home school” teachable moments I wrote about in yesterdays article on education.

The story line follows Marine Lieutenant Colonel Mike Strobl as he volunteers to escort Phelps remains from Dover AFB back to Wyoming for burial. Historically accurate in every way having to do with the intricate and detailed physical care, respect and honor afforded our nations heroes when they make their final trip home, “Taking Chance” also delves into the sudden and unfiltered emotion of civilians along the way who are touched when confronted with the cost of freedom. It simply cannot be said enough. There is something unique and unequaled about a nation whose volunteer men and women are prepared to forego their own futures if need be, for the sake of their country and their countrymen.

I’m always a little embarrassed to admit being brought to tears during the closing scene which includes pictures of Chance as a little boy. It is at that point I’m reminded why I feel so strongly about what I write, and also why it’s so important that my boy understand the monumental sacrifices made in his name.

God please continue to bless all those fighting and dying in our stead, and their families. It is truly a debt which can never be paid.

Please support “The Wounded Warrior Project”.


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Parents passing the buck???


graduation_capThere will always be ideological disagreement. It’s one of many benefits of liberty, the right of free speech and debate. I remain convinced those rights carry responsibility as well. Nevertheless, I continue to search for the reason why our nation is in such cultural and economic decline. I keep coming back to the fact there are likely many reasons. But a conversation with an acquaintance recently set me about considering one very important thing which seems to be at the root of our national dilemma. The conversation was long but predictably kept coming back to “education”. Now before all my Liberal friends start on me about education funding, teachers unions and the like, that’s not the education I’m talking about.

“John” and his wife are the quintessential Americans who worked long and hard, sacrificing and saving for the future they now enjoy, the values and work ethic of their parents deeply embedded in every decision along the way. As “John” and I navigated our ideological differences in terms of the current political climate, it became clear to us that many parents today are not teaching their children some of the very simple tenets of the American dream that we were taught, but rather instilling a sense of “American entitlement” if you will, into their psyche thus limiting their potential. The notion that a laundry list of college loans, along with the ramblings of a professor who has no clue what the world outside academia looks like will somehow be enough, is now being crushed by the reality of life in 21st Century America for so many college grads.

Politics aside, the values of hard work, integrity and ethics in the “real world” seem largely things of the past. The selective and revisionist use of our founding principles as shields against the fundamental truths of freedom eventually translates into nothing more than a lot of excuses for some. We have allowed politicians and the media to warp “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” into “blame, entitlement and the pursuit of mediocrity“. Parents have abandoned their moral responsibility to their children by entrusting their futures simply to “secondary and higher education”, often at the expense of “home schooled” accountability, reality and reason. Consequently, many in the education system today lack even the most basic skill set for success. When combined with manufactured obstacles placed at the feet of those less fortunate by greedy demagogues in positions of influence, this politically induced complacency becomes the recipe for disaster which has been the cause of unrest and upheaval for millennia around the globe.

Education has come to mean different things to different people. Politicians endlessly throw money at it as if it were a wishing well. The word itself is bandied about as a magical cure all to everything that ails us. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. While I continue to support the notion of education as a necessary albeit partial pathway to success, that success only comes when the “educated” are also equipped with the fundamental understanding that no one is going to make your way for you, and that life is not always a bowl of cherries, but if you avoid the pits you are less likely to break a tooth.

“life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” does not always mean things work out exactly as planned, but rather it may be necessary to adapt, overcome and improvise by way of principle and personal exceptionalism, another way forward in a country which embraces and defends the freedom to make of yourself what you wish. All the “secondary and higher education” in the world can’t teach you that, but good parents and a good old-fashioned American “Constitution” can. In the end, it may be all “We the People” leave posterity.

Parents, here are some definitions of education to consider:

Education – The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for a mature life.

Education –  In its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.

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“Phony scandals”???

Pay no attention to the scandal behind the curtain...

Pay no attention to the scandal behind the curtain…

I was not surprised to hear the President “pivot” to the economy again in the face of some declining approval ratings, but this time was a little more annoying. It’s no longer enough to point out the paper tiger economy this Administration holds up as economic recovery, but rather we must now highlight Mr. Obama’s “audacity” as he goes one step further. So let me understand this, the political opposition are simply “obstructionist”, and legitimate debate about your Administration’s handling of critical matters are “phony scandals”. This is truly a man in denial.

In what can only be described as chilling testimony recently, IRS Lawyer Carter Hull pointed the finger at one of only two high-level presidential “appointees” to the agency, IRS Chief Counsel William Wilkins, as overseeing the singling out of Conservative groups for additional IRS scrutiny. (No scandal here.) Additionally, it is now known that the NSA surveillance program, as approved by President Obama not President Bush, was far broader and less supervised than originally thought, and that state department offices charged with overseeing components of the program were described by federal oversight committees as “in chaos”. (Nothing to see about your privacy here folks.) And finally, survivors of the Benghazi attack, which left a U.S. Diplomat, one attaché, and two security detail former Navy Seals murdered, were asked to sign “non-disclosure agreements” effectively muzzling them before Congress. (“What does it matter???”)

Mr. President, it’s not so much the obvious and calculated effort to deceive, but rather your assumption we don’t see right through that “phony speech” you made yesterday…

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“Hitting the nail on the head”…

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O’Reilly

Bill O’Reilly is leading the way in the cable news network wars to be sure, and has been for some time. He is obviously an intelligent man with an all-American background through which he filters much of his commentary. While there are times Id’ like to climb through the television screen and shake some sense into him, I rarely miss his show. With that said, I was not surprised to hear his commentary on race relations in our country today. In complete O’Reilly fashion, he methodically shredded the arguments of those within the “race industry” (which requires white racism to exist), and soared to a deafening finish with a cold hard blast of reality. In the end, no words of mine will suffice in terms of augmenting what he said in the video link below. So I only ask that if you truly want to understand the state of race relations in the 21st century, and if you have the intestinal fortitude, please take a moment and watch Bill hit the proverbial nail right on the head. Be forewarned however those who live outside of reality, this video contains undeniable and indisputable “truth”. You may be offended…


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The “Presidential Seal” on race…


“Out of many, one.” Mr. President…

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee summed it up best today when he said the President “missed another opportunity to bring the issue of race into context”.

Not long after Barack Obama’s first election I wrote about how I didn’t vote for him but how I hoped he’d recognize the significance of his achievement, and not squander an extraordinary opportunity to unite all Americans in a way that would have made Dr. King proud. Yesterday he confirmed my belief that he will instead, continue to use race as a means to divide “We the People” along ideological lines. With all due respect to the office, Barack Obama the man has proved incapable of reconciling our past with our progress, and has yet to fully understand the power and influence of his station. He has on many occasions now, chosen to interject the vastness of the American Presidency into the minutia of local government with potentially catastrophic consequences. Regardless of Mr. Obama’s life experience, he is no longer an “average American” and must understand people don’ t see him in that way. The President of the United States may certainly consider the things he’s learned in his life to help formulate the manner in which he will govern, but must also use extreme caution when inserting himself (personally) into any political debate, especially one so explosive as race. Moreover, he must recognize his responsibility to be “President of all the people” and not allow his personal bias to show through as he did in the White House Press Briefing Room yesterday.

In just over 17 minutes, President Barack Obama took a state level murder trial which even the prosecution in the case repeatedly reminded the jury was “not about race”, and made it exclusively about race by affixing the Presidential Seal to it. He offered concerns for the Martin family but none for the Zimmerman’s. He spoke of process and then questioned that process almost in the same breath. And as he has done so often in such matters, the President selectively introduced inflammatory suggestions for the medias veracious consumption with no explanation and without answering a single question regarding his motives.

I believe with absolute certainty that the blood which runs in my veins is of the same color, consistency and basic chemical make-up of any human being on planet earth, and that the second paragraph in our Declaration of Independence is a reiteration of what we all know to be true in our hearts. Regrettably, I also believe that the twice elected 44th President of the United States either does not understand or chooses to ignore the aforementioned truths for the sake of personal and professional ideology. These are not good times for America…


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Leno he’s not…


widemodern_obama_071813620x413I’m always a bit troubled when the POTUS attempts a little “stand-up” at pre-determined events for propaganda purposes. Now while I understand Republicans in the House will not be on many Christmas lists this year, it does seem pretty clear that about 60 percent of Americans want to repeal all or at least some of “Obamacare”, and with good reason. 48 of 50 states experiencing dramatic premium increases ahead of a January 1st mandate for the purchase of health insurance whether you want it or not, businesses small and large running for the cover of a reduced work week and even considering downsizing  and layoffs to offset the cost of doing business under “Obamacare”, and “We the People” in general lacking even the most basic confidence that the President’s signature law will make their own health care somehow better. Remarkably, even the big unions have now acknowledged they may have made a huge mistake in supporting 44 on this one.

So as his poll numbers continue to fall, I would caution President Obama about looking into the camera and cracking opposition jokes. Far too many Americans are genuinely concerned about how the so-called “Affordable” Care Act is going to affect their families, and they are not amused. It’s also worth noting that an even greater number are beginning to recognize the ineptitude and arrogance which seem to be hovering over this President and his Administration like an ever-present cloud of reality.

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Justice on trial…

The true faces of racism today...

The true faces of racism today…

A jury of six women took the judge’s instructions, and despite even her best efforts to sway a verdict, they apparently followed those instructions and deliberated on the facts of the case and definitions of the crimes for which George Zimmerman was actually charged. The verdict was just and accurate according to those charges.

As someone who is called a racist daily for disagreeing with the policies of our Commander-in-Chief, it remains confounding to me how that discussion is so often fraught with emotion and misinformation. Accordingly, I would not disagree with the premise that racism (in all its forms), is alive and well in our country. Case in point would be NBC’s obvious attempt to inflame black Americans by manipulating the original 911 call in order to suggest profiling on the part of Zimmerman. Moreover, the President himself fanned the flames of prejudice by injecting his thoughts on how Trayvon Martin looked like the son he never had, an irresponsible action on the part of a man who clearly does not understand the power and influence of his office.

The discussion over the guilt or innocence of Mr. Zimmerman will go on to be sure, and there will be plenty of bloviating on both sides. Regrettably, the many societal circumstances, cultural idiosyncrasies and other mitigating factors which ultimately brought these two individuals together resulting in the death of a 17-year-old young man, will be lost in the haze of uneducated anger and a desire by “some” to foster what divides us instead of what unites us. For my part, I am for the law, and in the case of “State of Florida” vs. George Zimmerman, “State of Florida” failed miserably to prosecute a politically motivated and prematurely brought case.

It will now be interesting to see how AG Holder’s “Justice” Department sees the (also politically charged) and ridiculous notion of bringing “Civil Rights” charges in the matter. Talk about making a bad situation worse…

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Bring back “Pizza Fridays”…


Yum!I was interested to read about the failure of the “Obama school menu” (Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act or HHFK), in the Washington Times this morning. Moreover, I wondered how the “Socialistas” are dealing with the fact the Feds have once again been “schooled” in the minutia of government overreach.

Now you know I see only hypocrisy in any “Michelle Obama Diet plan”. It pretty much falls into the Liberal “do as I say not as I do” column. That said, it appears not only is the program costing local government big money because of federal underfunding and guideline nightmares, but another strange phenomenon is occurring as well. So disgusted with the food are parents and children alike, that they are actually opting out and preparing their children’s lunches for school. Go figure…

Oh it’s another sad day in America when yet another attempt at “government knows better” goes belly up and we are left with the bill. You know, I get a lot of email from brainiacs who think they have all the answers to questions they essentially make up themselves. I say this stuff is pretty simple. Government should not be in the business of subbing in for parents. If the Obama’s want to help hungry children, they ought to quit living like King Louis and Marie Antoinette, park AF-1 for a month, and maybe kick a little back to “We the People” now and then…

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“Rush” Bashing…


“Rush” bashing…

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh has certainly parlayed his Conservative viewpoint into a successful broadcasting career. One could measure that success by how Liberal’s foam at the mouth at the mere mention of his name. Personally, I’ve always framed the popular pundit in the context of his ratings, and any “talent on loan from God”. Many on the Left are so consumed by their disdain for Limbaugh the man, they totally miss the direct connection between their hatred of him and the unparalleled success of his famed EIB Network.

Ironically, some of those same folks invoke Rush’s name when criticizing me and expressing how pleased they would be at our collective demise. To that I would only say, Limbaugh has around 4 million listeners in any 15 minute rating slot, and an estimated core listenership of between 20 and 30 million, so he must be saying something “We the People” want to hear. Moreover there is clearly an entertainment value to his program lost on those whose motives are exclusively to quell any/all opinion but their own.

So, to the “haters” of the First Amendment who continually lump me in with Rush, I guess I’m fine with that…

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Living the numbers…


Youth-UnemploymentRichard Clark, owner of Supreme Janitorial Services in Jacksonville was speaking on one of the weekend news programs Saturday, and described his company as the “proverbial poster child” for the impending disaster that is “Obamacare”. A typical small business owner about to be pummeled by the mandates, taxes and fines of the “Affordable” Care Act, was very candid about not being able to hire full-time workers because of the staggering costs associated with the President’s signature law. He went on to say the recent implementation “delay” was nothing more than a political stunt, fueling the uncertainty which any economist worth his paycheck would tell you is kryptonite to small business.

I watched that segment while digesting some of the jobs and growth data which came out at the end of the week, and I was struck by a couple of ironies. The unemployment rate remains a reflection of how the numbers are calculated, persistent “underemployment”, and a critically high youth unemployment number of about 16 percent. Moreover, those same numbers continue to drive the market as the “Fed stimulus” lives or dies by any fluctuation. Make no mistake, our economy is a shadow of its former being, sputtering on fumes in the tank of ideological foolishness. The notion that it is somehow showing “resilience” is unrealistic and a fools play to be sure. Repeal “Obamacare” now, and unchain our nations free market economy so “We the People” may have real recovery! This classroom experiment has failed…

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So much for the “Obama Spring”…

Mohamed Morsi

Mohamed Morsi

Economics drive politics to be sure, and while the Islamic movement remains a political force in Egypt, matters of the wallet and pocket-book will always rule the day. The Egyptian culture is as diverse as any, and they are a proud people. Hosni Mubarak knew this and maintained his grip on power for 29 years because he embraced the need for individual profits as a means to keep a lid on dissention. Some would argue (including me), that his promotion of private over the public sector brought about Egypt’s best days. It was not until there was economic strife such that it allowed light to shine on more problematic issues like human rights and police brutality under his rule, that Mubarak’s hold on government was finally compromised. The latest and now former Egyptian President forgot this basic principle out of the gate, and while he won more votes in a popular election, Egypt’s young and middle class working stiffs quickly tired of “hope and change Morsi style”. Sharia Law is the last thing on the mind of a parent without enough food for their children to eat.

Ironically, the Muslim Brotherhood is now in the unenviable position of defending the very thing they hate most in the world, Democracy. Moreover, the Obama Administration’s often ambiguous at best approach to the turmoil in Egypt has left few on the international scene confident the United States has any leverage left in the Middle East.

Posted in "Patriot64", Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, International, Politics, Terrorism, United Nations | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Almost there…


Hello “Patriot64″ readers and fans. We will finally be transitioning to the site application of simply www.patriot64.com. It has been under construction for a while and should be ready for full release in the next few weeks. Don’t worry, when it goes on-line you will automatically be redirected from the old blog site which will remain active as an archive. We ask that you register and bookmark the new site also for your convenience. Thanks for being part of the discussion and we hope you enjoy “patriot64.com”. Remember, “truth and reason first”… Spread the word…

About patriot64 –

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Constitutional Conservative who hails from the very blue state of Rhode Island. His articles have appeared in print around the world and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella has used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…   

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